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Everything posted by Nokt

  1. Yeah I don't think there is anyway MS would sell it without. Would be a cool option to save $100 with no controller and no disc drive though.
  2. Utahs .05 limit has worked pretty well I think. At least within my friend circle its pretty much put a stop to the DD having one or two drinks.
  3. NES - This is just what I grew up with. It shouldn’t be a surprise that I highly value SMB 1/3 and Zelda. SNES - While I did have a Sega Nomad and later a console, SNES ruled my childhood much the same. Exclusives really pull me to the SNES again. N64 - I initially gave this to PlayStation. I played the crap out of Final Fantasy 7 & 9. I played those more than anything I ever touched on the N64. However, the N64 with Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Ana Conkers sparked my love for shooters. Ocarina remains to me the best LoZ game to date. There was also a ton of games I missed out on like Super Mario 64 and Banjo. Xbox - Halo Xbox 360 - Halo Halo has ruled my life for the past 19 years. I’ve put more time into playing Halo than any other game, series, or franchise. It influenced my friend circle more than any other aspect of my life (even though most of my friends shared the same interests outside of Halo). My life just wouldn’t be the same had I not played it. PS4 - While my interest had waned in Halo as years have gone on, I think because of the lackluster MCC launch and Halo 5 being so very far away from what I enjoyed about Halo, I could get away with just having a PS4. A lot of games remastered, the PS2 ports(?), PS1 classics. I think I’d have my hands full with games to play that I missed out on.
  4. I don’t know why this reminded me of Prey, but they had a glitch where a dead guy floating in space that you had to find and space was..... big. It took me forever to find him. I think it’s been patched since then, but still annoys me.
  5. I finally got out of the starting area in Witcher 3. I’m surprisingly having a good time, the Barons quest line is excellent and I hope it’s only a show of things to come. Combat still feels a bit wonky at times, but I’m getting the hang of it.
  6. This is the exact reason I avoid these SW discussions because I get called old and weak minded when I’m literally just trying to have a discussion. Have fun. I’m out.
  7. I don’t know why you have to capitalize everything to make a point. Just type plainly. TLJ is not TFA. I get that she adapts it overtime, but you don’t adapt your fighting style over one fight. That’s kind of my point. Yoda is one of the most powerful beings we’ve seen in the movies and while he claims size does not matter yet he struggles with it. So Rey develops her abilities within a year to rival Yoda’s abilities, at least in the context of manipulating heavy objects? I didn’t assume that at all. There was no indication that she had any force training at all or any reason that she would need it. I would assume the only reason that scene was made was about the people who cried about that scene. I’m not sure which I’m more disappointed in. Which is why we are having this discussion.
  8. Staves and swords are two very different weapons. Being proficient in one doesn’t make you good at another. Yoda can still flip flop around like a mad man while fighting Sidious. His age doesn’t seem to be slowing him down that drastically. I’d say he even had an easier time with the X-wing despite being so close to death. Different universe and all that, but she’s in the vacuum of space, she unconscious, you can see the frost around her, wakes her self up and knows exactly what and where to go. It’s just a lot in a short time from someone who is force sensitive, but has shown no real usage of the force. I guess RoS kind of retcons it by saying she was trained though. Even if I do change my mind about his fight with Rey, what about the other 2? Its not that I’m trying to overthink it. It’s that I’m trying to provide justifications for why I feel the way I do about the movies.
