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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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6 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


They're not giving up on that!





Some conservative morons are now claiming that FN is officially a liberal outlet because of this lmao. The reality is they made the call WAY too early and now they're too stubborn to admit their mistake. Classic conservatism, really.

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1 minute ago, Joe said:


Defunding the police was a fucking stupid chant from the beginning and it's that type of shit that probably cost Dems a lot in the election.


absolutely. worrying more about an invisible enemy to them (COVID) than the very real boogeyman that is ANTIFA.  not condemning the looting/rioting enough. Not holding BLM to the fire to do the same - while chanting BLM at the top of their lungs. 


FOX and Trump have their base absolutely scared shitless that the Soros Funded Antifa marxist anarchists and BLM are going to destroy america and not enough was done to combat that. 

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1 minute ago, Jason said:

For the millionth time, Fox and the GOP would just make shit up regardless of whatever ammunition you handed them.


This isn't about Fox News, buddy. This massive turnout of Hispanics voting Republican has nothing to do with Fox News.


If you're talking about the socialism take, I don't buy that part, either.

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