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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., is facing additional allegations of abusing her staff after a report Friday said the presidential candidate berated an aide for forgetting to bring utensils — forcing the lawmaker to eat a salad with a comb.



However, the aide forgot utensils and the flight had none on board, prompting Klobuchar to berate the aide and pull a comb from her bag to eat the salad, the paper reported citing four people familiar with the episode. Klobuchar then directed the aide to clean the comb after she had finished.


NBC News has not confirmed the report.


This is reported by the Times.

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On one hand, berating is bad, but on the other hand, the buffet I had last week ran out of forks, and shit dawg, eating chicken and mostaccioli with a spoon and knife is annoying. I mean WTF, you're a professional caterer. Also, the line splits into two for efficiency, but most trays only have one spoon in them, so there goes that. And then four lines have to merge into one to get drinks, which is only water, and not even with ice!

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10 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Yeah, I heard somewhere that populist progressive policies where Bernie's millions of dollars are almost all from small dollar donations that help the most voters proportionally is a terrible way to run for President.


Oh wait.


There are several of those to choose from.

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The Democratic race looks like it's gonna be one huge clsuterfuck at this point and the effort to drum up controversies around each of them is gonna backfire when people start really saltng each other over their preferred candidate.


We're moving away form debating the merits of their positions and are merely uses memes as shorthand to disavow ,promote or otherwise entertain ourselves.  Unfortunately it's propaganda that seems to work well on older voters.  


That's why I'm choosing to avoid using the medium on social media and here this election cycle.





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3 hours ago, Anathema- said:

There are several of those to choose from.


There are a few honest politicians in the race, I agree: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown. I personally like Sanders the most but all of them are great.


My issues are with the "situational" candidates whose positions change depending on the constituency they're trying to reach: all one need do is look at the voting records and actions of Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Amy Klobuchar to see they are (1) people whose policy positions change back and forth; (2) this is about finding the best candidate for president, not just a "good enough" candidate for president, and shouldn't we all want an honest, consistent politician in office who can handle the job and has policies that will help the most people? 

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I think a lot of people here are going to be very disappointed to see the results of the primary. There are a lot of members of the Democratic Party that aren’t ready for the policies they are proposing and would prefer a Biden like candidate, and yes I’m aware of the polls that show many people like each policy standing on its own ( will be different when proposing the whole package I bet). I think most here and on places like Reddit do not represent the majority of the party. 

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1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:



Something something #metoo bomb waiting to happen.


1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Ah... forgot about that. Biden is a serial rapist or something.


It's not that. There's just no reason to think he has a lock on a field this big.

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37 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

I think a lot of people here are going to be very disappointed to see the results of the primary. There are a lot of members of the Democratic Party that aren’t ready for the policies they are proposing and would prefer a Biden like candidate, and yes I’m aware of the polls that show many people like each policy standing on its own ( will be different when proposing the whole package I bet). I think most here and on places like Reddit do not represent the majority of the party. 


We go through this all the time. "We're not ready for an anti-war candidate like Dean. Let's get somebody who can win like John Kerry. America will love him. Republicans call him a WAFFLER? Ha, Americans gon' be like, 'then bring on the syrup [which the Democratic Leadership Council actually said]'"


The fact is the Democratic Party has gotten more liberal, and people who want a true progressive party continue to take more of a hold on a party that, every time it does the "moderate" thing that Dems are "ready" for, produce really bad policy.

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15 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


We go through this all the time. "We're not ready for an anti-war candidate like Dean. Let's get somebody who can win like John Kerry. America will love him. Republicans call him a WAFFLER? Ha, Americans gon' be like, 'then bring on the syrup [which the Democratic Leadership Council actually said]'"


The fact is the Democratic Party has gotten more liberal, and people who want a true progressive party continue to take more of a hold on a party that, every time it does the "moderate" thing that Dems are "ready" for, produce really bad policy.

So Republicans are adept at ripping apart moderates and portraying them as X, therefore Democrats are ready to nominate Sanders or Warren?  I believe that a lot of Democrats don’t subscribe to their vision. It isn’t about them sacrificing their beliefs for a candidate more likely to win. 

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

So Republicans are adept at ripping apart moderates and portraying them as X, therefore Democrats are ready to nominate Sanders or Warren?  I believe that a lot of Democrats don’t subscribe to their vision. It isn’t about them sacrificing their beliefs for a candidate more likely to win. 


And a lot of Democrats do, more than 20 - 30 years ago. Many progressives continue to change the direction of the party.


But still, that's what I mean: many "moderate" Dems (who are just Democrats who can believe in a billion liberal causes but want to call themselves moderate since they think it sounds better) are not always accepting of the progressive vision, and the Democrats in power are always behind what will eventually be accepted. They're behind the times consistently historically.


