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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I don’t know whether the ability to play old games should be a selling point for a new console.
  2. I'm the same. I've previously attempted Ganon (but not beaten) and fell off after just looking for shrines to improve my stamina and then looking for arrows/better equipment. Realistically, it would take a day to finish the game and feel satisfied but I've just not got to that point in my life yet.
  3. That looks excellent and I'll definitely give it a go. It still baffles me that in the UK, I've never found a restaurant that offers deep-dish pizza as it hits all the right notes for me.
  4. I’ve found it hard to care for the last three generations at launch when so much of the releases are available on the last hen consoles (and restricted by then as well).
  5. So major parts of the north of England have been returned to lockdown and with the number of people travelling around the UK now it’s the summer holidays, I’m counting the days until we’re back to two months ago.
  6. Well...Dwyane Johnson certainly understands [American] Football and possibly with his brand recognition, it might grow through that. Or, maybe he's going to pay slightly more than the CFL and ruin them to seek his revenge on his football career.
  7. I’m kind of just waiting for The Mars Room to be over. It’s a god book, but not the lost mind blowing thing I’ve read. I might go and pick up one of those ‘summer blockbusters’ that have no real value outside of being page turners designed to be read in a couple of days.
  8. Can you stagger works so the oven is the last part to come out and be moved. Then for the changeover period, I’d go with a gas camping cooker so you can still make a load of one pot stuff
  9. I’ve been buying and selling through Facebook marketplace and it’s been fantastic. It’s also full of free or low cost items people are trying to get rid of after all the Corona Virus clear outs.
  10. Witcher 3: I've started this back up and it appears I have one more area to explore to find Ciri (and a load of quests). After a bit of messing about and completing a few quests, I feel like I'm back in the swing of things.
  11. That’s a game I feel I would enjoy, but I don’t know if I could invest enough time in it. This weekend will be more Last of Us 2, alongside clearing out my attic, going to the tip and digging up more stones in my garden. Edit: I didn’t realise but I’m at the very end of the hame (after having a flick through the chapter titles in a walkthrough). I’ll have to think about what to start next.
  12. Maybe the money that may or at not end up back with Ubisoft will allow them to release Beyond Good and Evil 2: Chapter One, Part One
  13. Day five or six done today, with the same again next week... To go on a tangent, I’ve been landscaping my garden and have removed 21 bags of gravel so far. Rather than pay money to dispose of said stone, I put them up for free on Marketplace and have people lined up for all of them today/tomorrow. The downside is I’ve slept for about 45 minutes total trying to sort it out but it does feel like the life hack no one wants as I might stay awake now until about 6pm and then go to bed and see how that pans out (rather than sleep till three and then have a pre-work nap like i normally do)
  14. Yep, although you would think that the talent pool of those combined studios would have made a more interesting looking game.
  15. If you don’t want them, I’ll have them...
  16. Starting September, 12 weeks. In my previous main job, 5 weeks (which is standard in the UK).
  17. Why do pre-built PC's have to look like a Ready Player One wank dream?
  18. Yep. I’m guessing it managed to pull out a fair bit of dust (obviously not the same as opening it up) but I’ll give it another go this week to keep it as dust free as possible. The only downside is the noise it makes when pulling on the cling film is horrific.
  19. That is so disappointing to read. Hopefully he sells the rights and we can just have a television series instead.
  20. New Ozzy Osbourne album, a big pile of wank. 2/10
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