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Gris: a beautiful 2D "poetic platformer" about personal loss (Update: 1m copies sold!)

Commissar SFLUFAN

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I sadly have to agree. The art design is kind of nice but I see some parts in the visual style that give a repetitive generic feel. I also find the mechanics to be pretty bland/bare bones which will get dull after some time. 


So sadly this will be forgotten for another pretty looking indie game in about a month. 


I know a game is not easy to make, I still do this on the side as a hobby along with my regular work but there are just way too much out there in the indie scene and screenshot visuals only go so far. 

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On 8/9/2018 at 3:13 PM, ALIEN-gunner said:

Add this to the heaping pile of generic indie platformers to be forgotten a week after release. 

God, you are a fucking moron.

9 hours ago, chakoo said:

I sadly have to agree. The art design is kind of nice but I see some parts in the visual style that give a repetitive generic feel. I also find the mechanics to be pretty bland/bare bones which will get dull after some time. 


So sadly this will be forgotten for another pretty looking indie game in about a month. 


I know a game is not easy to make, I still do this on the side as a hobby along with my regular work but there are just way too much out there in the indie scene and screenshot visuals only go so far. 


Then what about games like To the Moon were designated as failures?  I'm not understanding the correlation of simplistic = forgetful at the same time.  Unless the gameplay had significant flaws, then it's really unfair to set said game up for failure.

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47 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

Your negativity means a lot to me. Gold star.

I know.  Thanks for having the same manchild behavior for about nearly a decade.  Enjoy D1P until you're unbanned from IGN in the meanwhile.

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Available on Nintendo Switch and PC December 13


Gris is a hopeful young girl lost in her own world, dealing with a painful experience in her life. Her journey through sorrow is manifested in her dress, which grants new abilities to better navigate her faded reality. As the story unfolds, Gris will grow emotionally and see her world in a different way, revealing new paths to explore using her new abilities.


GRIS is a serene and evocative experience, free of danger, frustration or death. Players will explore a meticulously designed world brought to life with delicate art, detailed animation, and an elegant original score. Through the game light puzzles, platforming sequences, and optional skill-based challenges will reveal themselves as more of Gris’s world becomes accessible.


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Eurogamer - An evocative, ethereal experience you don't want to miss (Recommended)

I don't habitually spend a lot of time with games like Gris. I've grown accustomed to games that entertain me in brash, bombastic ways, and if you take nothing else away from this review, know that Gris is the very antonym to every shooty-bang-bang blockbuster you've ever clapped eyes on. I know everyone loves Journey - a game, in fact, said to have influenced Gris developer Nomada - but without a companion in tow, that's a game I find agonisingly slow. Not Gris, though. Gris is an experience I suspect I'll return to again and again. And while the gameplay is achingly well suited to Nintendo's hybrid Switch system - no commuting jostles or bumps will send you plummeting to your death here - you owe it to yourself to see its majesty on a big screen if you can. To hear it's soaring soundtrack loud and unfettered.


Polygon: Gris is about the fear we live with, and finding voice to defeat it (Polygon Recommends)

Gris is simply packed with little details like that, tiny things that, when considered, blossom into meaning. There’s a powerful feedback loop at play there as well. Even as I noticed more about the game’s symbols, I began to look for them in everything I touched. The environments themselves call out to the player, inviting them to pause and reflect on pain and loss and how to move on toward fulfillment and peace. You’re not simply moving through the environment, either. It reacts to you, welcomes you, and empowers you to think cleverly about solutions.

US Gamer: Grand visuals belie a competent but unexciting platformer (60%)A week or so removed from playing Gris, I don’t know what I’ll remember it for, if at all. Gris feels like it almost belongs in a museum, with crowds marvelling at its art and sound for a few minutes, before moving on to something else. There's moments of beautiful brilliance in Gris, all of which is dragged down by a decidedly average platforming game.



