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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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It's also funny how he's scared of immigrants moving to places, when in fact immigrants are better residents than native-born Americans. Immigrants commit fewer crimes and have better-performing children then natural-born citizens. Immigrants moving into an area provide an economic benefit and a stronger community...assuming you aren't racist. 

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5 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

It's also funny how he's scared of immigrants moving to places, when in fact immigrants are better residents than native-born Americans. Immigrants commit fewer crimes and have better-performing children then natural-born citizens. Immigrants moving into an area provide an economic benefit and a stronger community...assuming you aren't racist. 

I'm not scared of anybody on an individual level and have never, ever said we should have zero immigration. Just from my observation of living in CA for 35 years, areas that became immigrant majority for the most part and with very few exceptions, look visibly worse than white majority areas. Crime in those areas are also worse. Schools are worse. They start to become "ghettos" for lack of better term. 


I've known many wonderful people of questionable legal status. I have a literal border hopping Mexican gf who isn't even a citizen. Her parents came here illegally. They also had a family of 6 living in a 1 bedroom apartment growing up, but I digress. Not to do the whole but I have a black friend defense, but I guarantee I know more illegal immigrants than 90% of this board combined. I also find it funny I'm getting lectured and called racist by a group that I'm largely certain lives in 80+% white areas since you most of you have six figure incomes and 800 credit scores. I guess the TOS is the only stopping you all from having a picture of your 9 inch dicks for avatars. 


It might be great for the immigrant to come here and go pick lettuce or work under the table construction or go work at Taco Bell illegally because it's better than where he came from, but it's not great for the rest of us. I'm fine with limited immigration of skilled people and limited "refugee" cases.  I'm not fine with just letting in unlimited hundreds of thousands/millions of immigrants willy nilly because of my feels. 


If immigrant communities have less crime, better schools, better economic benefits, and a stronger community go move to one and let me know how being the lone gringo works out for you. Of course the majority of you support all of this, the majority of you live in lilly white communities and the few minorities you do interact with are the white washed successful ones. 


inb4 omg dodger so racist such racist garbage we're all so much better than him blah blah blah.

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First off, my dick is a solid 5.5", not 9". Second, illegal immigrants working under-the-table jobs isn't depressing wages - the wages were already that low and no one would work the jobs and employers refused to pay better. Last year the fruit-picking industry started a program to get Americans to work those jobs (for even better wages) and no one would do it, because the job sucks butt.


You know the solution to the issue? Massively increase taxes and use the money to fund proper social programs in the United States such as universal health coverage and better employment insurance/welfare so that people are no longer tied to jobs for fear of medical bankruptcy. Then watch as people become employment-liquid and pressure employers to raise wages or risk losing them. If you detach benefits from employment, it is much easier to change employment, which strengthens the power of labour over capital.


I am quite sure there are massive areas where immigrants live in squalor/poverty and the neighbourhoods are crap. But that has more to do with economics than race. You'll find the same thing in West Virginia with white people. But places close to Mexico have more Mexican immigrants, so a larger percentage of the poor are Mexican. If Mexicans weren't there, you'd have a higher percentage of poor black and white people.


It's not immigration that causes crime or poverty, the statistics are rock solid (rock solid 9") and show otherwise. It's the fucked up economic culture of the US that causes both of those things. Canada has areas that are just as diverse and just as populated (Toronto and Vancouver are good examples, both more diverse [Toronto especially] than most major American cities, and decent populations of 6.4 million and 2.5 million, respectively) that have much lower poverty and crime. 


The solutions are quite simple, but also very hard to implement unless you elect people willing to gut the rich. Not that Canada is perfect in that regard, but our equality gap is much narrower than the US, and our social programs and higher taxes help.

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31 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

First off, my dick is a solid 5.5", not 9". Second, illegal immigrants working under-the-table jobs isn't depressing wages - the wages were already that low and no one would work the jobs and employers refused to pay better. Last year the fruit-picking industry started a program to get Americans to work those jobs (for even better wages) and no one would do it, because the job sucks butt.


You know the solution to the issue? Massively increase taxes and use the money to fund proper social programs in the United States such as universal health coverage and better employment insurance/welfare so that people are no longer tied to jobs for fear of medical bankruptcy. Then watch as people become employment-liquid and pressure employers to raise wages or risk losing them. If you detach benefits from employment, it is much easier to change employment, which strengthens the power of labour over capital.


I am quite sure there are massive areas where immigrants live in squalor/poverty and the neighbourhoods are crap. But that has more to do with economics than race. You'll find the same thing in West Virginia with white people. But places close to Mexico have more Mexican immigrants, so a larger percentage of the poor are Mexican. If Mexicans weren't there, you'd have a higher percentage of poor black and white people.


It's not immigration that causes crime or poverty, the statistics are rock solid (rock solid 9") and show otherwise. It's the fucked up economic culture of the US that causes both of those things. Canada has areas that are just as diverse and just as populated (Toronto and Vancouver are good examples, both more diverse [Toronto especially] than most major American cities, and decent populations of 6.4 million and 2.5 million, respectively) that have much lower poverty and crime. 


