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Everything posted by Amazatron

  1. Normally don't really give a shit where my coffee comes from, but Philz >> Starbucks.
  2. Eh, he called John McCain a loser for being a prisoner of war during the primaries, somehow his support got stronger. Pretty sure the only thing that could get MAGA turds to turn on him is to catch him having gay sex with Pence.
  3. I think I'll be getting this over Spiderman, kinda burnt out on "open-world" style games.
  4. Searching: 9/10 An entire thriller seen through the lens of technology (desktop, phone, social media, TV), it works way better than it has any right to and stays engaging all the way through. The intro of the movie is excellent, I haven’t felt that kind of emotion 5 minutes in since Up. The story has some nice twists, the writing is good, the performances are well done, and I really liked all the internet Easter eggs and slight digs at some of the harmful aspects of social media.
  5. Again, in the Bay Area, houses usually go extremely quick. Not sure what the situation is like in L.A.
  6. Umm, this is completely different than the crash 10 years ago when they were handing out mortgages like candy to anyone and everyone who had no business getting one. I can't speak for Portland, but in the Bay Area, any house in the "prime locations" gets huge amounts of offers usually above asking price, and many of them all cash. The demand is ridiculous, it certainly is not a bubble here unless tech companies pack up and leave.
  7. I've seen these trailers so many times I feel like I've watched the movie already.
  8. Those are great reviews, really seems to capture the essence of Theme Hospital. Definitely picking this up.
  9. Huh, I totally forgot this was coming out. Kotaku's review is like a DQ memoir. (Cliff Notes: "Best game of the series") https://kotaku.com/dragon-quest-xi-the-kotaku-review-1828646512
  10. Now let's guess the price... $15
  11. Gun owners feel like they are being attacked because that is the fear-mongering rhetoric the NRA and company shoves down their throats. "Democrats will invade your house and steal all your guns".
  12. So I guess the narrative is white, liberal, millennial couldn’t handle losing because the democrats/Obama have pussified the country. MAGA.
  13. He's certainly got some issues looking at his post history. And I regret clicking on the video/audio feed, the laser dot is chilling...
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