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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills but I don’t see anywhere on the PS5 version to enable the cross platform play. On Switch there’s a Cloud Save option which prompted creating a GAMELOFT account. But no such option exists thah I can find on PS5, I don’t even see an option to log in and load cloud data on PS5. Anyone able to help with this? Am I just being dumb and missing it in an obvious spot?
  2. I felt suspense during Rise of Skywalker wondering when it was going to stop being so shitty
  3. Lol you’re right. Her voice isn’t awful but her cadence is odd. One of the reviews said she sounded like a GPS voice and it was over. That’s all I could hear 😂
  4. haha same. I’ve been at 12 forever. Some expire and I get new ones. