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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. You mean that thing that just snuck up on us like a hurricane? Anyway, back on topic, if you have a mom n pop gaming shop they might let you try a new power brick if you take it in.
  2. I'm more shocked that you left your apt for four months and didn't unplug anything. I don't even take chances if I'm gone for the week, especially when I lived in apts. They have such shitty wiring.
  3. Do you have a friend that would let you borrow a power brick that you know works?
  4. So i watched that video... and it seems like something startles him.. like a loud noise or something. I think he even says "woah." Then a few seconds later he looks back and forth, says "fuck" and ends the stream. A Raid? I don't want to start rumors or anything.. just spitballing.
  5. If I ever do the Dew, I'll doo the Dew for like, three days.
  6. They never let you keep XBO games. They've been tied to XBL subs since the start. That said, I can definitely see them phasing out Games with Gold in favor of Game Pass. I'd actually prefer them to put the money toward getting newer games on Game Pass sooner, to be honest. GwG are basically just rentals anyway. If you have Game Pass Ultimate, there's really no difference between the GP games and the GwG games other than the fact that the GwG are yours to play indefinitely (as long as you have an XBL sub).
  7. It was basically just a series of battle arenas linked together by empty corridors. It was the number one reason I didn't like Halo 5. It was like, enter big area, fight waves of bad guys, kill everything, walk to next big area. There was no pacing, no small skirmishes with scouts or small groups. Everything was "big battle, pause. Big battle, pause."
  8. Anybody in the early access? Previews are saying it's decent but not amazing. I'm wondering exactly what their expectations are for a Torchlight sequel. All i'm expecting is... Torchlight. I really don't know what else can be done with the genre.
  9. That may be true to an extent in Sony's case, but doing that for Xbox would completely contradict this whole "Smart Delivery" thing that Microsoft has been touting for months now. As far as MS is concerned, I can easily see it being a single SKU with two different packages, depending on which console you're downloading from. At launch it will only be the back-compat XBO version, but as soon as the next-gen versions are released, your copy on the XSX would get updated.
  10. I wouldn't be so sure... the XSX/PS5 version won't be available until well after the consoles launch. While there might be a PS5 SKU when it eventually releases, I can't see Sony restricting sales they could be making in the meantime.
  11. I'll buy this game for the simple fact that somebody is finally making fur shaders a thing again.
  12. That whole first "gameplay" trailer with Thor looked like CGI staged gameplay because i'm guessing thats what it was. There were no reticles or on-screen info at all. It had such an Anthem vibe to it lol. It wasnt until later when youre seeing footage with an actual HUD that you can see the combat looks a bit more responsive. I'm guessing that was the actual gameplay footage.
  13. If this means a quick "cheap" way to get funding for a proper Ritual of the Night sequel, I'm down. But I have zero interest in these faux-retro pixel art games. I only play retro games for nostalgia's sake. I still like to play old NES and SNES games, but that's because I was there when they were new and I still love them. Back in 1995 or so I couldn't wait to see what gaming would be like in the future. Now that it's here, why the fuck would I want to go back?
  14. It's unfortunate, i liked the early days of Mixer. MS fucked it up by doing all that Mixer Partner bullshit and only featuring the same relative handful of people on the front page. Then they removed the ability to even leave the first page. Then they removed the ability to browse random streamers. The only way to find someone was to search for their username or just search by game. If someone was playing an obscure game and had few to no followers, the chances of being discovered by anyone were astronomically small. People moved from Twitch to Mixer to have a better chance of gaining a following, and then MS slowly started removing all of the avenues they had to gain viewers. If you weren't a mixer partner by the time they started narrowing their focus, you weren't gonna be. The money they spent on Shroud and Ninja could've been invested in up-and-coming streamers, but instead was kind of an extra 'fuck you' to the people that had been there from the start. It's no wonder the service failed.
  15. If we're talking games that took a long time to really not do anything... I have a few... Gone Home (a whole lot of time spent discovering a very 'meh' story) Oxenfree (neat game, but you can tell they padded the playtime by making your characters walk suuuuuper slow.) Hitman (I can literally spend two hours in a map planning my assassination only for the shit to hit the fan and I get nothing for it. Though that's probably my own fault, but still) Zelda BotW (Past zeldas had a much higher reward ratio for time spent. You can spend a whole lot of time here with very little to show for it.)
  16. It looks like it's still going to be on rails I would love for it to have some freeroaming, with no info to go by except a pokedex or something. In other words, if you want to photo X pokemon, you gotta physically go where they would be. Kinda like a hunting game, but ya know, without all the shooting and killing. It's just the photographer in me, but I would also love a "pro" mode where the camera and lenses actually behave like real cameras/lenses, and you gotta make sure your settings are right to get a good shot (or give the freedom to get creative with your apertures/shutter speeds.) One of the things I hate about practically every Photo Mode in every game ever is that the settings don't act like they really should.
  17. I want to think they already would have by now. Alanah's been around for a while.
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