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Anyone ever get their appendix removed?


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Yesterday I was in so much pain in my stomach I thought I was going to die. Had the chills, throwing up, and diarrhea. So I left work thinking maybe I had covid. 


At the dr this morning they said it's your appendix and you'll need surgery right away. So I'm at the ER waiting to be taken in. Anyone here deal with this? Is it going to be bad pain?

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Can you leave your entertainment center to me in your will? 










Its a super common surgery. Most surgeons can do it with their eyes closed. Hopefully they don't try that on you though. The pain is from NOT getting the surgery. You wont feel shit after. 

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I had it done years ago. They did it laparoscopically so there was a very small scar and recovery wasn't bad, couple weeks of mild pain when using my stomach muscles.


After the surgeon got in there they figured out that my appendix wasn't a problem, but they still took it out anyways. 

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7 hours ago, best3444 said:

Yesterday I was in so much pain in my stomach I thought I was going to die. Had the chills, throwing up, and diarrhea. So I left work thinking maybe I had covid. 


At the dr this morning they said it's your appendix and you'll need surgery right away. So I'm at the ER waiting to be taken in. Anyone here deal with this? Is it going to be bad pain?


I had mine out in 2004 (was just about to burst). Recovery was a bit painful, but it was laparoscopic so no major scars. Just had to keep the wound dry for a few days, so no showers (not that you'll feel like standing for a bit). 


I made a joke in recovery to the nurses there. They lifted up my gown and showed me my incisions (one above the penis, one on my left abdomen, and one in my belly button). I said "oh no...I used to be an outtie!" I was high out of my mind on painkillers, so I don't remember if it got any laughs, but feel free to use it.


The only strange thing post-recovery was that I was able to hold my urine longer before peeing. It literally felt like there was less pressure on my bladder. 🤷‍♂️

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I always heard getting your appendix removed is easy as far as surgeries go.  The only time I heard otherwise was the Giantbomb podcast where Dan Ryckert was interviewing his father after appendix surgery. His either burst before surgery or got infected afterwards because the healing process was much longer, more involved, and gross sounding. I think it involved packing gauze into the inscision every day. 


Anybody here ever pack gauze into an opening in your body? I had the pleasure of getting a cyst and having it swell up inside my arm pit. Dr said it was probably there a long time but I never knew till it went nuclear. Getting it removed was simple until I found out I had to pack gauze into this now giant hole in my arm pit. Like at least 4 inches deep right after surgery. I had to stand in front of the mirror, one arm straight up, and use a long q tip to slowly jam gauze down in there. For a week and a half. Literally looked like a vagina in my arm pit until it closed up. 

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30 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

I always heard getting your appendix removed is easy as far as surgeries go.  The only time I heard otherwise was the Giantbomb podcast where Dan Ryckert was interviewing his father after appendix surgery. His either burst before surgery or got infected afterwards because the healing process was much longer, more involved, and gross sounding. I think it involved packing gauze into the inscision every day. 


Anybody here ever pack gauze into an opening in your body? I had the pleasure of getting a cyst and having it swell up inside my arm pit. Dr said it was probably there a long time but I never knew till it went nuclear. Getting it removed was simple until I found out I had to pack gauze into this now giant hole in my arm pit. Like at least 4 inches deep right after surgery. I had to stand in front of the mirror, one arm straight up, and use a long q tip to slowly jam gauze down in there. For a week and a half. Literally looked like a vagina in my arm pit until it closed up. 

gary coleman wtf GIF

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Actually I believe a lot of the time, as long as it hasn't burst, problems with the appendix can now be fixed with antibiotics. Not in every case, of course, and certainly not if it's burst or perforated, but if you catch it earlier antibiotics can spare you from the surgery, which isn't a huge deal as far as surgeries go.

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7 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

As them to go through your groin so you don’t have a scar next to those washboard abs. 


Funny you say that. They showed me the scar and it's just underneath my belly button. It doesn't look bad. Oh well.

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2 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

I always heard getting your appendix removed is easy as far as surgeries go.  The only time I heard otherwise was the Giantbomb podcast where Dan Ryckert was interviewing his father after appendix surgery. His either burst before surgery or got infected afterwards because the healing process was much longer, more involved, and gross sounding. I think it involved packing gauze into the inscision every day. 


Anybody here ever pack gauze into an opening in your body? I had the pleasure of getting a cyst and having it swell up inside my arm pit. Dr said it was probably there a long time but I never knew till it went nuclear. Getting it removed was simple until I found out I had to pack gauze into this now giant hole in my arm pit. Like at least 4 inches deep right after surgery. I had to stand in front of the mirror, one arm straight up, and use a long q tip to slowly jam gauze down in there. For a week and a half. Literally looked like a vagina in my arm pit until it closed up. 

ron burgundy GIF

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2 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

I always heard getting your appendix removed is easy as far as surgeries go.  The only time I heard otherwise was the Giantbomb podcast where Dan Ryckert was interviewing his father after appendix surgery. His either burst before surgery or got infected afterwards because the healing process was much longer, more involved, and gross sounding. I think it involved packing gauze into the inscision every day. 


Anybody here ever pack gauze into an opening in your body? I had the pleasure of getting a cyst and having it swell up inside my arm pit. Dr said it was probably there a long time but I never knew till it went nuclear. Getting it removed was simple until I found out I had to pack gauze into this now giant hole in my arm pit. Like at least 4 inches deep right after surgery. I had to stand in front of the mirror, one arm straight up, and use a long q tip to slowly jam gauze down in there. For a week and a half. Literally looked like a vagina in my arm pit until it closed up. 


Dude. That sounds awful and I NEVER heard of sticking gauze inside an open wound the way you explained it. Jfc. Glad that's over with for you. Wow. 

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

Surgery was successful. I'm not in any pain so they haven't given me pain meds. I'm staying the night maybe 2. They said it was very close to bursting.


Thanks guys for the posts.

Request a sponge bath :fap:

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24 minutes ago, best3444 said:

It's 8:50 and I'm wide awake. I usually take zzzquil and a little marijuana before bed. I have none of that lol. They should just give me morphine and end this party the right way.

Mention that you are starting to experience pain. I’m sure the doctor has prescribed something for them to give you. 

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16 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Mention that you are starting to experience pain. I’m sure the doctor has prescribed something for them to give you. 


Well I over heard them talking about pain meds but they never offered me anything. I guess I might have told them I don't need anything when I was still out of it. 


I'm just going to lay here and watch TV. Most likely won't sleep all night.

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20 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Well I over heard them talking about pain meds but they never offered me anything. I guess I might have told them I don't need anything when I was still out of it. 


I'm just going to lay here and watch TV. Most likely won't sleep all night.

Hey it’s okay. You don’t have to work tomorrow!

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5 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

I always heard getting your appendix removed is easy as far as surgeries go.  The only time I heard otherwise was the Giantbomb podcast where Dan Ryckert was interviewing his father after appendix surgery. His either burst before surgery or got infected afterwards because the healing process was much longer, more involved, and gross sounding. I think it involved packing gauze into the inscision every day. 


Anybody here ever pack gauze into an opening in your body? I had the pleasure of getting a cyst and having it swell up inside my arm pit. Dr said it was probably there a long time but I never knew till it went nuclear. Getting it removed was simple until I found out I had to pack gauze into this now giant hole in my arm pit. Like at least 4 inches deep right after surgery. I had to stand in front of the mirror, one arm straight up, and use a long q tip to slowly jam gauze down in there. For a week and a half. Literally looked like a vagina in my arm pit until it closed up. 

I’ve packed gauze into many bodies over the years. Far worse than that. 

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