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Battlefield 2077 (Early Access) - Information Thread, update - RIP in Peace, support for 128 players in all future maps from Season 2 onwards

Commissar SFLUFAN

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Playing the full game has not changed my mind since the beta. This is by far the worst battlefield ive ever played. The only saving grace is portal. It was cool to jump in to the older games and play, esp 1942…but im not paying 70 for that. Ill wait until this is in the 30 range. 

theres just so much bad, im having a hard time figuring out what I think is good. thank you gamepass/ea for the free 10hr trial. 







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Had no idea this was included for 10 hours with gamepass, actually I guess I know that’s how ea play works but just forgot. Anyway that’s neat, I just wanted to check out the tech. If I play a multiplayer game more than 10 hours it’ll be my most played multiplayer game since Bad Company 2.

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

I've read reviews and apparently this game has multiple flaws. Really disappointing because this was a mp game I was willing to try out. Screw it now.


Check my post, did you know you can play it for 10 hours free with game pass? Might as well try it for free, some people are liking it.

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30 minutes ago, stepee said:


Check my post, did you know you can play it for 10 hours free with game pass? Might as well try it for free, some people are liking it.


I did not know that. I will absolutely play it for free especially for 10 hours. Yea, who knows, I may like it. 

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2 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I did not know that. I will absolutely play it for free especially for 10 hours. Yea, who knows, I may like it. 

Be aware it is causing some issues for players


Some Xbox Series X players can’t even finish a game without the console shutting down


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I've only put in about 2 hours or so. Definitely a weird game for me to describe. There are times where I just don't feel connected to what's going on. It's 128 players and a giant map but it just doesn't feel like it. I can jump into a helicopter and fly around, and it feels like there is about 20 players max on the whole level. Then you land and it just feels like people pop up out of nowhere and you're dead.  Or it can suddenly turn so chaotic, no matter how good you are, enemies come at you from every angle and you don't stand a chance. So you just kind of look at the spawn map and think "huh I guess I'll see what happens over here". 

And even from the beta, I just can NOT get used to trying to switch characters and weapons. Maybe its easier on pc with a mouse. Here's a random screenshot from the internet:


Like in the heat of the moment, I want to quickly change something and respawn, the way this is set up just doesn't vibe with me on a controller. There's too much up/down/left/right /L1/R1 going on. 

The Bad Company 2 level I played last night felt really good though. I'll definitely be playing that more. 

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I had to google how to turn off crossplay on the Xbox. I have absolutely zero desire to play with PC players and the first two matches reminded me why. I'm on a Series S and don't really want to be facing off against 120fps and mouse-accuracy.


I agree with @DarkStar189 though. It's weird to describe but nothing I did really seemed to matter. I'd almost rather go back to 32-player Battlefield 4.

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Just do Bad Company 2 and make it pretty, literally all anyone wants at this point.


lol so I was about to go in here and rip it for basically performing so bad it was almost unplayable at times. Then I exited it and realized I still had Forza Horizon 5 running.


I only played a bit and it does looks fucking good but yeah even in that little bit I can see what people are saying where there is kind of too much and also nothing going on at once.


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I'm sure quite a few of these issues will be solved by Friday for the game's actual release, and not this early access BS. Seriously, never buy a version of a multiplayer game that has "Early Launch" as one of its features because it's basically the team using that extra week or whatever to get early testing and feedback for a day one patch. Whenever I see a special edition of a game offer to play the game early, I don't see that as a bonus feature, I see that as a warning. 


I'll still be playing this game come Friday. I'll judge for myself how the specialists and whatnot work. At the very least with Portal if you don't like the specialists, you could create a Portal mode that uses the traditional classes on the new maps with 128 players. 

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1 hour ago, stepee said:

Just do Bad Company 2 and make it pretty, literally all anyone wants at this point.


lol so I was about to go in here and rip it for basically performing so bad it was almost unplayable at times. Then I exited it and realized I still had Forza Horizon 5 running.


I only played a bit and it does looks fucking good but yeah even in that little bit I can see what people are saying where there is kind of too much and also nothing going on at once.



As a BF player since 1942 BC is when consoleitis started hitting the series.


