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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. It makes me laugh and says a lot that Utah's highest result was "Mormon".
  2. I would have been interested in buying the original Star Wars trilogy in 4K, but it looks like they're already sold out.
  3. I haven't seen anything else by this director, unfortunately.
  4. I saw this last night and really enjoyed it. It's odd, to be sure, but it's also hilarious, visually fascinating, and at times very moving too. It kind of made me think it was like a weird lovechild of Tim Burton, Wes Anderson, and Frankenstein. Incredible style and wonderful acting by all involved. And yes, confirmed.
  5. While all true, I do wonder if the cat can be put back in the bag... In my admittedly uninformed perspective, it seems like the Republican party of the past may be lost forever as the populist movement has taken root.
  6. I saw the trailer months ago and thought it looks kinda interesting and of course Emma Stone is great, as is Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe, etc. but I promptly forgot all about it. Some friends wanted to go, and now I see reviews seem quite positive so far: 8.5 on IMDb, 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, 87% on Metacritic, etc.
  7. I'm going to see this in a theater on Thursday. Has anyone else caught it yet?
  8. TIL there is neo-Nazi music that has anything even remotely resembling mass appeal. What a world!
  9. Desktop PC 3 TB PS5 Internal + 4 TB SSD Steam Deck Internal + 1 TB MicroSD NAS 10 TB
  10. Counter-Strike 2 has been my go-to lately. I should probably play something else from my giant backlog, but... I'm addicted.
  11. Agreed. Stores like Best Buy will have them set up for you to try out, but IMO it's still hard to tell... their acoustics are different than your home, the settings may be tweaked because of stupid customers doing dumb things, etc, not to mention that whatever media they have going on them may or may not be optimal for testing. I went with the soundbar I did just because it had a lot of positive reviews and all of the features I was looking for (again, Atmos, DTS, etc.) But yeah, even in ideal conditions, I don't know that my ears can detect the difference between my $300 setup and a $1000 setup. On the other hand, on the visual side, I was very nervous about whether I had unnecessarily gone nuts with my $3000 LG G3, and I've been super happy with it and am continually impressed. Maybe the trick is to wait for a friend to get the expensive shit and you can try it out.
  12. Nokra

    I'm 31.

    Also I can finally give something back to the world.
  13. Blah, yeah that sounds annoying. I hadn't heard about that being all that common of an issue with Bluetooth surrounds; I appreciate you posting that. FWIW if you want something in the meantime and are OK with wired rear surrounds, I bought this for my older cheaper Samsung 4K TV but it has been working great with my LG G3; I've been very happy with it. It's not super fancy but it has surprisingly good sound, Dolby Atmos, DTS, etc. and didn't break the bank.
  14. Agreed. reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter is full of this kind of shit... People who think the world revolves around them and their desires; nobody else ( certainly not safety) matters. The adults failed the kids here for sure.
  15. Nokra

    I'm 31.

    Seems to me like being dead would be more depressing, but...
  16. *IKnowThatFeel.jpg* I got Ragnarok bundled with my PS5, so... This sale was kind of a bust.
  17. Here's hoping for something that isn't just a changed-roster-sports-game for Day 12...
  18. Yesterday was Madden 24, today is FC 24 for $29.99.
  19. Yeah unless it was an explicit request of the person who died, I don't really understand the need to withhold that information, and I admit I'm very curious to know who it was. At the same time, I also acknowledge that people may have differing opinions on this, and that's OK.
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