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Trump Allegedly Suggested Selling Puerto Rico as Hurricane Maria Approached

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54 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

"We need a business man to run the country like a business" needs to join "taxes pay for themselves" and "We'll be greeted a liberators" on the conservative Mt. Rushmore of bad ideas.

Also, “Hitler isn’t our problem” completes the four heads.

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:

"We need a business man to run the country like a business" needs to join "taxes pay for themselves" and "We'll be greeted a liberators" on the conservative Mt. Rushmore of bad ideas.


It might have kinda-sorta made sense for someone like Romney, since the skills you need to be successful at being the CEO of a publicly owned company do loosely translate to what it takes to be president, but not really for a dude whose business strategy boils down to money laundering and serial abuse of bankruptcy protections.

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I mean not even loosely. If a business fails, shareholders and employees go down. 


If the government fails, we all feel the effects.


The incentives and goals are wholly different too.


They're nothing alike.


Interpersonal relationships only matter in a company for a CEO depends on the board and a few other execs and customers and suppliers. not a 500+ member democratically elected chamber, and a cabinet and a judiciary. It's not the same!

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53 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

And as we've seen with Trump, he is fucking awful at that.


In all fairness, he's also a terrible businessman. His most successful businesses have been money laundering and lending his name to foreign nationals to give themselves a greater sense of legitimacy.


So yeah, he's been running the country exactly like any of his other businesses.

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