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Everything posted by Nokt

  1. I better get this on steam before its gone. Not that I have a problem with the Epic Games launcher, I would just prefer more games on Steam as its my main hub of games. I rarely even use GOG, Origin, or Ubi anymore. I really don't want to get that much more diverse.
  2. You can go pick them up off the body after you stab them (unless you don't kill them). I think I'm going to drop my stun grenades next time just so I can keep one for a little bit.
  3. I wish I could have actually kept a knife long enough to use it. It was always the first thing I dropped if I needed more room
  4. Born of Osiris - The Simulation 6.5/10 I was kind of hoping that The Eternal Reign would be a return of form for them and it was in ways, but with this new album I still find remnants of Tomorrow We Die Alive. There isn't anything necessarily bad about the album, but nothing really stood out to me. Lyrics were at an all time meh. Notable Song: Logic - YSIV 4/10 I don't know what it is, but I legitimately have not l liked any of the albums Logic has dropped since he got signed. I'm not sure if its just that I'm tired of him as an artist or if he has regressed as an artist. I just don't find myself connecting with his music anymore. When he was up and coming (yep one of those guys Logic complains about in this album) I found that every song felt different lyrically and instrumentally. I feel like I'm just hearing the same thing over and over again now. I was hoping the same thing as Born of Osiris that this would be a return to form and it feels like an attempt, just one that isn't very good. Notable Song:
  5. Had to edit out Prime 4 from my list
  6. Yeah besides my Alt-tab issue I really haven't had that many issues playing the game. Had a little rubber banding here and there, but it was few and far between.
  7. I usually just stop reading them. I always start out a book strong by reading 50-70 pages up front, then I try to read a few chapters a day after that. If the book fails to catch me I'll cut down to like a chapter a day before I just stop reading it altogether. I'll find something better to do with my time.
  8. Yeah I got into the game, alt tabbed and it basically just creates a blackscreen. So I shut it down and took a shower.
  9. This is kind of where I'm at? I don't really understand where all of the dislike for this movie is coming from.
  10. Game Informer 9.5 IGN 8.7 Gamespot 8 Metacritic 88 Polygon doesn't do numbers anymore? Given the title I don't think it was good "Kingdom Hearts 3 ends the series with a whimper" Also here is how to unlock the secret movie. It doesn't really spoil anything so I'm just going to quote it.
  11. Hyped: - Metro Exodus - Kingdom Hearts III - Ori and the Will of the Wisps - Doom Eternal - Atomic Heart Will Buy: - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Hong Kong Massacre (already bought) - Control - Pokemon - Cyberpunk 2077 - Catherine Full Body Most Likely Will Buy: - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Minecraft Dungeons - Resident Evil 2 - Division 2 - Luigi's Mansion 3 - Mortal Kombat 11 - Outer Worlds - Warcraft III Reforged Games I Want To Release: - Final Fantasy VII - Metroid Prime 4 - Halo Infinite (most likely 2020) - Death Stranding - The Last of Us 2
  12. If for whatever reason you don't like your case mine is still available. I might start a thread soon with all the leftover PC parts I have to see if anyone wants them haha.
  13. I think you've just changed such how I feel about "talk" shows on youtube.
  14. Haha yeah I’d say that puts you far and beyond my experience.
  15. Eh not filling seats as much as a regular movie doesn’t mean it isn’t meeting expectations or making money. Them being a middle man doesn’t mean they aren’t tacking on money either. We have no idea what they are even paying to get access to screen these in theaters or what theaters are charging for them to use a couple small screen theaters. I mean the information might be out there but I have no desire to research it. I’m going to chalk it up to I’m taking the comment at face value and you aren’t. I will also admit my knowledge of how the film industry works is limited so I could be very wrong too 😛
  16. Yeah I mean, most of whats being charged is cost, but I still wouldn't doubt that they are putting more on top of it just because they can. $1 million off of 4 showings of grease seems like a lot to me.
  17. I don't ever really pay attention to the manga, so that would make sense why this movie is cannon. I just figured it was different this time around with the movies.
  18. Thats why I was hoping he would appear, to make him cannon. His movie doesn't necessarily need to be cannon, I mean thats essentially what they did with Bardock, Broly, Paragus, etc in this movie.
  19. The only thing I remember them saying about the previous arcs (besides Freiza being alive) is that Goku realized that he needed to be stronger after the tournament. Seeing Beerus and Whis might throw you off a little bit, but they have zero impact on the story. No one else is even mentioned and you don't even see most of the old gang. This is a pretty good standalone movie to see (though most of the DBZ movies have been that way). I wish Cooler would have made an appearance. That would have been a cool little thing to throw in there.
  20. DBS: Broly 6.8/10 - Fuses Bardock and Broly movies and while it makes sense to include them both I would rather of had a Bardock movie that lead into the Broly movie. Includes some new story tidbits and while I enjoy the fact that they try to give Broly a personality I miss his endless rage in attacking Goku and the gang. The fight scenes were cool? A lot of the action was just cut to cut to cut to cut. I wish we would have had a little bit more of a continuous fight scene. Without giving much away it was kind of weird that they just let the villain off the hook "okay bye! see you on your next foiled plan"
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