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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. I didn't, I frickin' loved Rallisport Challenge 2, but I figured if they were gonna do anything like that it would fall under the Forza umbrella. I DEFINITELY think there should be another Amped though. Talk about missing an opportunity. Amped and Amped 2 were alright, but when they mixed up the formula for Amped 3, it was excellent.
  2. We're assuming that it's actually been in the works for the past three years though. According to them, they're in "early development" which, if true, would put them back on their two-year cycle. Hence the 2022. I would love to be wrong though!
  3. I think it's pretty safe to assume that Avowed, Fable, Forza 8, Everwild, and State of Decay 3 are 2022 at the earliest. So technically they wouldn't be lying lol. The devs came out and plainly stated that The Medium just wasn't possible on current gen platforms. The fact that it's rendering two scenes simultaneously leads me to believe them. But, it's Bloober Team, so I'm more concerned if it's going to run at 15fps or not.
  4. There was a time when I would've thought an NFL-less football game would've been a pointless endeavor... but, nowadays, it's not so silly a thought. There are several reasons for this; for one, pretty much everyone is tired of EA's bullshit. Madden has been a joke for years, and now we've learned that EA has secured the exclusive NFL license for at least the next few years. It feels like we won't ever get to play another good football game, ever. I think people would be willing to play a great football game, even if it didn't have licensed teams. I know, 2K tried this with All-Pro Football back when it lost the license, and it bombed, as it was extremely generic. But that was then. That was before online streaming, before deep character and decal customization, before e-sports. If e-sports have proven anything, it's that it doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's fun and there's a healthy community. If only there was a way to get people in with a really low cost of admission... oh, hello GAME PASS. Bring back AMPED, toss Forza Motorsport under the umbrella, and you already have an Xbox branded sports network tied together by game pass and xbox live. MLB doesn't hold onto its license nearly as tightly as NFL does, so that wouldn't be off the table either. Also, I would totally play a generic Wrestling game if it was a throwback to WCW vs NWO with excellent character customization. C'mon MS, do it. Doooo iiiiiit!
  5. And that's kinda what bothers me. Everybody wanted to see gameplay. They gave Microsoft tons of shit (rightfully so) after their last show for not showing gameplay. So guess what? They showed gameplay. MS literally can't fucking win. And I'm not making excuses here, but I have a suspicion that what we saw was current gen Halo Infinite. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the Series X "enhanced" version of Halo Infinite isn't set to release until after December. Maybe it was even a demo from an old build. 343 aren't exactly technical wizards, but Halo 4 looked fantastic and that was a 360 game. I have to believe there's no way Halo Infinite is going to be this ugly when it releases, especially on Series X. I really wish MS would shut up about the whole "taking full advantage of the Series X" bullshit. We all know that's a moving goalpost.
  6. I've only played Yakuza Kiwami so far, but I started Yakuza 0 on gamepass and after watching them talk for 20 minutes, walking for five seconds, and then watching another 15 minute conversation, I just turned it off. I do want to go back to it someday, but... fuck....
  7. Watching post-game impressions from various youtube channels that have been blatanly pro-Sony over the years has been head-bangingly annoying. Kinda Funny: During the show: "Ooooh! Oh cool! Wow! Sweet! Nice, Fable, finally!" After the show: "Well I wasn't very impressed." I get it. The show was decent, but aside from Fable (which was the worst-kept secret on the internet) there weren't any mic-drop moments. Microsoft didn't do themselves any favors with the Halo Infinite gameplay, which could've included a more intense part of the game (and also using gameplay I'm convinced was Xbox One X). BUT... I was hearing "I just want to see gameplay" followed by "all we saw was some gameplay." Sigh... The mind-numbling dumb impressions from people in the industry that are supposed to be informed just made me shake my head. All Angry Joe kept saying the whole time was "but it's just a trailer.. but all they showed was a trailer." After every game announcement. MS acquired these studios TWO years ago, many of whom were in the middle of finishing up projects they were already working on. They are very much just starting on their official MS first-party projects. Avowed wouldn't be started until they finished Outer Worlds and Grounded. Playground Games was ramping their hiring for an "open world rpg" just last year. Neither of these projects included Xbox One in their platform listing. Since MS has already said all their games would support Xbox One for at least a year or two, that means these games are 2023 releases AT THE EARLIEST. Why would anyone expect gameplay? It amazes me, especially with channels like Angry Joe, that they seem to be so uninformed about anything that doesn't fall inside their tiny circle of games they like.
  8. The multiplayer component is, but the new single player campaign is being developed by Remedy. If they work off of what they learned in Control, I'm totally down for that.
  9. I think they had to stick with an art style that was quintessential classic Halo. I think if they went too "realistic" it wouldn't have looked right. I think they did a pretty good job of updating it while keeping that classic feel. Also, and it might seem like an excuse, but I've always seen the Halos as an "artificial" ecosystem, where yeah, the trees are trees, and the water is water, but they're recreations of trees and water, so they've always still seemed kind of "off". Like I said, that just sounds like I'm making excuses, but I actually kind of like that it still looks like that.
  10. It was a solid show, but of course it's gonna have its critics. I was a little bummed to not see actual gameplay footage of Forza, but I mean, it's Forza. I know it's gonna be good. Was hoping for a bit more than a teaser trailer for Fable though, and the way the developer talked about Hellblade 2, it sounds like they're just now starting it. Both of those look like they're gonna be a long way out.
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