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Rock Paper Shotgun

I just wish they’d chosen a less obvious story or told it in a less obvious way — or just made it about a woman running around a pretty place. Make it about a magic watercolour land that needed saving from greyness! That would have been enough! Because it’s hard to overstate how impossibly beautiful this game is! How good the animation! I couldn’t look away from it even when it was making me roll my eyes! Like whatever the opposite of a car crash is! Sorry for shouting! I’m sort of cross with it! But also want to play it again! Because it might be the most stunning game I have ever seen! Argh!

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"You cannot die.  There are no enemies nor pitfalls to fall into throughout the game."


I'm sorry, but while it's very pretty I don't want to just run through some dude's art project.  And the music..I get that it fits the theme and all, but it was lulling me to sleep watching that gameplay vid.  This is an easy pass for me. 

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39 minutes ago, Slug said:

"You cannot die.  There are no enemies nor pitfalls to fall into throughout the game."


I'm sorry, but while it's very pretty I don't want to just run through some dude's art project.  And the music..I get that it fits the theme and all, but it was lulling me to sleep watching that gameplay vid.  This is an easy pass for me. 


Maybe you'll get a Hotel Miami crossover!

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4 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

I see all of the SJW game site are praising this like clockwork. 


"The fears and deaths we live through and finding a voice" :jordan:


Seriously. I can’t roll my eyes hard enough. I guess they need a safe space from real games like Dark Souls. 

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Gamespot - 90%

Don’t dismiss Gris as a game so caught up in its artistic splendor that it forgets what medium it's a part of, though. Strip away the resplendent visual design and enchanting score and Gris would still be enticing because of its sense of movement. The young woman moves with graceful purpose. She’s light on her feet but sure-headed, giving her a weightiness that makes it feel like you’re trying to break free of gravity but can never quite do so. There were sections when I would purposely repeat a series of jumps because it felt so good to skirt against the dreamy sky. New powers are unlocked as you get deeper into the adventure, and all of them add another layer of interactivity that not only expands your horizons but feels good to enact.


IGN - 65%

Gris is, at times, a meditative, affecting exploration of complex emotions that uses its levels as a canvas for some of the most beautiful visual design in any platformer, backed by a fantastic score. At others, it’s a maddeningly simple and confusing game that lets its artistic ambitions run roughshod over its gameplay.


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Sounds like a mediocre game, a beautiful background, and a story we've heard one too many times.


I still might pick it up since I'm a sucker for this kind of game and am inclined to be sympathetic to games with stories beyond "man finds things to shoot in direct proportion to how many bullets he has."

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Video game reviews as of late are turning into long-form versions of those absurd, pretentious book review blurbs anyone with half a brain has loathed since the dawn of publishing. 


"An utter delicious delight. I laughed, I cried, I profoundly.......................thought.........................." - New York Times


I'm all for exploring new avenues in video games but this one strikes me as incredibly cloying. 


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I'm fine with a 'boring' pretty game from time to time.  There's room in this medium for it.

There's definitely times when I'd rather be there for the scenery than focus on micromanaging shit.  Or worse, put up with a stylish game that is designed work against fun.  (Banner Saga epitomizes that for me.  Viewtiful Joe is another offender.)


No idea if I'd like Gris, but it doesn't seem offensive to me in the way that games with genuinely bad mechanics are.

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16 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

I'm fine with a 'boring' pretty game from time to time.  There's room in this medium for it.

There's definitely times when I'd rather be there for the scenery than focus on micromanaging shit.  Or worse, put up with a stylish game that is designed work against fun.  (Banner Saga epitomizes that for me.  Viewtiful Joe is another offender.)


No idea if I'd like Gris, but it doesn't seem offensive to me in the way that games with genuinely bad mechanics are.

Oh absolutely.  I'm sure it's a fine game and games like it unquestionably should have a seat at the table.  It's just not my cup of tea.  I hope it does well for those folk who are into this sort of thing though.

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15 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

3-4 hours long, linear, no replay value, no challenge  One-And-Done game for only $20? What a DEAL!!



There are plenty of games that are better value propositions but 3-4 hours of entertainment for $20 is a fair price.


Boy y'all came out of the woodworks to shit on a game for having an audience other than salty old coregamers. 95% of games are made with you as their target audience. One game that doesn't pander to you isn't the end of the world.

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