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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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7 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

yeah let’s not fight for the extremely popular policy

The Bernie supporters argument is only he can do it/be trusted to do it, everyone else is full of shit and can't/won't do it. But if they can't/won't do it as president, what makes you think they can/will in the Senate?


Re: Warren, it's a flat out "she doesn't really mean it and can't be trusted to do it at all so vote Bernie"

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46 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The Bernie supporters argument is only he can do it/be trusted to do it, everyone else is full of shit and can't/won't do it. But if they can't/won't do it as president, what makes you think they can/will in the Senate?


Re: Warren, it's a flat out "she doesn't really mean it and can't be trusted to do it at all so vote Bernie"

Bernie Bros keeping the manufacturers of litmus paper flush with cash? No way.

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I mean, it's definitely possibly to still win if you lose the first few states...but that assumes that you are rising in popularity. If you placed third in IA, second in NH, and then first in the next one, you might have a chance. But if the second-place person wins the first few, then momentum appears on their side, and public perception of momentum is a powerful thing.


Honestly the biggest threat to Warren right now is the chance of Bernie Bros trying to burn her down because Sanders won't win. And yes, I admit that Sanders is more progressive than Warren on a variety of issues. But Warren would be probably the most progressive President in US history for the times she lives in (except maybe FDR), and should be welcomed. But people (especially people who are on the edges of politics) often make perfect the enemy of good.

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49 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

I mean, it's definitely possibly to still win if you lose the first few states...but that assumes that you are rising in popularity. If you placed third in IA, second in NH, and then first in the next one, you might have a chance. But if the second-place person wins the first few, then momentum appears on their side, and public perception of momentum is a powerful thing.


Honestly the biggest threat to Warren right now is the chance of Bernie Bros trying to burn her down because Sanders won't win. And yes, I admit that Sanders is more progressive than Warren on a variety of issues. But Warren would be probably the most progressive President in US history for the times she lives in (except maybe FDR), and should be welcomed. But people (especially people who are on the edges of politics) often make perfect the enemy of good.

As long as she doesn’t end up being another Obama.

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The Democratic field is shrinking. But the number of candidates on the debate stage is about to grow.

At least 12 presidential hopefuls are expected to appear together on a single night at next month’s televised debate in Ohio, Democratic officials said on Friday, contrary to recent speculation that the event might be spread across two days to accommodate the large lineup.

Squeezing a dozen voluble politicians onto one stage could prove unwieldy, with plenty of opportunities for cross talk as lower-polling candidates hunt for what may be their last chance at a national breakout moment. Moderators from CNN and The New York Times, the debate’s co-sponsors, will be tasked with keeping order.

This is so dumb.

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Cory Booker meets the threshold to qualify for the November debate but could still be leaving the race this week.



Booker said he had set the fundraising goal in order to “stay in this race to win the nomination” as his candidacy was “not a vanity play or [about] ego”.


“I’m not going to be in this primary unless I have a viable path to win it,” he said.


The realclearpolitics.com national polling average shows how narrow that path has become.



Booker announced last week that if he did not raise an additional $1.7m by the end of September, he would quit the race. Since then he has raised around $1.5m. Asked on CNN’s State of the Union if the end was nigh, he said: “It could be.”


“But we’ve seen over the last week an avalanche of support. We have nearly 35,000 donors helping us make this goal, we’ve raised $1.5m plus, we’ve actually already crossed the threshold for the November debates of 165,000 unique donors.


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Sanders sets high bar with $25.3 million Q3 haul, Buttigieg falls short of his Q2



The Vermont senator's campaign on Tuesday announced raising a whopping $25.3 million in Q3 -- the largest quarter for any Democratic candidate this year, and a number that, on its own, eclipses Sen. Elizabeth Warren's entire first and second quarters' total.

The Sanders campaign's latest massive third quarter total shows his continued grassroots fundraising power despite recent polling that shows his campaign losing ground to Warren and continuing to trail Joe Biden.



Meanwhile, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg's campaign announced Tuesday morning that the campaign raised $19.1 million in the third quarter, falling short of his $24.8 million second quarter haul that had placed him on top of the Democratic field in the fundraising race.


Around 182,000 new people donated to the campaign in the third quarter, bringing their total unique donors to more than 580,000. The average donation in Q3 was roughly $32, with a total average contribution for the year at $40, according to the campaign.


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