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Biden signs proclamation recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day

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The day will be observed Oct. 11, along with Columbus Day.



The day will be observed Oct. 11, along with Columbus Day, which is established by Congress. While Native Americans have campaigned for years for local and national days in recognition of the country's indigenous peoples, Biden's announcement appeared to catch many by surprise.


“This was completely unexpected. Even though we've been talking about it and wanting it for so long," said Hillary Kempenich, an artist and member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. In 2019, she and other tribal members successfully campaigned for her town of Grand Forks, N.D., to replace Columbus Day with a day recognizing Native peoples.

“I'm kind of overwhelmed with joy,” said Kempenich. She was waiting Friday afternoon for her eighth-grade daughter, who grew up challenging teachers' depictions of Columbus, to come home from school so Kempenich could share the news.



“Today, we also acknowledge the painful history of wrongs and atrocities that many European explorers inflicted on Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities,” Biden wrote. “It is a measure of our greatness as a Nation that we do not seek to bury these shameful episodes of our past — that we face them honestly, we bring them to the light, and we do all we can to address them.”



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24 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Even the bloody Spanish crown considered Columbus to be too much of a monster to be in charge of a colony:




As I said in the other thread, none of that should even matter since he was a monster to the people he raped and enslaved. Even if you ignore that other Europeans thought he was a monster, I don't understand why the opinions of the enslaved shouldn't don't count. I mean, I do, because not white, but nobody is ever willing to voice why their feelings shouldn't count.

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10 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


As I said in the other thread, none of that should even matter since he was a monster to the people he raped and enslaved. Even if you ignore that other Europeans thought he was a monster, I don't understand why the opinions of the enslaved shouldn't don't count. I mean, I do, because not white, but nobody is ever willing to voice why their feelings shouldn't count.


It doesn't and shouldn't matter in the least. 


However, it's necessary to incessantly and unrelentingly smash this counter-argument in the faces of the swine who go on and on about "judging historical figures by today's moral standards".  

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The was a post in one of the local groups saying Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day. Which was removed by the mods and replace with Happy Columbus Day with commenting instantly turned off. Parent's are pissed that kids didn't get the day off school here for Columbus Day (instead state agencies get Nevada Day off instead of Columbus Day, which was something that was passed during the previous Governor's term so years ago now). 

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