I'm qctually enjoying it. I had to turn off cross play because it seems buggy but since then have been enjoying it. The guns seem less accurate then in beta but I don't know if it's because they changed something or we had the best mods in beta automatically. Breakthrough is alot of fun. However the maps are a problem too much vertically and not enough cover. Breakthrough is pretty hard because of lack of cover, two equally sized teams, and the lack of BFV call ins like smoke, arty, and heavy assault tanks.


Also LOL no voice chat initially. DICE is ridiculous. BFV died for this and it's pretty buggy and missing BFV's good features.

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7 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


As a BF player since 1942 BC is when consoleitis started hitting the series.


I'm qctually enjoying it. I had to turn off cross play because it seems buggy but since then have been enjoying it. The guns seem less accurate then in beta but I don't know if it's because they changed something or we had the best mods in beta automatically. Breakthrough is alot of fun. However the maps are a problem too much vertically and not enough cover. Breakthrough is pretty hard because of lack of cover, two equally sized teams, and the lack of BFV call ins like smoke, arty, and heavy assault tanks.


Also LOL no voice chat initially. DICE is ridiculous. BFV died for this and it's pretty buggy and missing BFV's good features.


But Bad Company was Battlefield for console. That was what was great about it. DICE tailored the game to best fit the 360 and PS3's limitations, and imo it was a better game for it. The maps might have been small but they were very well thought out (and destructible).


The biggest problem I'm having with BF2042 is that they did just what I was fearing; they made big ass maps for the sake of big ass maps. There's no flow to them and most of the flags are so vulnerable it's practically impossible to defend them. My rotation sucked so I only got to experience maybe four of the maps and I can't say any of them felt "good." 


It usually takes a little while for me to get a feel for a new Battlefield, but I''ve always been willing to give it that time investment. Playing this one and I'm not even wanting to stick with it long enough to get good. I'm not feeling this one at all.

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1 hour ago, Brick said:

I'm sure quite a few of these issues will be solved by Friday for the game's actual release, and not this early access BS.

Not likely, BF series is notorious for taking months to fix shit


37 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

The guns seem less accurate then in beta but I don't know if it's because they changed something or we had the best mods in beta automatically.


They randomized bullet spread, its really bad







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13 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

They randomized bullet spread, its really bad




Randomized bullet spread?? Is that why I can seem to kill anyone? I even loaded up a singleplayer round against bots earlier. I can have an enemy dead in my sights and it seems like the first 2 shots hit, and then I waste a whole clip even if I try tapping the trigger different ways. 

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14 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

Randomized bullet spread?? Is that why I can seem to kill anyone? I even loaded up a singleplayer round against bots earlier. I can have an enemy dead in my sights and it seems like the first 2 shots hit, and then I waste a whole clip even if I try tapping the trigger different ways. 

It isnt just the randomized spread, the hit reg is dumpster fire on a whole other level







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Now that Ive thought about it more…heres why this BF sucks:


as other have mentioned and I stated during the beta thread - the maps as awful. Theres concentrated areas but then vast nothingness between points. So theres almost no incentive to leave a single point if you want to just stay In the action. 128 players dont matter if youre spending 5-10 minutes to run between points and see no one.

The UI is awful. It so convoluted to just and switch classes


the class system is basically gone anyway since gadgets dont seem to be tied to a class. 


no voice chat in an allegedly squad based game. LOL


there are no indicators of who is support for ammo and if you go down, theres no indicator how far away a medic might be. If there is ammo on the ground, its difficult to see. 

they removed a ton of the cool movement they introduced in BFV. The BFV movement felt unique to BF but this game is a straight COD ripoff and a giant step backwards


the in-game attachment wheel for your gun is a giant gimmicy ultra-arcadey piece of shit mechanic. This shouldnt exist. In any capacity. At all. 

graphically its meh. Theres nothing amazing about it and when it does finally look like a BF moment, it lags and i was getting weird texture pop-in that ruined it. 