  • Progressives had a vision for Civil Rights. Conservatives in the south try to block it and failed. Conservatives were wrong.
  • Progressives thought gays should serve openly. Moderates thought there should be a compromise where they can't actually serve but we won't ask what they are. Conservatives were against the "homosexual agenda." The progressive vision won out years later.
  • Progressives were opposed to the Iraq War. "Moderate" Democrats thought they were far-left and came across as anti-America, so they decided to vote for the war with a skeptical frown on their faces. Conservatives were gung-ho about the war. The progressives were right, and the moderates who didn't subscribe to their vision tarnished the party to the point where it was used against them in the 2016 election by a Republican.
  • Progressives thought gays should legally marry. Moderates thought, "Nah, man and a woman, but let's do what's achievable via civil unions." Now moderates support gay marriage because they had to catch up to progressives.
  • Progressives wanted to go further with the ACA, and moderates/conservatives voted against it. Now, even if you run for the Senate in Alabama, supporting it is a minimum requirement.


It's to the point to me that I'm tired of calling something extreme just because some assholes on TV and Republicans say something is. Just about everything I've believed in that was considered extreme is now considered common sense. And ironically it's those "moderates" who are trying to dictate that, even after calling these things extreme a decade ago.


The only thing extreme, time after time, ends up being what conservatives were thinking at the time.

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18 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


And a lot of Democrats do, more than 20 - 30 years ago. Many progressives continue to change the direction of the party.


But still, that's what I mean: many "moderate" Dems (who are just Democrats who can believe in a billion liberal causes but want to call themselves moderate since they think it sounds better) are not always accepting of the progressive vision, and the Democrats in power are always behind what will eventually be accepted. They're behind the times consistently historically.


  • Progressives have a vision for Civil Rights. Conservatives in the south try to block it and fail. Conservatives were wrong.
  • Progressives thought gays should serve openly. Moderates thought there should be a compromise where they can't actually serve but we won't ask what they are. Conservatives were against the "homosexual agenda." The progressive vision won out years later.
  • Progressives were opposed to the Iraq War. "Moderate" Democrats thought they were far-left and came across as anti-America, so they decided to vote for the war with a skeptical frown on their faces. Conservatives were gung-ho about the war. The progressives were right, and the moderates who didn't subscribe to their vision tarnished the party to the point where it was used against them in the 2016 election by a Republican.
  • Progressives thought gays should legally marry. Moderates thought, "Nah, man and a woman, but let's do what's achievable via civil unions." Now moderates support gay marriage because they had to catch up to progressives.
  • Progressives wanted to go further with the ACA, and moderates/conservatives voted against it. Now, even if you run for the Senate in Alabama, supporting it is a minimum requirement.


It's to the point to me that I'm tired of calling something extreme just because some assholes on TV and Republicans say something is. Just about everything I've believed in that was considered extreme is now considered common sense. And ironically it's those "moderates" who are trying to dictate that, even after calling these things extreme a decade ago. 


I agree with a lot of your post, but I’m still not convinced. I acknowledge that there is a much stronger wing of the Democratic Party which subscribes to democratic socialism or social democracy than before , but it isn’t a majority of the party. Or maybe I’m wrong. The primary will tell us. I was wrong about Beto having as much support as he did in Texas. Perhaps the Dems are ready for Sanders. 


One difference between your history of progressives being correct and the new proposals out of Warren, Sanders, AOC, etc. is the Democratic socialist wing of the party’s proposals require a drastic change in the economic and tax structure of society. The ACA is the only thing that is close to it on your list. 

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4 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


There are a few honest politicians in the race, I agree: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown. I personally like Sanders the most but all of them are great.


My issues are with the "situational" candidates whose positions change depending on the constituency they're trying to reach: all one need do is look at the voting records and actions of Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Amy Klobuchar to see they are (1) people whose policy positions change back and forth; (2) this is about finding the best candidate for president, not just a "good enough" candidate for president, and shouldn't we all want an honest, consistent politician in office who can handle the job and has policies that will help the most people? 



I disagree with Klobuchar.  She's always been just left of center in Minnesota and consistent in that.  She has a pretty high popularity rating across both rural and city voter bases there and has been able to maintain that, which in our current political climate is no easy feat, but there's a lot of overlap with Sherrod Brown which is another great possibility..but he isn't officially in the race at this point.  



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4 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


There are a few honest politicians in the race, I agree: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown. I personally like Sanders the most but all of them are great.


My issues are with the "situational" candidates whose positions change depending on the constituency they're trying to reach: all one need do is look at the voting records and actions of Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Amy Klobuchar to see they are (1) people whose policy positions change back and forth; (2) this is about finding the best candidate for president, not just a "good enough" candidate for president, and shouldn't we all want an honest, consistent politician in office who can handle the job and has policies that will help the most people? 



I disagree with Klobuchar.  She's always been just left of center in Minnesota and consistent in that.  She has a pretty high popularity rating across both rural and city voter bases there and has been able to maintain that, which in our current political climate is no easy feat, but there's a lot of overlap with Sherrod Brown which is another great possibility..but he isn't officially in the race at this point.  



I feel like Biden(if he runs) is gonna end up with Bernie as the last two standing and we get to re-hash Clinton/Sanders.  

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