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Everything posted by Nokt

  1. Immediate and extended family are all LDS besides a handful of people. I have a couple hunches on how my family will react, but it might not even get brought up.
  2. This is my biggest issue with this subscription era for music. I basically use Spotify as a "need to buy/download" list because I can't mix and match the music I have on Spotify to the music I have on my phone. I mean the work around it just to add the music I have on my phone to spotify, but Spotify's quality, even on 320kbps, just isn't up to snuff. I would 100% switch to Apple music if they did this.
  3. Risk of Rain 2 with a little bit of Apex Legends and Pokemon Go
  4. I'm surprised at the love of five guys fries in this thread. Always soggy and disappointing despite them always being made when I go to pick up my order. The cajun helps a lot, but I still wouldn't rank them top 5.
  5. I don't really remember the "?" in Super Metroid at all. I know Fusion has them because they force you to watch them. Unsure about Zero Mission. Either way I think its easier to traverse a 2D space compared 3D, at least when it comes to the Metroid series.
  6. You're in for a treat, at least for the first game. I wasn't a fan of the second and never played the third because I hate the Wiimote.
  7. Next time I go back to Japan I'm going to bring a suitcase specifically for used games. Everything is so cheap and in such good condition. Got a Pokemon Green in box in really good condition for like $10-$15.
  8. Preorder is up on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PFT19MG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. For me personally I’d probably say Bond > MI > Bourne
  10. Probably once a year. I like to keep my systems pretty light, programs are easy to redownload and all of my files are on an external hard drive.
  11. I bought LA Noire sometime after release on sale at Walmart for the X360 late at night. After I left Walmart I could hear the disc jumping around inside of the case, which is usually bad luck for me. They almost always never work when that happens, but whatever I'm going to give it a go and see what happens. When I get home I open the case and am relieved to see that there is no visible damage that I can see anyways. I pop it into the 360 and sure enough my luck continues, it wont read. I take it out, wipe it down with a micro fiber cloth, air dust the 360, it doesn't help. So I head back down to Walmart, its only a mile away from my house. I go to the tobacco line that is open 24/7 because they have exchanged stuff for me before, but its a new employee and they weren't sure so they asked to go to the customer service line. So I'm waiting in the customer service line, the only person there, with one person behind the counter. She is walking back and forth around the little wall that separates the customer service counter and doesn't notice me. I wait probably 5-10 minutes just waiting for her. She comes around the corner and dead eye stares at me, turn the light off, and leaves. I'm pissed, but my buddy who was with me was having a good laugh about it and so I join in with him to try and let it slide. Returned the next morning to return the game, I'm not going to exchange it anymore. So I run to another store nearby, probably Target or Best Buy. Get home and after an hour or so I hate the game, have 0 interest in playing it. So its just a horrible purchase all around.
  12. I'm pretty sure the Super NT will play PAL games too so that shouldn't be a problem. Its super expensive, repro cart will have to do lol
  13. Repro carts aren't that expensive, I could always ROM it too. I'll figure out something soon
  14. I was a very big fan of Bastion when the game first dropped. I played it probably 3 or 4 times on the 360, rebought on the Vita?, PC, PS4, and iOS I believe. Its a VERY charming game with great visuals and a superb soundtrack. However, looking back I overhyped it a lot. Its still a great game, just not the 10/10 I wanted it to be. I tried to play Transistor probably 4 or 5 times and for whatever reason I just can't get into it. Its combat takes a different route than Bastion though it still retains the charm, soundtrack, and great visuals that Bastion had. I haven't played Pyre, but watching videos it seems like it follows suit with switching up the combat, while retaining the staples Supergiant is known for.
  15. This reminds me a lot of the Messenger. Looks fun though, probably will play it eventually.
  16. So why wait this long to have them replaced? He stepped down in 2011 and the buyout was in 2014, his views were very apparent soon after he left Mojang. I find it unlikely this was a deliberate move to get them taken out. Microsoft would have forced their hand earlier if this was the case.
  17. If it has something to do with his views and tweets this should/would have been done a long time ago
  18. Not really, the splash screen has had some like 400 messages throughout the games lifespan. "Made by Notch" and "The Work of Notch" are just two out of those 400. It makes sense that they would get rotated out eventually, Notch even made a joke about this when he stepped down and created "Made by Jeb!" the new lead developer of Minecraft. He is still credited in the games credits, its not like he got axed entirely.
  19. Sketch (community manager of 343i) said that they love Splash's enthusiasm, but they are committed to release it when its ready with no firm time frame
  20. I've had this on my watch list for a long time. This arrived at my house yesterday and I'll watch it this weekend. I have heard this is pretty underrated
  21. This releases today, is anyone purchasing it? I probably will if I can get a few friends to get it.
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