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Visions of Mana | Coming August 29th, 2024


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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Visions of Mana | Coming 2024 - "Xbox Developer Direct 2024 Gameplay Reveal" trailer
  • 2 months later...
  • Keyser_Soze changed the title to Visions of Mana | Coming Summer 2024 - "March" trailer

Hey it looks like you can do a lot more than basic attacks in this! Very nice! Looking forward to it.


Trials of Mana, on the other hand... It had a bunch of active ability slots, but hours into the game I had like 2, and they were like weird conditional use things, I think? I just remember the vast majority of the game being this basic ass combo shit. Did that ever change? I really wanted to play more but the repetitive simplistic combat bummed me the hell out, and no one ever talks about that game.

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1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

Hey it looks like you can do a lot more than basic attacks in this! Very nice! Looking forward to it.


Trials of Mana, on the other hand... It had a bunch of active ability slots, but hours into the game I had like 2, and they were like weird conditional use things, I think? I just remember the vast majority of the game being this basic ass combo shit. Did that ever change? I really wanted to play more but the repetitive simplistic combat bummed me the hell out, and no one ever talks about that game.

I couldn’t get into it. I loved Secret of Mana during the SNES era, but it was my only entry into the series before the Trials release. I actually close to platinum’d the Secret re-release, but never got more than a few hours into Trials.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Keyser_Soze changed the title to Visions of Mana | Coming August 29th, 2024

It looks like it would be a pain in the ass to port to switch, they would have to do a lot of work to tone down all the detail and everything here. I also wouldn’t be surprised if originally they would have had a Switch 2 port this year if it wasn’t delayed and that it hits that next year.

  • Halal 1
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