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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. This will essentially be a double post (as I'm about to write in the What Are You Playing? thread) but headshots in RE4 feel wonderful. On writing that, I feel confident I'm emotionally well, but I'm not sure how others would feel...
  2. I’d be tempted but...not quite tempted enough. Also, for those unsure about either, both are on PS Now.
  3. Just in case it’s still an option, Greedfall is on PS Plus, if you haven’t used the free trial (and own a PS4).
  4. I think I like Persona, but when I think back I enjoyed the story and the social elements and tolerated every other aspect.
  5. I would love that but I’m hoping for a Switch with a few games for my birthday in November...so a new model wouldn’t spoil that but it would be a shame if it was a significant upgrade...but this is just a personal problem for myself.
  6. I’ve heard improved display and interactivity (joy cons). Also, where would Nintendo be getting this slew of new games, considering they’ve really gone in on the “no crunch” culture developers need to live. I could see a Switch Pro, with better screen, more power to improve load times and some game performance and possibly the chance to improve 720p games up to a full 1080p...but past that, it would make more sense to release a full console.
  7. I'm a fan of Lord of the Rings, but... I'm guessing it must be an open world, stealth based game, maybe where you have some kind of paragon/renegade (Smeagol/Gollum) system in place, that will guide your growth in the game.
  8. When I was 14, at the end of the year our music teacher (in school) put it on for the 80 minute lesson. Had to go into town on the weekend to buy it, very enjoyable, though not so factual movie.
  9. But we're here, sending our love, down the well...
  10. Rest week from rugby so left it until yesterday and went for a 3.5 mile run then today 10x100m hill sprints, with 10 press ups at the top of each incline. Tomorrow will just be dog walking and eating some vegetables as today was homemade pizza for lunch and some pretty horrible pasta (I used some left over pizza sauce and my mouth now solely tastes of garlic). I want to build up to longer runs so I’m going to up it to a five mile run on Monday, train on Tuesday and then take it from there. I have to say, I would love to go to the gym as they’ve opened, but I can’t really risk it with a very pregnant wife. I might ask and see if we could do some weigh training on one of the off days from training as we used to have access to some weights, bars and tyres.
  11. I’ve enjoyed all the Batman games, but I don’t have any particularly amazing memories of playing, bar my first run through of Arkham Asylum. I’m open to more Batman, but it needs to be a far cry from Arkham Knight do me to actively want it.
  12. “Game Feel is the intangible, tactile sensation experienced when interacting with video games”. “...Game feel is usually attributed to spatial games whose mechanics involve controlling the movement of objects or characters. Since the majority of games are spatial, studies involving game feel mainly focus on the movement and physical interactions between objects in games. The goal of good game feel is to immerse the player in an engaging and rewarding experience”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_feel Games that feel good to play being the abbreviated definition. This thread was inspired by playing F Zero GX for the first time in over half a decade and it feels sublime to play. The weight, the speed and the control all interplay to make an incredibly satisfying experience. For me, the combat of Gears of War had that same feel to it, where the actual feel of the game was the driving force for playing it, over the story or the set pieces within it. What games would you suggest?
  13. A decent showing, but it's really hard to be excited about an Indie showcase when there still hasn't been a showcase-showcase.
  14. I'm still a little bit ashamed of myself that I haven't bought this game yet (though sort of waiting to get it for the Switch...eventually). Good bit of DLC content.
  15. F Zero GX tomorrow (my favourite GameCube game, so I’m happy to dip back in). Eternal Darkness I’m currently playing through and Killer 7 will most likely be taken to a local retro games shop as I’m not a massive fan. I may see if I can arrange a deal to swap it for something like Super Mario Sunshine or some cheaper games I used to also love.
  16. Well, if you're in the UK and want it, I actually have two copies now.
  17. I only remembered that he had them a few weeks ago and fortunately he was in the area and happy to drop them round. What do you think...
  18. A Celebration of Endings: A+ I may be biased as Biffy Clyro are one of my favourite bands, but this is an outstanding album. On listening to the singles that were released over the past months, I was very dubious, but in the flow of the album they were wonderful. It doesn’t have the stand out anthems of Only Revolutions, but this is an amazing listen.
  19. Just at Del Lago in RE4. I love this game so much but it had hit the point where a full remaster would take it to god tier gaming. Also, not one part of the game has scared me, but I’ve jumped twice because of snakes in crates.
  20. I seem to remember being on a sand ship in Skyward Sword and then I completely dropped off it...dare I pick it up again.
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