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Everything posted by ort

  1. Is the October 15th one the town hall one? I hope he does debate. Let him stand for an hour and half taking questions from real people. Sounds great to me. Put him out there as much and as often as possible.
  2. And what if during those 7 months the country was taking unprecedented precautions to try to stop the spread? It's not even in the same ballpark. We never do shit about the flu and it usually kills like 20-50,000 people. We closed half the country down and locked ourselves in our houses, shut down most public gatherings and concerts and sports and we still have 210,000 dead. THIS <MANS ACTIONS ARE LEADING TO PEOPLE DYING. Donald Trump IS ACTIVELY KILLING PEOPLE WITH HIS ACTIONS. HE IS KILLING PEOPLE.
  3. Just debate the fucker. If Biden can't go, I'll take his place. PUT ME ON A FUCKING STAGE WITH THIS MAN.
  4. Is that the town hall one? Can I ask a question? How do you get to be one of those people. Do we have to be undecided? I can do that...
  5. I've found the Switch to be the biggest piece of crap hardware Nintendo has ever made. I've sent our's in like 3 times. Fuck the Switch. Fuck Nintendo. Fix your shit.
  6. Don't be afraid of COVID? You got a fucking helicopter ride to the best hospital and the best doctors and have rapid tests and every other perfect thing in the whole go damned world at your disposal. I don't give a shit what your experience was like. IT'S MOTHERFUCKING IRRELEVANT to how it effects normal citizens. SHUT YOUR FUCKING FACE YOU MONSTER> SHUT IT
  7. Every fucking thing he's said about this fucking virus has been 100% wrong, so he should shut his fucking mouth. I will do the fucking opposite of anything this literal DEMON says. He should go kill himself. I'm fucking over it. I'm over everything.
  8. DOn't let it dominate my life? DON'T LET IT FUCKING DFOMINATE MY FUCKING LIFE? EAT SHIT. 200 fucking thousand Americans are dead you tone deaf motherfucker. I've been locked in my fucking house for 6 fucking months while my kids are fucking doing school on their god damned fucking computers because of your fucking incompetence and you have the FUCKING AUDACITY to fucking tell me not to let it dominate my fucking life? FUCK YOU f/lkng;lxfd;glksdf;gh Jesus fucking motherfucking christ, now I wish he died with his lungs full of blood, this wretched evil piece of shit.
  10. Charges filed in voter-suppression robocalls investigation WWW.UPMATTERS.COM LANSING, Mich. (WJMN) – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has filed charges today against two political operatives for allegedly orchestrating a series of robocalls aimed at suppressing the vot…
  11. Hopefully. Part of me thinks the Borat schtick has kinda run out of steam. Maybe it got too popular too fast. It was a bit overplayed for a while. And honestly, even though it's only been like 20 years, the Borat character is somewhat problematic. I know it's kinda a joke within a joke, like making a racist/xenophobic joke that's supposed to be funny because it's taking it to an extreme or making fun of the bigotd... but at some point it just ends up being kinda racist/xenophobic. If the bigots are laughing too (and they are) it can be a problem. I loved the HBO Ali G show... loved the first Borat movie... but pretty much everything he's done since has fallen completely flat for me. and... all that said, I love the controversial / questionable stuff... I can handle it... I love a lot of his early stuff and I think Sasha Baron Cohen is one of the most gifted comedic minds of our time.
  12. It was just painful to sit through. I would grade the debate performances like this... Joe Biden: D Donald Trump: F------ I understand that the people behind the curtain who are running the Democratic Party all decided that Biden best ticked off the most boxes they needed to win this thing... but man... he is so freaking old and really does have trouble getting things out. Trump is 100 times more incoherent, true, but is this really where we are? 330 million Americans and this is the best we can do? They should have the next debate take place in a Denny's and just let it be an hour and a half of them arguing about cholesterol pills and Moons over My Hammys.
  13. Yay, it's on a service I actually have. Wait, it's free right? (well, free with a prime membership, but whatever)
  14. I'm also seeing a lot of... "They said his taxes would show ties to Russia and they don't! YOU LOSE LOSERS! HA HA HA! Everything the left has is lies!"
  15. Adult Swim has something like this. They have a streaming "channel" that just stream things in real time. Sometimes real shows or marathons of shows, sometimes goofball super low key stream only shows and who knows what else. I don't really watch it much, but it's a thing.
  16. I remember when everyone mocked John Edwards for $400 haircuts. Trump paid 175 times that.
  17. Lead Story on Fox News? A piece on how they won't be shaking hands at tomorrows debate.
  18. They can do both. Every rational thinking person should have a FUCKING GRUDGE against Donald Trump. These are not normal times. This is not a normal person doing normal things. Everything is fucked and this is fucking war and every rationally thinking person in the country needs to be united in doing everything they can to stop this literal monster and send his army of fools back to the fucking holes they crawled out of.
  19. I think this is all part of the Dems plans. I bet they have at least 3 more big "October surprises" waiting in the wings. There has to be so much dirt on this man and every journalist in the country is gunning for him since he's fucking pissed all over them for the last 4 years. I bet they are going to throw a bunch of shit at him during this Supreme Court nomination circus to try and do anything to delegitimize the whole thing. And they should.
  20. It almost looks worse if it isn't illegal. If this isn't going to drill it into the heads of all of the Trump supporting fuckbrianed idiot moron dumbshits that there is currently two sets of rules for Americans... one's for the ruling class and ones for everyone else... than nothing will.
  21. There have been rumors of him doing stuff at right wing events over the last few years. Hopefully he spends the whole thing making trump look bad... not that that would be that hard. Although, Trump came out looking really good on his old Ali G show. Trump saw right through his act in like 10 seconds.
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