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Everything posted by Amazatron

  1. Gah, yeah totally. I can't recover worth shit with Little Mac but he's so damn fun to play (other than falling to my death three times). Been having fun with King K. Rool, he seems pretty damn strong.
  2. I always get annoyed with the headlines using points to describe how the market is doing (or using the shitty DOW index), only thing that matters is percentages. Same annoyance when people use share price to argue whether a stock is "cheap" or "expensive".
  3. The same people that justify their actions and beliefs through a work of vague fiction.
  4. Green Book — 10/10 Quite possibly my favorite movie of the year. This movie has a ton of charm and heart and the humor is on point within the context of the narrative. The dynamic between Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen is fantastic, Mortensen is particular gives an Oscar worthy performance.
  5. Just adding Daniel Sloss and Hasan Minaj to the list, found those to be quite good.
  6. Man, they're not even trying with the official statements, just copying and pasting from his toilet tweets.
  7. Dragon Quest XI, pretty much the perfect JRPG for me.
  8. Cue the “but doesn’t Chicago have the strictest gun laws?” BS.
  9. Somehow she manages to be even more annoying than Jeff Flake. It is truly remarkable what these Republicans are capable of.
  10. It is important, but it is done in a matter that is extremely heavy handed. Also, the male characters are only one facet of why I didn't care for the movie. 7.5 on IMDB is good, but doesn't compare to the 8's that are truly in the great range. RT's audience rating is 66%, which is pretty bad given the high critic score. And this is MY OPINION of the movie. I will recognize the quality of film making, some of the shots are done beautifully. I just didn't enjoy it overall.
  11. Well I beg to differ, I know plenty of guys that aren't complete shitbags and I went through business school. But yeah I get it, it's a heist movie so most of the characters lie on the spectrum of "not so moral". But the shows/movies you listed, they weren't caricatures. Walter White was a total a-hole, yet there were many viewers that were still kind of rooting for him at the end. That's the nuance I'm talking about, some redeeming qualities that exist. Gus Fring was terrifyingly cold and evil, yet his motivations were understood. Widows had a guy that might as well have just been screaming the n-word the whole time. Or had other completely one-dimensional characters whose sole purpose was to serve as a plot vehicle.
  12. Widows - 5/10 I thought it was highly overrated. It is plodding, messy, and the side stories keep distracting from the main narrative. I never really felt much a of payoff for anything and other than Elizabeth Debicki's character, I didn't really feel anything towards any of the characters. Every guy in the movie is a caricature of horrible male behavior with very little nuance: cheater, murderer, racist, womanizer, abuser, manipulator, bullshit politician, etc. The social commentary is extremely heavy handed and forced. It also has some of the most awkward makeout scenes I've ever seen.
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