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Everything posted by ort

  1. Wah. Seriously, if he wants privacy so bad, tell him to stop making idiotic ignorant public statements. He deserves every ounce of criticism he's getting. He really deserves more, but it's also good that he is mostly getting ignored.
  2. Trump asked US ambassador to the UK to request the British Open be held at a Trump resort in Scotland, New York Times reports https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-ambassador-scotland-trump-resort-host-british-open-nyt-2020-7 This probably deserves it's own thread... but this alone is the sort of thing that would have been considered impeachable in the past.
  3. Yeah, game of the year what? I downloaded this right when it came out because I thought my kids would love it. We had minutes of fun! Seriously, we all took turns playing it for like 45 minutes... then I played for like 30 more minutes when they went to bed and I don;'t think it's seen single second of play since then. My kids have zero interest... and they have been locked in a house playing video games for 4 months straight. It's a cute idea, but it's actually not that fun once you get over the novelty.
  4. Hey, the comments are back on... This is a sampling from the first page of comments... I didn't even have to look hard. This is the first page. I deleted the boring and tasteful ones.... it was about 50% of them. This is the other 50%... But yeah, racism isn't a problem anymore, clearly all these people out in the streets are just race baiting whiners looking for free stuff...
  5. Fox News left their comments on for their article about this yesterday. It went exactly as you would expect. They seem to be off now... but seriously, they know. You know they know how every comments section is gonna go by observing which articles they choose to have comments on and which they don't. By leaving their hateful, awful, toxic, racist, mysogynist shameful shithole comments section on for most of their articles really tells you everything you need to know about them as an organization. Because you know they know. The article speaks in coded language, dances around what they really want to say and how they really want to say it... and then you scroll down to the comments for the raw unfiltered id of Fox News. What they really mean and what they have no shame in showing you, because regardless of what they know the Fox News comments section is like, for literally everything they post... they choose to continue to let it exist. They are giving their approval. It's disgusting.
  6. NHL coming back in like 2 weeks. They might actually be able to pull it off too... we'll see.
  7. Well, It happened yesterday and I missed the news... but St. Louis County basically axed all youth sports. Only 10 kids allowed on a field or court (or rink I suppose) at a time. No playing other teams. No fans in the stands. I'm actually relieved that the decision has been made for me. This was the right call but it SUCKS. I'm sure they will launch some sort of super toned down hockey thing and we will probably participate in that. I got this news via an email from our league as my son was skating for the first time in 4 months. I think that's the longest he's gone without touching ice in 5 years (and he's 10).
  8. Exactly 100%. The kids aren't gonna die, but they will bring it home. They will spread it. We're only as safe as the weakest link in the chain. Who knows what the other parents are doing. They could be having key parties for all we know. And we have no idea what the long term effects of this are. We're seeing all sorts of reports of long term damage... maybe the kids won't die but will have a lifetime of lung damage? We just don't know and I don't want to be part of some sort of grand experiment. Trump should send Barron to public school or he should shut the fuck up.
  9. Hockey isn't anywhere near football levels. Yes, it's a contact sport and can be pretty rough, but it's not that bad. We understand the risks. We may not do it forever. They haven't even started hitting yet, that comes in 2 years. My son can't wait for hitting anyway... because he's guy on the right playing against kids who literally weight half as much as he does. He's 10 and weighs 135 pounds and built like a tank. He's just big and strong. Most of the kids on his team are around the 70-90 lbs range. He's a textbook hockey power forward.
  10. I have a teacher friend who is on one of these committees. He says the goal they are shooting for is having 1/3 of parents opt out, and then have the other 2/3 go every other day, so the schools will all be 1/3 full and kids go every other day. I mean, I guess, but that also sucks. That's the problem, every possible solution sucks. I don't have a good answer. There isn't one. That's the problem.
  11. These plans don't make sense to me. It's like, okay, we've got two really bad options... which one should we pick... I know! BOTH! We can completely fuck up parents work lives and also endanger our children and teachers! Hooray! Everyone loses!
