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Everything posted by Amazatron

  1. Holy shit that was a ballsy play...
  2. Geez, this has been in Early Access for a long ass time. Seems like people love it though...
  3. So she's a "horseface" now... https://www.businessinsider.com/stormy-daniels-trump-ivanka-daughter-2018-3
  4. This is the stupidest non-issue topic and the media should be ashamed of itself for covering it so much.
  5. All this test has done is to legitimize Trump calling her that. This is pretty much a lose-lose for Warren.
  6. Kershaw done in by the 9th spot in the lineup, seems about right.
  7. Damn, that is the vibe I got off the trailers, was hoping for something more.
  8. Ah, Jeff Flake can finally hit that "Close Elevator Door" button, thanks Susan Collins!
  9. Anybody seen this yet? Seems to be a huge discrepancy between critics and general audience.
  10. Probably have a better shot at increasing the number of SC justices to 11...
  11. Cool, now the Democrats manage to lose while coming off looking like the "bad guy".
  12. Do you know how much toner costs? These are the cost saving initiatives that will save this country from its debt.
  13. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say drunk Trump would be incredibly articulate and speak with a slightly British accent because why the fuck not.
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