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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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7 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Where are these business loans that don’t require a personal guarantee by the owners?


I lumped together small business loans (which can be tied to the owner), vs larger debt incurred by incorporated companies, as well as general debt accumulated by businesses of all types (purchases based on short-term credit, etc). Obviously the ones that tied to a personal guarantee are going to be more easy to collect...but you can still file for bankruptcy and absolve yourself of much of that repayment. With an incorporated entity, you can (potentially) walk away scott-free. I was just using these as examples to show how with most debt you can walk away from much or all of it, but with student debt you can't.

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12 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

All so they can be indebted to...their own government. At 6+% interest.


This is the part that really gets me. The "interest" the government should receive is in a more prepared society. I lean toward free college, but I think there is at least an argument for it costing something. But even then, the government imposing an interest rate anywhere above inflation is just insane to me.

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Warren and Sanders want to break up big tech. Google employees like the sound of that because they're two of the top three in donations.



But these tech workers don’t hate their jobs. In fact, they think breaking Google up would be good for it.


In interviews with Recode, Google employees (mostly engineers who work on everything from Android to virtual reality) who donated to Sanders and Warren said that breaking up Google could help consumers and spur more tech innovation by allowing for more competition from upstarts. Some even said they thought regulation could force Google itself to return to its startup roots, recreating the bootstrapped work culture that they say enabled the company’s initial success. (Google executives don’t exactly agree.)


Their support for candidates who are critical of Big Tech seems to reflect a broader movement among corporate tech employees who have begun demanding more ethical behavior and policies from their companies. In the past year, many tech employees, particularly at Google, have organized and protested against their own employers over concerns related to sexual harassment policies and controversial defense contracts with the US and foreign governments. In candidates like Warren and Sanders, these employees find an outside voice who similarly views major technology companies’ growing and unprecedented power with a critical lens. And for the first time, companies like Google have become major talking points in the presidential campaign.


Google employee donations:


1. Warren - $87,066

2. Buttigieg - $73,319

3. Sanders - $58,266

4. Harris - $54,845

5. Booker - $23,921


The link shows where all these tech employees are donating. The two "surprises" are Amazon and Microsoft, where Inslee is Number 1 and 2 respectively, but he's the governor of Washington, so that explains those two. 

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17 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


1) You paying for your own debt doesn't mean you understand anyone else's position.


2) I didn't construct a false choice - you have no idea idea what I'm suggesting at all if you think that's the choice I'm presenting. Sounds more like you want my argument to be that false choice so it's easier to argue against me. Plenty of others have already responded to you with what I would say, but you just sound like an asshole given your response. "Emotional politics". Because caring is political.


The "border wall" is a hate monument, given the intent and spirit with which is it being billed. And statistically I'm pretty sure struggling college and post-college grads have a lot less power than the government or banks, so yeah, who has the power in this choice is quite clear, and what freer college intends to help curtail. No one said "college for all" or loan debt forgiveness is all we should do, everyone here wants systemic and institutional changes, but we can do multiple things at once. Again, context is everything.

1) You literally said, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how student loan debt works." My response was to indicate that I'm very familiar with student loan debt. Nowhere did I say I understand everyone else's position. Yet another false construct from you.


2) You also said, "Yes, it's the taxpayers job to help a group of people out of a bad situation. I'm not sure what the problem is with that vs. putting even more into defense spending or ICE or a stupid hate monument." Those sentences imply that our options for government spending are either A) loan forgiveness B) defense C) ICE or D) hate monuments. I responded saying that this was a false choice, because obviously the money could be spent on something that isn't any of those options.


And I love that I'm an asshole for not wanting to pay off other people's loans. Am I an asshole if I'd rather see my taxes go toward something like green tech or cancer research? Is that acceptable? And caring isn't political... until you demand some people give up a bunch of their money to pay for the things YOU care about. When that happens, it's political.

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24 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Lol Rubio and Cruz are the guys Republicans point to to say they're not racist


But he forgot Tim Scott the black senator from SC.


Everyone forgets Tim Scott, I literally don't remember he exists until he gets brought up, I guarantee you I'll have forgotten him again by tomorrow morning. 

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Just now, Jason said:


Everyone forgets Tim Scott, I literally don't remember he exists until he gets brought up, I guarantee you I'll have forgotten him again by tomorrow morning. 

He's the sole guardrail in the Senate from getting overtly racist judges confirmed, like the guy who was a big Jesse helms staffer or supporter

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Tulsi Gabbard: Bashar Assad is 'a brutal dictator'



Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday called Syrian leader Bashar Assad a "brutal dictator" as her previous comments about the leader face increased scrutiny following a breakout performance at Wednesday's Democratic presidential debate.


"He's a brutal dictator. Just like Saddam Hussein. Just like Gadhafi in Libya," the congresswoman from Hawaii, who's an Iraq War veteran, told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "Prime Time."

"The reason that I'm so outspoken on this issue of ending these wasteful regime-change wars is because I have seen firsthand this high human cost of war and the impact that it has on my fellow brothers and sisters in uniform. I will do anything and everything that I possibly can to stop sending our men and women in uniform into harm's way, fighting in these wasteful, counterproductive wars."


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7 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Lol Rubio and Cruz are the guys Republicans point to to say they're not racist


But he forgot Tim Scott the black senator from SC.


In what world are Cruz and Rubio considered not white?

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47 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

The one where Italians and Jews aren't "white" either.


Yeah, but the person typing that definitely considers Italians and Jews to be white. Americans are so ignorant about race it is insane.

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"We need to do everything we can to move our climate in the right direction"


Part of his answer included that statement and you guys are ignoring that. He might be terrible on climate in other instances, but judging this answer by itself, I thought it was pretty good.

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1 minute ago, Jose said:

"We need to do everything we can to move our climate in the right direction"


Part of his answer included that statement and you guys are ignoring that. He might be terrible on climate in other instances, but judging this answer by itself, I thought it was pretty good.


Wrong thread :angry:


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