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Everything posted by Amazatron

  1. For 12 years, everyone who has appeared before me on the D.C. Circuit has praised my judicial temperament,” Kavanaugh said. “That’s why I have the unanimous, well qualified rating from the American Bar Association.” The ABA also came up during Lindsey Graham’s red-faced rant about the injustices perpetrated against Kavanaugh. “Here’s my understanding, if you lived a good life people would recognize it. Like the American Bar Association has, the gold standard,” Graham said. ABA: "Umm, no." Republicans: "Eh, stupid liberal institution."
  2. Kyl is at 100% in agreement with Trump. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/jon-kyl/
  3. Still not as bad as the "what 17 year old boy hasn't done this?" argument. https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/leonard-pitts-jr/article218995800.html
  4. Ford's testimony, obviously just a Shillary plant, who wouldn't want to put themselves and their family through this torment to shame this upstanding "carpool dad". https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4945893/Ford-Written-Testimony.pdf "At the same time, my greatest fears have been realized – and the reality has been far worse than what I expected. My family and I have been the target of constant harassment and death threats. I have been called the most vile and hateful names imaginable. These messages, while far fewer than the expressions of support, have been terrifying to receive and have rocked me to my core. People have posted my personal information on the internet. This has resulted in additional emails, calls, and threats. My family and I were forced to move out of our home. Since September 16, my family and I have been living in various secure locales, with guards. This past Tuesday evening, my work email account was hacked and messages were sent out supposedly recanting my description of the sexual assault."
  5. Yeah, using classic here, free-form doesn't really add anything and felt awkward for me. In terms of the music, it's largely unmemorable, but it certainly doesn't bother me at all. The only thing that is somewhat annoying me is the randomness of getting in and out of pep for those quests where you need 2+ specific people to be in pep together for a specific power.
  6. Making my way through this bad boy, couldn't wait for the Switch version. It's been JRPG bliss with this and Octopath Traveler.
  7. I don't think "she didn't tell anyone" and "she believed nobody else knew" are mutually exclusive at all. I think "she didn't tell anyone" is more in line with she never fully discussed the details of what happened with anyone.
  8. Browns have battered woman syndrome with the Pats.
  9. Which is why they are a perennial elite franchise. Buy low on a WR1 talent.
  10. Wow, a woman that looks like Ben Shapiro. It's like dvd's wet dream.
  11. Next up, Olive Garden for best Italian Restaurant, Panda Express for best Chinese Restaurant, and Yoshinoya for best Japanese Restaurant.
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