The solutions are quite simple, but also very hard to implement unless you elect people willing to gut the rich. Not that Canada is perfect in that regard, but our equality gap is much narrower than the US, and our social programs and higher taxes help.


You also have around the total population of CA. Look I don't have a problem with a limited number of immigrants coming and helping them out. What I do have a problem with is trying to have a massive welfare state, while bringing in millions of people who largely are going to need that welfare. It turns out that coming to a country illegally without speaking the language while having no real skills or education and having work illegally is really difficult. The immigrants themselves might not be the cause of the problem, but importing hundreds of thousands/millions of people more prone to crime and poverty doesn't help anybody.


To use your West Viriginia example, your basic solution to the poor white trash problem of West VIrginia, is to flood it with more poor white trash and hope that "gutting the rich" magically solves all of the problems. That's always the old defense, well we have poor shitty white people too! Yes but if all the poor shitty white people from white trash town suddenly decided to march down to nice goodwhite liberalville, you'd have a problem with it. Goodwhite liberalville can't suddenly handle hundreds of thousands of people from poor white trash town suddenly moving in. Changing the skin color of the people moving in doesn't suddenly change the same basic problem. 


We can't turn the third world first world by simply relocating them all over to western nations. I can't remember the last time I saw any of you advocate for any sort of solution to help actual third world citizens in their third world homes. Just the daily REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! that Trump hasn't let them all cross the border here. 


Much like how you have to secure your oxygen mask first before helping others when the plane starts going down, we have to solve our problems first before fixing everybody else's shit. 

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

I also find it funny I'm getting lectured and called racist by a group that I'm largely certain lives in 80+% white areas since you most of you have six figure incomes and 800 credit scores.

Er, two things.


1. I've lived in NYC, Florida and Georgia. I've lived in address that are majority minority. There goes the large certainty.

2. I do have a perfect credit score. What does an 800 credit score have to do with where I live? Is it bad that I don't charge up my card needlessly and pay my bills that I have established fantastic credit in my lifetime? Do you have bad credit? Because if so, immigration didn't give it to you.


You mentioned how these areas look bad, but that glosses over a point I brought up earlier. You do know that there are hundreds upon hundreds of rundown white areas, right? That was one of the big things in the election was all the rundown, forgotten, economically deprived, crappy, drug-ridden white areas in the country. Many of the crappiest areas in Florida are the least diverse. 


It also ignores history, like many areas up in the Midwest that experienced white flight over what actually were middle-class African-Americans. Then the economy tanked in these areas.


But the idea that most of us don't know any minorities is ignorance designed I'm assuming so you can explain why any white people would support this, not to mention you are talking to some minorities as well. The fact that I'm close friends with so many, have dated minorities, know everybody from Filipinos to African Americans to Cubans to Puerto Ricans to Mormons, is why I have a deep appreciation for people's differences, and since I've lived in majority-black areas or work with a majority-black Workforce, I can tell you being one of the few white guys was actually pretty damn cool.

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In addition to that, the whole point of immigration is that you are poor and you want a better life. I'm a son of immigrants and my parents wouldn't have come here if they were making millions in Europe. I'm not scared of "poor white trash." I've worked under them. My favorite manager I ever had was an alcoholic redneck with the funniest most cartoony voice. And he wasn't my favorite because I was making fun of him, I literally dressed as him one Halloween at work because he was the coolest cat. In fact one of the reasons why the Democratic win in Alabama wasn't surprising to me was that I kept telling people here that their idea of what Alabama is flies in the face of who many people in Alabama are.

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Er, two things.


1. I've lived in NYC, Florida and Georgia. I've lived in address that are majority minority. There goes the large certainty.

2. I do have a perfect credit score. What does an 800 credit score have to do with where I live? Is it bad that I don't charge up my card needlessly and pay my bills that I have established fantastic credit in my lifetime? Do you have bad credit? Because if so, immigration didn't give it to you.


You mentioned how these areas look bad, but that glosses over a point I brought up earlier. You do know that there are hundreds upon hundreds of rundown white areas, right? That was one of the big things in the election was all the rundown, forgotten, economically deprived, crappy, drug-ridden white areas in the country. Many of the crappiest areas in Florida are the least diverse. 


It also ignores history, like many areas up in the Midwest that experienced white flight over what actually were middle-class African-Americans. Then the economy tanked in these areas.


But the idea that most of us don't know any minorities is ignorance designed I'm assuming so you can explain why any white people would support this, not to mention you are talking to some minorities as well. The fact that I'm close friends with so many, have dated minorities, know everybody from Filipinos to African Americans to Cubans to Puerto Ricans to Mormons, is why I have a deep appreciation for people's differences, and since I've lived in majority-black areas or work with a majority-black Workforce, I can tell you being one of the few white guys was actually pretty damn cool.



As I just said, the solution to poor white trash town isn't to set up poor immigrant town in the next city over.

