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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (22 March 2019) OT - Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4 . . . (Update: GOTY Edition coming October 28!)


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So far I really like the feel of the world. I find the controls a little twitchy - but i may just need to slow the sensitivity down.


I am having an issue, playing on xbox one - Nothing works in my quick select items. I tap L/R on my d-pad and nothing happens. I checked in my inventory and there are things like the pills and root (or whatever it was called) assigned to the quick slot...but didnt work. I have to pause, and use the item from inventory. 


any ideas? 

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1 hour ago, Bacon said:

I have a feeling the "parry" in this game isn't even that much of a parry. From what I can tell, it looks more like a perfect block rather than a traditional parry, which would make parrying far easier because even if you mess up you are still blocking. Maybe I am wrong, but that was my impression from the few trailers. 

That sounds about right. The penalty for missing a parry and blocking instead is posture damage to your character. 

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22 minutes ago, Pikachu said:

Would any of you guys like to name the OT?

[OT]~*~ Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice ~*~[OT]


SEKIRO: Shadows Die Twice - You will die and die again, and THEN you will respawn at the bonfire. 

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So in preparation of Sekiro a streamer beat all souls games without taking a single of damage 

Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, and Demon's Souls.

-All titles beaten in any order without taking a hit from any enemy, even hits that do not deal health damage

-Any hits would result in a complete reset of all games

-Falling damage is fine, and a single unavoidable hit that is required to progress is taken during Dark Souls 1 (Seath)


The final clip


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'In preparation' is kind of a misnomer...He's been trying for nearly a year, and before that it took him over a year to do the Trilogy (DS1 + DS2 + DS3). 


I'd highly suggest people here check Hob out though, he's a super entertaining streamer. And as he's been doing these challenges he's made bets with his chat to finish by a certain date, and he has almost always lost (including shaving his head and bungee jumping).

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1 minute ago, Paperclyp said:

The level of skill humans can develop for such odd tasks never ceases to amaze me.


Anyway, does this game seem to run well on consoles? Or is it something you should get for PC? 

I think it runs decent enough on the Pro/X but not on the base versions. I am running max on PC right now with a 1070. 

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2 hours ago, Bacon said:

I think it runs decent enough on the Pro/X but not on the base versions. I am running max on PC right now with a 1070. 

I'll need to see how it does on a normal PS4 with some impressions or tech comparisons or something. I kind of prefer to get it on there if it runs OK, but if not I'll get it on PC. 

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6 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Yeah, there's that at least. It sucks, because this isn't power related or anything. They could absolutely have the frame pacing fixed on the consoles. But they refuse or are unable to fix it for whatever reason. Is it their engine?


Maybe it's not as easy as you think or not worth it or console gamers don't notice it or don't care. :p

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3 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Maybe it's not as easy as you think or not worth it or console gamers don't notice it or don't care. :p

Easy? No, I don't think it's easy. But I think just about every other console game nails at least that much, so I'm thinking it's more a case of the complaints never reaching From Software or them just not giving a shit. Generally I dismiss the "it's not as easy as you think it is" excuse when it's only one particular game or series that has the issue.

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Ugh I’m so on the fence. I fell down the Anthem rabbit hole hard and I’m absolutely loving that game. And The Show comes out on Tuesday which usually eats up all of my spring gaming time. So I was thinking of playing this mid summer. But I don’t know if I can wait that long. I won’t be able to resist coming in here and seeing you guys talk about all the crazy stuff and it’s gonna kill me haha

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9 hours ago, Man of Culture said:

Getting thrown off a cliff by the chained ogre was the highlight of my evening. :lol:


Loving the game so far, not difficult, but definitely way more punishing than souls games. I think From struck a good balance here.

I think the game itself is fantastic so far but I'm having serious trouble getting into the combat against mini-boss/bosses due to how absurdly fragile your character is. I've been practicing on the training NPC but it just doesn't prepare you in any way for how utterly crushingly difficult these guys are. The actual stages so far aren't and are really enjoyable but the demands of the combat system vs. the fragility of your character is  really unpleasant for me right now. 


I'm hoping to improve obviously but I feel like I haven't learned anything useful bashing my head against the General after Chained Ogre for example. One mistake parrying and he can knock off literally 3/4's of your health. Combined with the fact posture damage goes back down, it feels like constantly fighting enemies with regenerating health. 


I've got the whole evening on it tonight so I'm really hoping I get anywhere with this combat system against advanced strategies.  

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19 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

the demands of the combat system

This is kind of my issue. This game and Nioh really demand a lot from me. Like, there is no relaxing in those games, where as Dark Souls and BB were pretty relaxing games outside of the bosses. 

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