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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Scratch Darksiders III off the list! Also, fuck that game lol.
  2. Ok there's got to be a trick to killing Gluttony that I'm just not figuring out.. the game (Darksiders III) hasn't been all that difficult to this point, but Gluttony is absolutely annihilating me. None of my weapons seem to be doing much damage to him at all. Is it just me or did the difficulty spike to ridiculous levels? EDIT: Nevermind.. once I read that Gluttony can't inhale you if you have the Force Wrath activated, I was able to take him down pretty quick.
  3. I'm in the middle of Control as well, but since I'm currently playing it, it doesn't count as backlog.... yet.....
  4. I'll start with a few I really need to get done; Darksiders III Greedfall The Long Dark Gears 5
  5. Thanks to Covid and digital sales, this Backlaugust looks to be more of a beast then last year.
  6. Call me whatever you want, it still looks like shit. I'll take traditional 2D over that lazy auto tweened digital crap any day. I don't mind the art style for the game itself, but those cutscenes are
  7. What the fuck did they do to the Dark Queen? The game looks fun, but I'm really not a fan of that shitty Cartoon Network style animation.
  8. I've been playing the little dorky kid with the blonde hair. Hoops is wearing skinny jeans, and I just can't with that. They do need more player skins.
  9. ......................................................no.
  10. Yeah I'm not worried. For what it's worth, it seems pretty stable. Granted I haven't actually started building anything yet, but the game runs a lot better that most of the game previews I've been a part of.
  11. Eh, it's good enough to stream some porn. Maybe not 4K porn, but let's be honest... who really wants to see porn in 4K?
  12. They picked a great time to finally release the game. I just might be bored enough come September to actually buy it. Check that... I'll be so tired of getting teased by Sony and Microsoft and having Ubi dangling Watchdogs and Valhalla in my face, I'll probably buy Avengers for the simple fact that it will actually be a released game that can be purchased.
  13. I also enjoyed the fact that there was a story. In fact, I was in it... until I reached the "end." Then I kind of just started wandering around aimlessly and trying to build something up. If I had to guess, I would say it's coming in "chapters" or at least the rest of the story may just not be finalized yet. I do hope it's lengthy, because the moment these games start relying on me to make my own fun, they lose me. I really really wanted to like Conan Exiles, and apparently there is a story there, but it's paper thin and you don't even really get to experience it until you've put in x amount of time to really build up your fortress and craft higher tier weapons and armor. I never got there. I just created new character after new character and derp'd around making basic shit until I got bored again.
  14. God of War Uncharted 4 Spider-Man Those were pretty much the only ones I liked. Horizon ZD got old and repetitive and I didn't really play many of the others.Waiting on FF7, didn't like Bloodborne, not interested in TLoU2, and some of the exclusives that I really did like, like Nier Automata and Hellblade, I played on Xbox
  15. I've played a little bit of it, so far so good. One bit of advice though that I learned the hard way; When you get to the little domed tent and it says to interact with the computer, use it to analyze the plant fiber. That will allow you to craft Woven Fiber, which is used in practically everything. I didn't know this, used the machine to analyze a pebble and two other things, then wandered off onto the next objective. The next thing I know, I can't make any tools, bandages, etc. because I need woven fiber and I didn't have the "blueprint" to craft it. I got lost and was in pretty dire straits by the time I managed to find the dome again. It would've been pretty helpful to say "Hey, you might want to analyze X, X, and X" to get you started with the means to build basic things.
  16. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/07/28/grounded-now-available-xbox-game-preview/ It's like Conan Exiles, but without the titties and cannibalism.
  17. Grain of salt time, but according to this vid, the demo was a four month old build. If true, that means by launch they will have had about 8 months worth of additional dev time.
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