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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. In my house, a completely inauthentic chilli. My wife always says she doesn’t fancy it, then loves it when I finally get round to making it. For me, any kind of soup.
  2. I should have the house after I get back from setting up my classroom, so I’ve got choices: Carry on with Doom Eternal Carry on with Metroid Dread Try out: Uncharted: Lost Legacy, Guardians of the Galaxy, Tetris Effect…or something else Set up our attic so it has all my ‘older’ game consoles and laptop, so o have a retro game haven.
  3. That is unbearably hot to me. The South West of England reached 98 and I couldn’t sleep for about 4 days.
  4. Rugby training tonight was great fun. I also secretly love doing some pretty hard training and being the least tired of everyone. It makes the last few months of running, hiking l, and generally always choosing the physical choice more worth it.
  5. With all that, also doing something I never do, I’ve wound up with 3 books on the go (not even the ones listed). An autobiography on the rugby coach Eddie Jones, another autobiography about Billy Connelly, and then a book called Sweet Sorrow - which I’ve only read a few chapters of.
  6. This. If I put a light on, it’ll probably wake everyone in my house up.
  7. Listened to the whole new Muse album this morning. I was never a fan of The Revolution, so the first part of the album is…fine. Keen on the final few songs though, I’m a sucker so Verona and Ghosts are two of my faves.
  8. Rugby training was just a run through for a game on Friday so I’ll also be doing some interval training tomorrow…probably not as savage.
  9. I have not even set up my PS3 to try and play anything I’ve said. Oh well, another year!
  10. I do, so want to like Bloodborne, but after two tries it just never clicks for me. I’m sure it’s my fault as I’m awful at that game, but the actual world is just so cool. Maybe one more go…
  11. Running club was decent. 5.3 miles and a decent pace, more importantly it’s great to see running routes around where I live that I’d have never found on my own.
  12. After warming my hip up for around 30 minutes he pulled really, really hard on my leg. Then a few more stretches and then a ‘drop’ - so forcing it down a bit more. Repeated it the next session with more mobility work. When I say he pulled it hard, I mean if it was my head, I’d be dead.
  13. Also signed up to a running club tomorrow (at least…I think I have). So that’ll be running tomorrow, rugby on Tuesday, clean, tidy house then off to a festival for 4 nights. I’m planning on bringing my gear as there are fitness sessions etc to recover from a nigh on guaranteed horrible hangover.
  14. I’ve had two sessions with an oesteopath to try and sort out my hip. It turns out my left hip was about…an inch and a half higher than the other side (rugby trauma) so that was causing me a lot of issues running. That’s been fixed and I’ve gone from constantly having hip tightness pain on the left and calf pain on the right to…nothing. Ran five miles today and the only parts that hurt were my legs and lungs running up some hills. It was genuinely ace.
  15. My wife’s PS account (my old one) got a free month of Premium so scouting some faves to play. Hundreds to choose from, might play Bugsnax.
  16. Finding it hard to settle on a book. My father in law has let me borrow a book called Ancestors which is great - but I can’t seem to get into it properly. I have an autobiography as well, but despite it being about a person I’m very interested in, it’s classic ghost writing (dry, occasionally dull). So, I grabbed a cool book on the History of Hobbits which is interesting.
  17. I’ll never tell my wife but Weatherspoons. It’s so cheap (food and beers) and isn’t as bad as it should be - plus they have loads of sides that also aren’t shit. I just feel bad because the CEO of the company is a massive fucker.
  18. One of those ‘we all know, but don’t want to say.’ He is fundamentally OK, but it’s just sad to know there is only one outcome, but whether it will be rapid or over a longer period of time is the unknown element. My mum is very pragmatic and is coping well it appears from the outside. For the internet strangers, he’s always been an amazing Dad, been a guide and blueprint for how I’ve wanted to live my life, and as a great role model, came from very little and worked incredibly hard to be a fantastic person. It also makes me feel very glad that a few years ago, at Christmas, I wrote my immediate family letters to say thank you to them - so none of this feels unsaid. I just hope he’s OK.
  19. After studying construction at university…I’m glad I then went into teaching. It was stressful enough planning and writing PM reports on old, already built sites, I can’t quite imagine working on one live.
  20. 30-60 minutes. It’s terrible, but I can’t really justify it when there’s so much that always needs doing.
  21. First pre-season rugby in a while. It might just be that I’ve run a lot, abut it was pretty easy. I can’t say I’m complaining though - but it was a reminder that I need to get more strength to go with the conditioning that I do.
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