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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I may have to go all in one Nintendo Online when Splatoon 3 is released.
  2. The bad ones that are still in circulation in my house. It’s also the last thing I think of in a day, so it consistently goes unresolved.
  3. I had no idea about this, ignored this thread (sorry!), and then heard about it in the Bombcast. This sounds cracking.
  4. I love doing it from time to time. I would like a stone though to get a decent cook.
  5. I had a wild poop the other day, I’d rate it in the top 3 bathroom experiences of all time- glorious sunrise, slight breeze, sound of rushing water. I was one with nature.
  6. It really was. My wife brought her a mug and a biscuit and asked if she was enjoying her tea and biscuits. She nodded and smiled. 23 months is a cool age.
  7. We’ve just been to the park to walk our dog, sitting on the sofa before we go and pick up our shopping and I asked ‘would you like anything?’ She leaned back and said ‘A tea, please.’ #godsavethequeen #PipPip 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
  8. More Metroid Dread (shock). I’ve just beaten a boss and unlocked a new beam. I continue to really like this game, the fact it’s not a walk over, though I’ve had some silly moments and felt like I’ve hit a brick wall to realise I could have shot a block, or hadn’t looked closely enough at a door type.
  9. Definitely. I just need to buy a decent, inflatable roll mat and I’d be set.
  10. I went on a two day, 55km walk with my father-in-law across Dartmoor. It was pretty tiring (not horrific), wonderful locations, beautiful sights, lots of wild ponies…though I did forget my roll mat and had the worst sleep ever.
  11. They just went to the wrong place. London has sone amazing places to eat - from expensive to traditional greasy spoons.
  12. I was out with my line manager (about 6 years ago) and we were being drunk and silky. Long story short, he punched me quite hard in the groin and I fainted (and was out) for about 5 seconds. He felt terrible and bought me a KFC to say sorry. I saw him a few months ago for the first time in years and it was the first thing he mentioned.
  13. I’ve been playing more Metroid Dread. I’ve really enjoyed it and love the ‘lost but not lost’ feeling a game can offer - like every time you progress it’s due to accidentally stumbling upon the next part of the game, instead of being ferried there. The EMMI are still cool and with the quick load, dying is not an issue (if this was like an older game, where death meant the last save - I’d have given up long, long ago.
  14. Call centre work is largely work from home if you have a laptop to run the software for it.
  15. It’s reassuring that underneath it all, the US is as fucked as the UK. I’m literally counting down the days until either the UK government announces. Comprehension package of support for everyone from this October (when my gas and electric bill may well triple) or how they’re going to weather the storm of a lot of people dying from the elements or malnutrition. It doesn’t really feel like a UK scenario to face but, here we are…
  16. I’ve got bs k on the band wagon and still enjoy it. I’m very happy Jeff B queried this whole ‘husband’, ‘partner’, ‘semi-husband’ thing with Jess. I find her mostly OK - but this always confused me. Someone is either your husband or they aren’t. I get that at a point saying boyfriend’ feels ridiculous, but I always assumed general consensus was ‘partner’ - though I appreciate that some people feel uncomfortable with the ambiguity around sexuality at that point too.
  17. I finished The Man Who Died Twice (fun) and picked up the Lincoln Lawyer for £1 so reading that. So far, it seems like a decent summer book.
  18. Always a bit surprised they didn’t release WoW classic with voice commands to make up for a lack of hot keys…
  19. Watched Donnie Darko last night (first time for my wife). For me, it’s aged really, really well and is still a weird, little bit creepy, but entertaining film. we have no internet at the moment so I’ve also bought Reservoir Dogs (also wife never see ) and season one of The West Wing, Homeland, and 24 to watch.
  20. I’ve had the urge to play some JRPGs (I’m not entirely sure why), so once we’re set up in our new house, I might carry on with FF7, then if that feels horrendous, try FF9, or FFX. So, I’ll go with those for now. I’m also on the final mission of Perfect Datk so might spend an evening cracking through that, not to mention my wife and I are now up to adult Link in OoT, so could carry that on.
  21. I may be a liar. I called my doctor’s surgery as nothing has really improved in 6 days (with drops) and after taking about my symptoms, he didn’t think it was conjunctivitis. So, I’m in an eye clinic about to see someone to find out if I need steroid cream, or if there’s something a bit more going on.
  22. I mean, most infections you get are pretty gross, but this just looks horrible. It also feels pretty horrible as well and if I close my functional eye, it looks like I’ve smeared Vaseline over my eyeball.
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