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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I had fun with the original back on the Vita. I'll probably end up grabbing this one.
  2. Black Bear- I like watching Aubrey Plaza do something different, but I don’t think the movie really worked for me overall. It’s almost like a mumblecore thriller, which seems really hard to pull off, but I appreciate the effort. Pig - I like it when Nic Cage takes a break from being a living meme and does some real work. Interesting look at the Portland food scene, which I can only imagine is 100% accurate. Lamb - Just kidding. I didn’t watch this, just wanted to list a third recent animal movie title.
  3. I love/hate that even though you messed up the link, I know exactly what comic this is.
  4. I think I’m near the end of Metroid Dread (got the power bombs). I’m still missing a bunch of the collectibles, but I’ve never been much of a completionist.
  5. Considering I post on a video game-centric message board every day and completely forgot Stadia existed, this is probably a good idea.
  6. Whenever Forge gets added, do we know if it’ll allow for single player/co-op level creation? That’s honestly all I need, just a series of outposts and bases to take over.
  7. That was my thought as well. Some Kickstarters feel like more elaborate preorders than “we won’t be able to make this game without this money”
  8. I think it’s hilarious that this was just an option you could select. Like come on, program it in there, but bury it in some hidden Easter egg, then just leak it to the cool people.
  9. Apparently there are two single player campaigns. One will be on Game Pass (Operation Catalyst) at launch, but the other (Operation Spectre) will not. Factoring in the F2P multiplayer made by another studio, this is somewhat confusing product.
  10. I was curious how this game would fit into the modern gaming landscape, for all the reasons that we definitely don’t need to rehash. I didn’t buy it at launch because I’ve been trying (and often failing) to save some money. So I was delighted to win a game from @Commissar SFLUFAN and get the chance to play it. I’ve been churning through it the last few days. I just took out my 5th (?) EMMI to get the ice missiles. I’m really enjoying it so far. I had one frustrating session where I spent a good 45 minutes making zero progress, just running in a loop, completely missing where to go next. I have a hard time reading this map and connecting it to places I’ve been, but that might be a me problem and not the game’s problem. Overall though, it has been pretty smooth sailing.
  11. "We Don't Talk About Bruno" has hit the top of Billboard's Hot 100 WWW.AVCLUB.COM It took nearly 30 years, but the Encanto hit has brought Disney back to the top of the Hot 100 I have no idea what this means any more.
  12. Pretty much all I listen to are Spotify-generated playlists. I wouldn’t know what to do on another service.
  13. Never Have I Ever Season 1 - Very charming, funny, occasionally emotionally devastating (especially if you, oh I dunno, lost a parent in your early teen years). Narration hasn’t added more to a show since Arrested Development.
  14. I’ve been meaning to go back to it. I don’t remember what was happening in my life when season 2 aired, but I fell off of it despite enjoying it quite a bit.
  15. Still dipping into Hitman and Nobody Saves the World, but I think my “main” game is going to be Metroid Dread. I need to relearn how to play these games. I’ve been stuck a few times now because I keep forgetting to shoot every wall I see.
  16. I've tried most of these games multiple times- first on PC, then more recently on my iPad. I just can't get into this genre, which is annoying to me because on paper, I should love them.
  17. I’m in line to get his current t-shirt cannon when the 2022 edition comes out.
  18. I’ve lived with these genes all my life. No need to pass them on.
  19. I can’t imagine ever being in a place emotionally or financially where I would seriously consider having a child. And given my current lifestyle, the chance of an unplanned pregnancy is, well, zero.
  20. This is how I play Hearthstone when they haven’t released new cards for a while and things are stale. I’ll make a bad deck with a stupid, nearly impossible win condition. Sure, I’ll lose 10 games in a row, but that 11 game where I’ll pull a win out of nowhere is the most satisfying thing in the world.
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