  9. If that's how you choose to see it. Power creep doesn't exactly translate over well to this medium as its usually an expansion or DLC that introduces the power creep. Hence why I used "for a lack of a better word". I just want to get this out of the way before I continue this. I'm not a Star Wars fanatic, I'm not well versed in the lore. I've probably seen the original trilogy less than 10 times, PT less than 5, and the new trilogy less than 3 times. I don't want to seem like I'm being arrogant, I'm literally just here for the discussion and to learn. I definitely have my ways of thinking, but I've been swayed over before. Perhaps its that I grew up more with PT (I was 9 when it came out), but I did watch the OT a bit as a child. I expect crazy things out of Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. They are proficient in the Force, trained for most of their lives, strong powers are expected of them. Like shooting electricity out of your hands or choking someone a few seats away from you. Luke failing to pull the X-wing out of the water, losing in a duel to Vader, and being defenseless against Sidious puts his acts of using the force as maybe not so crazy. Like it gives an artificial power scaling of where these force powers sit. Maybe that's where I'm wrong, in thinking that there is an artificial power scaling or expecting anything from a Star Wars movie. I think its pretty natural to expect things from a franchise when it establishes itself. I don't get that feeling from Rey and her powers. She defeats Ren in their first saber duel, shes had 0 training in the force and isn't proficient with sabers. In the short amount of time in a year now has the abilities to stall a ship in the sky even destroying it. Size matters not, but Luke still fails to pull the X-wing out of the water and Yoda struggles with the pillar falling on Obi-wan and Anakin when they lose to Dooku. Leia flies through space because her subconscious willed it? I don't even know what to think of Ren, he gets defeated by Rey, kills snoke, brings Rey back from what was seemingly death. At least they were wearing oxygen masks?
  10. I’m not looking to excuse Lucas’ choice in fight choreography, but nothing shown is really that crazy, just flashy. Sure I get it, they are plot devices and I’m not looking to say what the force is/should be.That doesn’t mean they have to be taken to stupid crazy heights just for the sake of it being there. Ren stopping a bullet in place is awesome, it’s small scale, and doesn’t seem out of place. Luke doesn’t defeat the emperor because he has some force plot device. His friends aren’t in peril because of some force plot device. You can write a more compelling story without having to shoehorn force powers as an easy way out and still have cool force powers.
  11. Yes it’s natural to see progression and development of a character. That’s not what power creep means. It means every successive release gets far more powerful than the last and that’s exactly what’s happening. Luke in the OT, Anakin and Obi-Wan in the PT feels much more like a natural progression than the DS? (Disney Star Wars) feels. Every time we see a new force power it’s far more powerful than the last. Yeah that’s where I was thinking. It’s literally the golden age of the Jedi in the PT. They have time, training, knowledge. Luke has... Yoda who is an extremely powerful force user, but doesn’t spend a long time with Luke. Everything he learns is pretty much self taught. I get that, but you can create new/cool force powers without being crazy wild about it.
  12. I think Eternal has more of an issue with power scaling and for a lack of a better word power creep. The new trilogy seems to be constantly one upping itself in terms of what the force can do. It’s not so much that it’s breaking the rules of the force, it just puts much into turmoil. Any force user from the current trilogy seems leagues beyond the power of anyone in previous films.
  13. That’s kind of my feeling as well. There isn’t a whole lot transferred from one movie to the next to hold this together as a trilogy besides the cast of characters.
  14. I didn’t mind it at first but around episode 7 I wasn’t a fan anymore. I wish it would have been played in chronological order or at the very least a date and location when it jumped around.
  15. Trying to read Lord of the Rings, but just can’t get into his writing at all
  16. I also think Solo is the best Disney tainted Star Wars. Though I haven’t watched any of them more than 2-3 times.
  17. Same, but I made it rather far in. I wanted really badly to enjoy this as much as 1 & 2, but just wasn't clicking together for me. Not that it was bad, just didn't capture the same magic.
  18. As long as it nails the gameplay of the "Immersive Sim" genre I don't think it really needs to be as engrossing as past stories have been. I really enjoyed Infinite's story, but the gameplay was just really lacking. It lost something in the transition from 1&2 and felt really bland and repetitive. I could replay Prey 10 times before I thought about picking up Infinite again merely because its so much more entertaining to play. Not that Prey has a bad story, quite the opposite in fact, but I wouldn't rank it better than Infinite. That's the way I see it anyways.
  19. Yep. I've tried to beat Skyrim probably 5+ times since my best friend deleted my save file on the 360 all those years ago. I've never even come close and haven't even touched the expansions yet.
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