2 minutes ago, Jason said:

The US has a massive welfare state? :lol:


And illegal immigrants are the primary beneficiaries of it? :rofl:

Learn to read. I said you can't support a massive welfare state while supporting massive influx of immigrants who would need the benefits. It's almost as if you all missed the point of how "Nordic Model Socialist" countries actually work. Oh that's right, you're still pretending to be a libertarian. 

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6 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

In addition to that, the whole point of immigration is that you are poor and you want a better life. I'm a son of immigrants and my parents wouldn't have come here if they were making millions in Europe. I'm not scared of "poor white trash." I've worked under them. My favorite manager I ever had was an alcoholic redneck with the funniest most cartoony voice. And he wasn't my favorite because I was making fun of him, I literally dressed as him one Halloween at work because he was the coolest cat. In fact one of the reasons why the Democratic win in Alabama wasn't surprising to me was that I kept telling people here that their idea of what Alabama is flies in the face of who many people in Alabama are.

Well I'm glad he wasn't black and you didn't put on any black face.


Anyway, I'll let you all get back to arguing whether or not the nominee can't be to the right of Karl Marx or whether or you should just accept the shitty corporate shill you're going to get and like it because at least it's not Trump. 

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13 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Well I'm glad he wasn't black and you didn't put on any black face.


Anyway, I'll let you all get back to arguing whether or not the nominee can't be to the right of Karl Marx or whether or you should just accept the shitty corporate shill you're going to get and like it because at least it's not Trump. 


Er, what? I dressed up as him by putting on a business casual suit, a name tag with his name on it and cigarettes in my front pocket. What are you talking about? :lol: 


For as much as you tout knowing, you don't seem to actually have a grasp of any of it. Examples include:

  1. You say immigrant minority areas turn into ghettos, but you ignore what people keep telling you about poor white areas, the multitude of them that you ignore, and the fact that they're simply not as concentrated. A place isn't bad because immigrants are there. My parents didn't make NYC a bad place. Poverty is everywhere, including white people who have roots going back generations.
  2. You keep talking about how people here are in majority white areas even though you don't know where anyone lives. You do realize by living in NYC, I've already lived in a place that has more kinds of people than you have, right? And that by moving to Florida, that didn't change? That I've lived in areas that were majority black?
  3. You keep talking about poor immigrants... if they were rich, they wouldn't be moving some place for a fresh start. My parents didn't come here because they were swimming in money and owned multiple homes.
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11 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

lmao, you have no idea where I live. 


My next door neighbor is a Pakastani Muslim, you ignorant fool. Probably half my colleagues are minorities. 


Seriously, fuck off you ignorant, racist moron.


He's admitting he idealizes living in a diversity-free neighborhood. :daydream:

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:


He's admitting he idealizes living in a diversity-free neighborhood. :Daydream:

Like most people? Since you all love the term dog whistle so much, we all know what the term "good schools" means around the water cooler at work. 


Arkansas is 77% white, I highly doubt Cnut lives in a section that's any less white than that. 

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6 minutes ago, Jason said:


He's admitting he idealizes living in a diversity-free neighborhood. :daydream:

Like I said, given what I've read of his posts, he sounds like a bitter middle-aged white dude who has lived in mediocrity all his life and wants to blame minorities. 


He projects these ideas onto other people, because he wishes he made more money and lived in an area with no minorities, because in his mind minorities(and liberals) are the cause of all the problems in the country. 


4 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Like most people? Since you all love the term dog whistle so much, we all know what the term "good schools" means around the water cooler at work. 


Arkansas is 77% white, I highly doubt Cnut lives in a section that's any less white than that. 

Like, I said, fuck off you ignorant, stupid fool. I live in a city that's half minority. I have a better life here than I did when I lived in my hometown that was 98% white and consumed with poverty and drug abuse.


Jesus christ, you're a walking pile of projection.

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With the amount of people here who live in places like Florida, New York, Texas, etc., I think everyone is owed an apology for the assumption that we all must live by white people and know maybe two or three minorities. That was a silly thing to assume, like wtf? :lol: 


That I have lived by people of different religions and races all my life is why other people don't scare me.

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He accused me of living in a majority white area directly before I laughed in his face. There are pockets to be sure but for the most part if you throw a dart at the NOVA area you’ll hit a part that has a significant minority presence. 


Also I like how he twists redlining into being a problem intrinsic to people with dark skin. He’s too far gone down the breitbart hole now and I can’t wait to him to stormfront his ass on out of here. 

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10 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

tbh, I prefer that he's upfront with his beliefs.


Just seems like resentment for people who make more than him has translated to resentment of immigrant (not home-grown white) poor people because rich people have convinced him the poor immigrants are the problem.

He still deserves scorn for his shitty beliefs, though.

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Tonight I learned @Dodger hates immigrants because they gave him a low credit score and a small penis.


I live in a pretty heavily black area of Philadelphia. I’m like THE Italian in that neighborhood (therefore, probably the only user on this board that can safely say he actually has a 9” penis... because Sicilian).

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