  12. I know we're talking about giant trucks now.... but yeah, so when he's talking about how Biden wants to destroy the suburbs as we know them, he's talking about black people moving to the suburbs. Wonderful.
  13. I edited my post a little. He's 11 next month. He plays 12U (Pee Wee) hockey.
  14. It's really hard. It's a really hard decision. My oldest plays hockey... (he's only 10 but plays at a very competitive cut throat level) and we're supposed to have tryouts in a few weeks and he hasn't even touched the ice in like 4 months. All summer long, all I've been seeing is all the other hockey parents sending their kids to hockey camps, training programs, etc... everyone is just spinning everything up. I can't imagine skipping a year of hockey and thinking about what that will do to his development. It's complicated, but it would basically be throwing away a huge amount of the work and time we've been putting into this for years now. What do I do? Skip the year? Not try out? And watch all of his teammates go on and play like nothing is happening? What if nothing does happen? What if it would be fine? What if I'm worrying for nothing... BUT, what if I send him and we all get sick? Hockey is his entire life. It's a huge part of my life. What am I supposed to be doing here?
  15. It's just the shittiest possible reality. Our situation isn't even that bad compared to most families. My wife is still going to work every day and I am able to work 100% from home and stay with my two kids. Online learning at the end of the school year was a total nightmare. Trying to work a stressful detail oriented, technical job as all of our clients (smaller retail chains) were panicking and freaking out, while simultaneously trying to be a parent and a teacher was insanely stressful. Any one day wasn't that bad, but do it for weeks and weeks and months and that shit just grinds you down. I've been doing it for 126 days now (but who's counting) and it's been way easier during the summer since there is no organized school... but it's still a total nightmare. My kids are missing out on everything. Their whole summer has been spent bumming around the house. No camp, no sports, no friends... (well, a tiny sliver, but not really). They're losing their minds. I'm losing my mind. Everyone is loopy and distant and going bananas. Now we're looking at no school and full time home school and I have to facilitate that and duo my job? It's a fucking mess. It's not sustainable... and then with all that said... it would be absolute LUNACY to send the kids back to school. Clearly that is a terrible idea. We all know exactly how that is going to go and I don't think there is any chance kids will go back and in states they do, I doubt it lasts more than a few months. A school is like the single worst environment for trying to control an outbreak I can think of. Sitting in a small room all day with a dozen other kids breathing the same air? Have you ever seen a kindergartner try to keep a mask on for 7 hours or not touch other people? Good luck with that. This fall is going to capital S SUCK. It's gonna be bad.
  16. So all 50 million school kids should have their parents get them tutors? Any other brilliant ideas you've got there? What if they get hungry? Let them eat cake?
  17. DING DING DING... non parent alarm... Parents are staring down multiple equally horrifying possibilities, because staying home sounds absolutely awful and going to school also sounds awful. Being a parent is very hard and this is an unprecedented and ridiculously stressful problem we are all facing. Our society has been built without a good backup structure in place for the vast majority of parents to simply "figure it out.". Figure what out? What are we supposed to figure out? You can take your flippant attitude and cram it up your ass.
  18. I feel like a good 25% of all "news" on Fox is them complaining about other news outlets.
  19. Well, that settles it, I won't be watching, listening or paying attention to anything Nick Cannon does... and hey wait, I was already doing that so we good. (like all suburban white kids from the midwest) Public Enemy was one of my favorite bands in high school... I remember being upset when Griff got kicked out, but remember that he did indeed say some heinous shit. Probably not the best person to have on your show as a guest.
  20. I haven't been paying that much attention to all the details, but it sounded more like what he was saying was coming from a place of spectacular massive ignorance and not a place of hate. He was just kinda dumb and had no idea what he was talking about. Not sure it's worth ruining his life over if he can learn and grow from what happened.
  21. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/14/politics/ivanka-trump-find-something-new-unemployment/index.html For example, people could try being born into a billionaire family and getting a handed a job at the White House despite having zero qualifications for that job.
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