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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Call in, explain and try and get it resolved straight away. If not, ask for them to listen back to your call and then you’ll get the definitive answer. I remember the day of being the person dealing with complaints about staff and having to literally throw money around because of a throw away comment by an advisor.
  2. gamer.tv

    I'm 31.

    I’m 33 and both look and feel it…older than that. One day I’ll need to shave my beard off to see if it rejuvenates me.
  3. I’m also very interested in any upcoming votes or elections in your local area.
  4. It’s just better than our older house in every way, but one great part is an outdoor toilet (it’s a small cabin, built to the side of the house for no real reason…). My wife doesn’t use it so it is my own private one. For that fact, I can see past the fact my morning piss was in -2C weather.
  5. Lots of the parents of children I teach are from Eastern Europe (my class is maybe 1/3 with English as an additional language) and range from Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Bulgarian and Russian (along with Malayalam and Punjabi). I’m insanely jealous of the bilingual children in my class and want some of that, so I’ve got Dualingo and mild determination. Which should I go for? I was caught between Polish and Russian but can be swayed.
  6. You’ve made me want to play it now, especially with the full analogue controls…
  7. In my house, the story remains the same. I’m still playing Fore Emblem, wife is still playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
  8. Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 4 Burnout 2 Tony Hawks 3 Gears of War 2 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Mass Effect 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Batman: Arkham Asylum For a few games, it’s less they were the best things I’ve touched, but I played them a stupid amount (Gears 2, THPS3, Burnout 2), but that list feels good to me. There are naturally a ton of games I’d like to add in that I’ve played more recently on the Switch and PS5, but I just can’t think of them.
  9. Rib still sore (so no rugby for at least another week), but going to try running tomorrow and see how that feels. I say this after a 1/4 of a mile run to catch my bus this morning so…it’ll be fine.
  10. Think we’ll hold off on this until the first patch is released to see what the dealio is.
  11. Finished The Mirror and the Light and now I feel like there’s a gulf in my life…great series. I read How to Train a Dragon in an evening and enjoyed it (though not world changing) and now thing out Inkheart. So far, interesting…but has similar vibes to Phillip Pullman, but that may be down to the translation.
  12. I stayed up a little later last night to help my wife with some work, ended up trying out Celeste. There’s a game that plays well, looks interesting and I know I’ll never finish. If we have the same routine tonight, it’ll either be more Fire Emblem, or like @TheLeon, I’ll try out a few of the PS+ games I’ve got (Little Nightmares, Inside and…something else).
  13. Played rugby today, all great but literally just before half time someone fell into my chest, heard a pretty unpleasant crack and I’m pretty sure I’ve fractured a rib. I’d rank it as my least favourite things to injure and chances are I won’t be right until after Christmas which sucks.
  14. Lovely thread. I never have money to give away, this never expect anything in return. This is the path I’ve chosen to tread.
  15. Oh excellent, I absolutely loved Golf Story and this is exactly what my Christmas needs.
  16. About 600 pages into The Mirror and the Light and it’s compulsive. None of the trilogy have been easy going - but I am fully invested in this semi-real world of Henry XIII and Cromwell. Though I’m looking forward to reading some children's books soon (Eragon, Boy at the Back of the Class, How to Train a Dragon, Inkheart) to keep up with what some of my pupils may progress to this year.
  17. Might make a band called Taint Clench
  18. My Reddit account is solely for looking up good walks near me and lurking the popular feed.
  19. Less me, which is still 30 minutes of Fire Emblem before bed, but my wife has got way into Kingdom Come: Deliverance. She loved/loves Skyrim, Witcher 3, RDR2 and this is filling a gap left by those games. It’s also nice to watch a game that fully went for some very particular gameplay choices and doing them…mostly well.
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