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Everything posted by Nokt

  1. These aren't all exactly "big" releases but its what I'm most excited for to least, but still buying. Control Doom Eternal Link Awakening Outer Worlds Dragon Quest Builders 2 Super Mario Maker 2 Ni No Kuni Remaster Catherine Full Body Death Stranding
  2. I genuinely enjoyed the first movie. I thought it had a decent cast, good plotline (even though it feels in the same vein as Hunger Games), and I had no idea that it was a book. The second movie, oof. Never saw the third.
  3. Dragon Quest Builders came in the mail finally from Target. Game takes a bit longer to jump in from what I remembered, but I'm still having fun. Still grinding Destiny 2, gotta get ready for Iron Banner next week. Probably going to download Bioshock Infinite and play the DLC (finally)
  4. I'm not sure which ones, but every time I have the urge to buy one of these I look up reviews and its always a mediocre JRPG. Then I remember that I have a ton of games to finish in my steam library so I go download one of those and forget about SAO.
  5. Yeah 5 years from when it was announced, who knows how long its been in development and FF7R2 is only is pre-production. Could be another 5 years before we see it come out. I feel like I read that they said this was their main focus now, maybe they will pull from some of the smaller development teams and get them out sooner. Fair enough, I don't, you do. Pre-established lore hasn't ever stopped me from enjoying a game where I knew the outcome.
  6. I mean we have no idea what Square is going to really give us, but they way I see it is OG FF7 - Disc 1 is ribs, Disc 2 is fries, Disc 3 is slaw. FF7R isn't just the ribs repackaged with shiny new graphics, Square is claiming its a full fledged game, which to me says new content, more gamplay, new stories, its expanding upon the ribs. I don't consider new content as just more ribs, maybe you do.
  7. I believe they have said that they don’t know how many episodes it will be
  8. I think the Halo remasters are actually some of the better remasters out there with all of the HD ports we get. It’s an entirely new graphics engine piled on top of the original and seamlessly being able to switch between them at the click of a button. There isn’t a lot behind their studio, yes, but it’s not all bad.
  9. I just want to point out that Saber Interactive only handled remastering Halo 2 and Halo CE's campaigns (which are pretty fantastic IMO), nothing else. They didn't touch netcode, UI, multiplayer, or anything else like that. Certain Affinity did H2A multiplayer. 343i handled netcoding and UI. Blur did cutscenes for H2A. Ruffian did Halo 3 and Halo 4.
  10. Just canceled my Walmart order for $20 when it had the price mistake. What did you love about it so much and what game would you compare it to? Might pick it up in the future if it hits $20 again
  11. It sucks that Razer's current rendition of the Naga is a 3in1 mouse (Naga, Hex, Deathadder) that you swap out the side panel to play with what you want. I haven't been able to use any other mouse except the Naga since using it in like 2010 when I started playing WoW. I won't recommend it for that reason because instead of being a $60 mouse its $100 for features I'll never use. If you want something highly rated you can opt for the Redragon and with it being $32 with a 10% coupon on amazon you aren't out that much if you don't like it. I also hear good things about Logitech, avoid Corsairs mouse. https://www.amazon.com/Redragon-Impact-Buttons-Precision-Programmable/dp/B07HC4NBQ8
  12. My hope is that they go the KH route with Compilation of FF7 so that I can finally play Crisis Core on something other than my PSP.
  13. This is probably my least favorite FF, next to 12. I know 12 has some merit, but the story is an absolute borefest for me.
  14. By the time a sale hits, the remake might be out at that point. I'm definitely interested, just depends on which comes first, the sale or the remake.
  15. Dreamer Edition is up on Amazon now https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SZXKBPV/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  16. They deployed the title update for Halo Reach. A massively popular update, but they didn’t make it game wide. Splitting the community into Vanilla, TU, MLG, and Anniversary when those playlists came out. A lot of popular playlists were left in Vanilla like Snipers forcing people to play settings they had no interest in playing. Halo 4’s story is a wreck without outside media. Probably one of the most unpopular pvp launches. Load outs, random power weapon drops, no ranked playlists, some of the worst multiplayer maps in the games history. MCC is one of the worst, if not the worst, launches in AAA history and while a lot better than it was still continues to be a buggy mess. Halo 5 is just awful. The story is by far the worst in the series, Locke is the most uninteresting character. ADS added in multiplayer, despite being promised that it wasn’t ADS. Balance patches that make no sense for multiplayer. I have a whole slew of issues with multiplayer that don’t mean as much to everyone else. To 343i’s credit Halo Wars is alright.
  17. I genuinely don't like Japanese dubs for the same sentiment that Xbob does. To be fair I haven't tried to watch a lot of anime in Japanese though, what I have watched though reflects Xbob's comments. The English Dubbed anime I have watched is usually considered shows that have very good dubs as well, so I'm probably not a great pick of evidence on either side. What I can say though is that I love Dark on Netflix (German I believe) and I absolutely refuse to watch it in English. Same goes for Jet Li's Fearless. I've also watched shows in French for classes and I don't have anywhere near the same feelings for those as I do for Japanese dubs. Even actual Japanese shows like Midnight Diner on Netflix that is in Japanese is a whole other level than Anime.
  18. For whatever Amazon.co.uk won't ship the game to the US. Not sure if its specific to this game or if its a new thing. I thought about having a buddy buy it and ship it to me, but I don't think its worth it.
  19. BB Link for the Dreamer Edition with the Hardcover artbook https://www.bestbuy.com/site/the-legend-of-zelda-links-awakening-dreamer-edition-nintendo-switch/6356694.p?skuId=6356694
  20. The Secret of Mana remake didn't review particularly well, but I remember watching a lot of youtubers say that most people were over critical of the game and that it was actually very enjoyable despite its flaws. I might buy it and give it a shot depending on how cheap I can buy it.
  21. Since there is really only one game I want to play out of this collection $40 is a steep price to pay. I'll probably wait for a sale.
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