The brought back random bullet deviation! Everyone hated that!!!  And its really bad in this game way worse than the older games. Im not super great shooting, I think I had a 1.8 K/D in BFV, so Im no slouch either…but I cant fucking hit anyone in this game. And its so bad and the egagements are so far, i was burning through ammo and running out. Now im running around with a fucking pistol trying to find ammo. Thats not fun.

and then…if you do hit some, its fucking hit marker galore. It takes like 7-8 hits to kill someone. Its insane.

compound the random bullet spread, long engagements and low starting ammo with the immediate meta of everyone running armor plates and its like youre in a water gun fight. The armor plates need to go. Or tie them to a specific specialist


And my last point is not specific to this gsme…but ive said it before….consoles need to a way to turn on console-only crossplay. I do not want to play with PC players. Its esp bad in this gsme too. Normally, ive noticed in other games, they try to fill the lobby with console players. You might see a a few random pc players. In this game, it looked like almost half were pc.  With aim-assist being either off or very low in the game, you have no chance of winning against an even semi-competent pc player. 




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13 minutes ago, atom631 said:

Now that Ive thought about it more…heres why this BF sucks:


as other have mentioned and I stated during the beta thread - the maps as awful. Theres concentrated areas but then vast nothingness between points. So theres almost no incentive to leave a single point if you want to just stay In the action. 128 players dont matter if youre spending 5-10 minutes to run between points and see no one.

The UI is awful. It so convoluted to just and switch classes


the class system is basically gone anyway since gadgets dont seem to be tied to a class. 


no voice chat in an allegedly squad based game. LOL


there are no indicators of who is support for ammo and if you go down, theres no indicator how far away a medic might be. If there is ammo on the ground, its difficult to see. 

they removed a ton of the cool movement they introduced in BFV. The BFV movement felt unique to BF but this game is a straight COD ripoff and a giant step backwards


the in-game attachment wheel for your gun is a giant gimmicy ultra-arcadey piece of shit mechanic. This shouldnt exist. In any capacity. At all. 

graphically its meh. Theres nothing amazing about it and when it does finally look like a BF moment, it lags and i was getting weird texture pop-in that ruined it. 

The brought back random bullet deviation! Everyone hated that!!!  And its really bad in this game way worse than the older games. Im not super great shooting, I think I had a 1.8 K/D in BFV, so Im no slouch either…but I cant fucking hit anyone in this game. And its so bad and the egagements are so far, i was burning through ammo and running out. Now im running around with a fucking pistol trying to find ammo. Thats not fun.

and then…if you do hit some, its fucking hit marker galore. It takes like 7-8 hits to kill someone. Its insane.

compound the random bullet spread, long engagements and low starting ammo with the immediate meta of everyone running armor plates and its like youre in a water gun fight. The armor plates need to go. Or tie them to a specific specialist


And my last point is not specific to this gsme…but ive said it before….consoles need to a way to turn on console-only crossplay. I do not want to play with PC players. Its esp bad in this gsme too. Normally, ive noticed in other games, they try to fill the lobby with console players. You might see a a few random pc players. In this game, it looked like almost half were pc.  With aim-assist being either off or very low in the game, you have no chance of winning against an even semi-competent pc player. 




Other than that how are you enjoying the game? lol

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3 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Other than that how are you enjoying the game? lol


Lul. I was hoping to at least try this out but I'm away until Wednesday. From all the shit I'm hearing and reading i guess it doesn't matter. I'm going to wait and see how Halo turns out. :/

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9 hours ago, SimpleG said:

It isnt just the randomized spread, the hit reg is dumpster fire on a whole other level








Intersting. I'm usually way more effective with a DMR but last night i was only getting a few kills per match. I thought i just really sucked but yeah i couldnt hit anyone even at medium range.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

I have to believe this is a case of EA (or Dice higher-ups) meddling with the teams. Mind you, I've also heard that the core of the BF3/4/1 teams are gone, now. Like, how do you launch a BF game without classes, communication, or way to teamplay? Squad play is THE thing that set BF apart from COD and other FPS games.


It's absolutely inexcusable. But, lol, can someone answer my question please. Can you still try this game out for 10 hours even though it's out? I won't be able to try until Thursday so I can’t see for myself. 

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3 hours ago, best3444 said:


It's absolutely inexcusable. But, lol, can someone answer my question please. Can you still try this game out for 10 hours even though it's out? I won't be able to try until Thursday so I can’t see for myself. 


Yes you can.


Also who knew in the year 2042 the most dangerous vehicle is a hovercraft. They are so fast, well armed with an MG on each side and a vulcan cannon, and well armoured enough to survive about 3-4 infantry at rockets.


Edit: I did have a chef's kiss moment where I fired a rocket at one attempting to flee and hit it killing the 3 guys in it.

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