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Tariff Man Says U.S. Will Hit China With More Tariffs

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I’m surprised he didn’t announce them for Sept 11th to get more attention for the day


”I’m telling you. We are going to crush them for everything they owe us. We’re going to come down harder, and faster then when the two towers fell. That was like 19-20 years ago.”


face palms from everyone on staff, and split off to various networks to explain what the president really meant with his statement. No it wasn’t in bad taste but he should of made things a little clearer



sad that I somehow see how this could happen one day 

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14 hours ago, osxmatt said:

I had a few 8/2 options that just got royally fucked by this.

That sucks. While this type of activity from Trump  has been good for pumping and dumping back to pumping, it definitely can hurt options if his proclamations happen at inopportune times. 

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One big longer-term question is whether Powell will continue to accommodate Trump, or whether he’ll hold steady and follow the market into recession.  He could easily tip the scales given that the market’s already priced in several more rate cuts.


I’m of the opinion the Fed can’t stop a recession from happening, but can forestall it for a time, and the timing could be crucial to the short-run outcome of the trade war.


Either way, Long run, China will come out on top, IMO.  It’s better prepared for the long game and doesn’t have to worry about public opinion.  I’m not totally against industrial policy in all circumstances, but the populists and Trump have picked a fight they can’t win.  In an ironic twist, if they lose the upcoming election, they might be able to avoid the consequences by blaming any ensuing recession on a democratic president.

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On 8/1/2019 at 1:51 PM, MarSolo said:

Trump supporters: “Ugh, the Democrats want to raise our taxes to fund things like HEALTHCARE!”


Also Trump supporters: “YAY TARIFFS!”

That’s because they believe him when he claims the tariffs charge those foreign countries. They cannot get it through their thick heads that tariffs are equivalent to shipping something “cash on delivery”. Americans and American business end up paying the increased taxes. 


When there isn’t an inexpensive domestic alternative it hurts Americans. When other countries charge retaliatory tariffs and have either domestic alternatives, alternatives from other nations, or simply just stop buying our exported goods that also hurts American business. 


But Donald says tariffs are good, and his base has been told to only believe what he tells them. And they do. 

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"Risks of Trump intervening in foreign exchange markets have increased with China letting the yuan go," wrote Viraj Patel, FX and global macro strategist at Arkera, on Twitter. "If this was an all out currency war - the US would hands down lose. Beijing [is] far more advanced in playing the currency game [and has] bigger firepower."


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7 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Bloodbath in full effect.



“It’s among the worst-case scenarios,” said Michael Every, head of Asia financial markets research at Rabobank in Hong Kong. “First markets sell off, then Trump wakes up and this all gets far, far worse.”


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11 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

The collateral damage to their economy.

But there is not an international banking and finance law that would prevent Xi from

blowing up the global economy just to fuck Donald right in his mouth? 



Thank goodness Xi is more concerned with China than Donald is with America. 

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7 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Recovering a bit now.

Meh, just probably people buying who think the drop has bottomed out. It will be interesting to see how asian markets react later tonight and how the US markets will be tomorrow. 


25 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


And then when it rises back up in a few months, Trump can take credit again for it passing X milestone for the 10th time in his Presidency!

Trumps a *king idiot. He'll take credit for when nothing is actually happening.

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5 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

I’ve often wondered what, if anything is there to stop China from calling in our debt to them. 

For the most part The debt they own is like the US treasury debt most countries own—it’s not kept as leverage but as a means of exchange, because the dollar is still the only universally accepted reserve currency.


‘Calling it in’ would hurt China way more than it would hurt the US.

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