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Everything posted by ort

  1. It's unbelievably hard to watch. Mainly because it hurts me deep down in my soul to know that 63 million people were stupid enough to vote for this man. It makes me question everything I know about the universe. It just doesn't seem plausible in any way. Like, how... how is that even possible? Who can listen to ANYTHING this man says, about literally anything ever and think, yes, yes, this is the man to lead the most powerful country in the world. This is our guy. This stammering simple idiot, this is our guy.
  2. This is all Fox News talks about right now. If you believed the narrative they were pushing, you would think we all lived in some sort of Escape From New York style urban hellscape.
  3. Those same shameless republicans who were calling him a hero are the same EXACT people he needed to become a hero to fight. Today, they are the ones with the firehoses and batons and they lack the self awareness to see what side of history they are on. They are currently cheering on the beatings of the future John Lewis' of the world and they are too fucking stupid to even see it.
  4. It's funny because Obama's version of "being political" is trying to help people. He's being political! He wants people lives to improve! What an ass!
  5. I know there are a lot of bots on Fox News... but it ain't all bots. And there are real humans who work at Fox News who 100% know exactly what goes on in the comments on every single story they post and allow it to continue without doing a thing. It's there very much on purpose. The article at the top is the watered down public facing version of their opinion, and then the comments section serves as the raw exposed id of the conservative mind. If Fox News didn't want us seeing all that stuff, they would stop putting it there. They know what it is and they want the world to see it. It's choice they have made and continue to make. They can make all the excuses they want about that just being an open forum for communications and they how they don't condone everything... but they know what it is. They know what goes on down there on the anus of the internet. They know, and it's not that they don't care... because I think they do. They know what it is and that's exactly what they want it to be. There is a poisonous cancerous ugly rot within the right wing and they don't care. They embrace it and flaunt it. They don't care. They don't care about anything but keeping republicans in power. They stand for nothing. Standing with Trump for the last 4 years or whatever has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt. They're all playing a game and they don't give two fucks about anything at all beyond being rich at the expense of anyone in their way. They don't fucking care about immigration or black people or statues or voter fraud or anything at all. It's all just a big smokescreen of bullshit to cover for their get rich schemes. That's their whole platform. Donald Trump would march every single one of his supporters into a slaughterhouse and have them ground into a paste if it would make him a few bucks and he didn't have to suffer any consequences from it. The men and women who have lined up to support him might not be as brazen as he is, but by enabling a madman idiot they are just as culpable for all of the blood on his hands.
  6. I wonder when people will warm up to the idea that google today is 10 times more dangerous than Microsoft was in the 90s.
  7. Republicans: 10! Democrats: we really want 1, but, uh, let's compromise, how about 5, that seems about right? Republicans: 10! Democrats: Well, okay, how about 6? Republicans: 10! Democrats: Sheesh, uh, okay, let's just say 7 Republicans:10! Democrats: You're busting our balls... sure, okay fine, 8... final offer... Republicans: grumble grumble socialism, end of the world... fine, how about 9, I guess... but FUCK YOU Democrats: DEAL! We win! Yay!
  8. NHL also has the benefit of being in Canada. All of the western conference teams are playing in Edmonton, and all eastern teams play in Toronto. All games will be played in the same arena. The teams are staying in a locked down hotel that is physically attached to the rink. Each team gets a floor. There will be food and entertainment brought in and they will be taking team bus trips to golf courses. Otherwise, there is zero contact with the outside world. All staff and referees and crew and players and everyone will be literally locked in a hotel together and tested regularly. We'll see what happens. They're there now and play starts this week.
  9. Hockey is taking some pretty extraordinary measures... on paper it should work. The main vector of failure is trusting a bunch of millionaire 22 year old horndogs to remain locked in a hotel for 2 months.
  10. We just officially opted out of the first semester of school. Online learning for us. This was not a choice made lightly and is weighing very heavily on my soul. This whole situation SUCKS. Being a parent during this SUCKS. Online leanring SUCKS. But I know in my heart that society going back to school right now is NOT the correct thing to be doing so I can't in good conscious participate in that nonsense. Most other parents are opting for a hybrid return... but I have a hunch that school will not be starting up in a month and if it actually does, I give schools a month or two tops before they start shutting down all across the country due to outbreaks. Every choice sucks. Everthing about this sucks. Working from home full time in a high paced stressful detail oriented job while trying to facilitate the online learning of my two children is close to an impossible task as I learned in the spring... and I just willfully signed up for at least 4 more months of it. Ugh...
  11. Yeah, I don't know about this one. Everyone seems so excited, but the trailers don't do much for me.
  12. Avatar 2 is going to be the humans returning to Pandora and glassing the surface of the planet from orbit.
  13. The whole Harry Potter part of Universal is amazing. I'm not even really a Harry Potter guy, but they knocked it out of the park with that one.
  14. It's so bad on every level. It's so funny that it's still the second highest grossing movie of all time, and pretty much has no fanbase. You'll find people who say things like, yeah, that was pretty okay... but ask them to name a single character from the movie. It's the most popular tech demo in the history of mankind. Find me some people excited for these sequels. I don't think the exist... well, okay, maybe a few hundred people on the internet somewhere... but there is no fanbase for these movies. I'm going to predict that they don't even make all of these movies, because they aren't going to do well.
  15. The pandemic is actually working for him here... because if the stadium was full of people the booing would be deafening. The broadcast crew should pipe in fake boos to make it more realistic.
  16. Have I though? I know my over-the-top hyperbolic trump rants can seem a little bonkers... but it's more of a form of release for me. In real life, I'm about as mild mannered and even keeled as they come. I use various online message boards as a form of anger release. That said, I also challenge you to find anything that even amounts to 1% of saying that American slaves were slaves by choice. Calling Trump followers evil idiots? You know, I stand by that. I could write a book defending my position on that one. What else have you got? If I say something you think is wrong, please call me out on it. Challenge me. I love it... I really truly do. Call me out. We're all better people when we listen (and really listen) to other opinions. I want to be called out for my shit. I don;'t want to live in a bubble. If what I say is fucked up or wrong, say so. I actually like Kanye's music... well, some of it... the earlier stuff... I own like 3 or 4 of his album... but I've always found pretty much everything about his persona to be abhorrent and gross. I also suffer from mental health problems (the 'ol depression/anxiety combo attack — shocker I know) and it's fucked my life all up, trust me... but I am in therapy and I'm trying to work on my shit and I would never use it as an excuse to say anything even remotely close to saying the sort of ignorant crap Kanye has.
  17. Apparently Kim Kardasian posted an American flag on instagram in response to his announcing his run for president. Sounds like she is really trying to help him, avoid attention and has his back... I mean, it's great that her PR person wrote this for her, and I do sympathize with people struggling with mental health issues, but let's not act like he's some sort of victim here. Dude is a billoinarre with access to the best mental health care in the world... and he's also putting himself out there as the potential leader of the free world, literally saying, SEE ME AND HEAR ME, I WANT TO LEAD YOU! and we're supposed to just look away and feel bad for him? Nah. I'll happily look away, and I generally do, but come on man.
  18. Meh, I stand by what I said. Being BiPolar doesn't make you think slavery is a choice. Being bipolar doesn't make you say stupid crap about Harriet Tubman. He had a flipping public event and invited everyone to come hear him speak, stood up on a soap box and said a bunch of stupid crap. We have every right in the world to listen to his words and react to them as we wish. He invited it on himself.
  19. Wah. Seriously, if he wants privacy so bad, tell him to stop making idiotic ignorant public statements. He deserves every ounce of criticism he's getting. He really deserves more, but it's also good that he is mostly getting ignored.
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