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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. It’s the school holidays, so no work for me until a week on Tuesday. Somehow, my wife hasn’t booked any time off from work, or booked my daughter time off from nursery…so I have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on my own, to actually get things done, or just to have some time off. I’ve got some work to do for school, so I’m going to do that on the Tuesday, get my attic boxes up to move in the next few weeks, then spend Monday having some time to do…anything.
  2. Wet food as I love sauce. Dry food for my dog because I’m cruel.
  3. OoT. Got the Sun Song and now off to the second dungeon.
  4. I wonder how long term this will be. It looks fun to play with friends (for a while) and online (for a while) - but is there more than that?
  5. Completed the half marathon. All was well until mile 9 when my calves and hips just gave out, along with it being stupidly hot. Cue walking up hills but running the downward slopes and flat. I’ll do another one, but in the autumn or winter and see if that’s any better!
  6. “Chill bro, rys” could be a common phrase soon.
  7. I have to say this to myself about 200 times when I’m running. Also in life. Also now. I may get it tattooed on my face as a public service.
  8. So, I have FF7 and 9 on the PS3. Does this mean if I pay for one of the tiers (no idea which one mind …) that I can play these in my PS4? Or will I just be able to play them without? I’m quite keen to try and get through one of them for the summer, but it would be nice to not have to find my PS3 and all the bits for it.
  9. Depends on the horse if I’m honest. Some nightmare picked up from the back of a fair ground or abattoir, no thanks. Something reared in a quiet location, fully broken in, not too twitchy, safe around vehicles and (for me), 16.5 hands plus, go for it. I’ll wank that billionaire off like a pro.
  10. On a whim, I grabbed OoT, MM, WW and TP (along with our N64 and Wii U) with the intention of playing them with my wife. Outcome - daughter lives the N64 controller and refuses to let us use it, then it’s 8pm and my day is pretty much done.
  11. We don’t track the temperature in the house. If it’s cold, we’ll put out central heating on for an hour or so, then wear jumpers/socks/have a blanket, if it’s still chilly. Summer, whatever the temperature is with the window open. My daughter will have a fan on (with a frozen bottle of water in front of it) if it’s very hot.
  12. For context, Skyward Sword took me 34 hours over…2 months? Anytime g over 15 hours is now a long game to me.
  13. I’ve got an urge to play some N64…but I also have some work I need to do, so realistically, possibly some Kirby tonight.
  14. Sizing up my ‘summer game’ when I’ll be the parent most of the time and will try and game during nap time.
  15. Embrace. Boring Brit pop that was somehow worse live.
  16. This thread made me realise, I don’t have a micro SD in my switch…even though I’ve got two within reaching distance.
  17. Is it just me or is that a terrible, terrible name. Surely EA Soccer/Football 24 would have worked out better…or do they just want that global branding?
  18. This thread makes me want to play Skyrim again…but then I remember I do t have 200 hours of sitting time available and away I shuffle.
  19. Very confident. To the point recently, I had to take a side profile photo and it was essentially my dad.
  20. My phone case (one of those, all’s round, put your cards and driving license ones). It’s definitely kept my screen alive for nearly 2 years.
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