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Everything posted by ort

  1. Yeah, there are 3 shows I want to watch all coming out at the exact same time... The Boys, Raised by Wolves and Lovecraft Country. (Also now Watchmen, which I have not seen yet, but now can) I hate waiting for new episodes, so I'm kinda letting them all bank up for the next few weeks before I start. When I watch a show I usually like to do one episode a night.
  2. God, I remember every season worrying about whether or not it would be the last... my only hope was always that they would be able to go out on their own terms and not get cancelled. Sad trombone. I touched on it in this thread, but I used to be a MEGA fan of this show. It was a big deal for me for a long time... but... my enthusiasm has pretty much gone to zero. It's very sad. I have all of season 7 on my DVR and I've only watched the first episode... and I think I've watched it twice now hoping to start the season and I just never do. I really do think it's mostly because of the insane gaps between seasons. It just get silly after a while.
  3. I think what happened to me is my DVR screwed up like 5 years ago and I missed a bunch of episodes and I just never went back after I got all confused about where I was in the show.
  4. There are commercials on TV for a box you poop in and mail off to test for colon cancer.
  5. I also stopped watching this, before the coma stuff I guess. It's weird, because I did really like it, but I just kinda stopped.
  6. Doesn't the right wing hate Bill Gates too? All my right-winged shit-brained dumbass ignorant friends and relatives on Facebook are always saying bafflingly idiotic stuff about Bill Gates. Is hating on Bill Gates a Qanon thing or something? I don't get it.
  7. I hate stories like this, because it's 100% non verifiable, and even though it's probably true, at the end of the day its just doesn't matter. It's just noise.
  8. Hey, I actually have HBO now, I'll check this out. Although, Ridley Scott's name being attached is something I consider a big negative at this point in his career.
  9. Well, I don't follow the NBA, but in the NHL bubble it's a well known secret that doesn't really get discussed by the media... that the players HATE living in the bubble and apparently it totally sucks. I'm sure the NBA situation is similar... these guys are accustomed to a much different lifestyle than they experience in the bubble. I'm not saying that's the only reason this is happening, but it has to be a contributing factor.
  10. This is what many gun owners fantasize about. Go into the comments on any story about this stuff, and you will always (100% of the time) get dozens of variants of this exact post... "I'd like to see these animals try this in my neighborhood. It would go very differently here... they would find out really fast that real Americans know how to defend themselves." They all just want to kill people with their guns. It's all they dream about. It comes from some sort of truly demented place. Fuck guns, but most of all, fuck gun nut psychos. I fucking hate those people, they're all exactly the same and they all fucking suck ass. This sorry ass piece of shit kid was looking for trouble because he's been brainwashed by the NRA and his right wing talking head propaganda masters. Blood isn't just on his hands, it's on the entire gun industry. The Tucker Carlsons and Hannitys of the world have this blood on their hands too. But they love this. They love the violence and chaos and you know they are loving every second of this class was going on now. Because they are truly evil people with dark souls that love nothing but money and power.
  11. Someone needs to recut these movies with the classic "BANG" "POW" on screen bursts like on the 60s show.
  12. Grittier! Grittier! Grittier! How many Batman reboots are we from these movies just being 2 hours of torture porn in the dark rain? (eh, it looks fine. I know Batman is gritty, but at some point it just gets a little silly)
  13. This is all the fault of that Gears of War commercial from like 15 years ago. The whole slow version of a fun song played all serious over slow motion violence is so tired and completely played out at this moment, that anything that falls back on that trope in their trailer falls back like 50 hype points in my mind. Come on people. I haven't liked a single Zach Snyder anything I've seen. All terrible. Even Dawn of the Dead which most like. Fuck that movie. (I'm too much of a fan fo the original to ever warm up to that movie at all). I didn't watch the original and I won't watch this. Don't care.
  14. My son spent 9 hours watching season 1 on an iPad yesterday... ha.
  15. So season 1 is on Netflix... what's the best way to stream seasons 2 and 3?
  16. For the GOP it's basically 7am Monday after staying up all night after an extended weekend coke and hooker bender where they drained their savings account... and now they need to stumble home to their family and they are jus putting it off as long as they can...
  17. Yeah, and if he was president at the time he would be calling her names and having goons beat her up because he would have been opposing the suffrage movement with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns, because, as we all know, he's a rancid vile piece of shit.
  18. They did violate the terms of service on their developer accounts. They signed into the agreement when they became developers on Apple's platform using Apples tools. I mean, they had to know this would happen. This couldn't have been a surprise. Apple did it to facebook a few years ago to when they were pulling some shennanigans.
  19. Apparently Microsoft and Sony also take a 30% cut when you buy stuff on their consoles.
  20. Watching it you could feel the passion and vision of the creators shining through the whole show. It was fun since it was obvious that they were influenced by all exact same nerdy stuff I grew up on. From what I've gathered about what people don't like about Korra... I don't think any of it is going to bother me in the slightest.
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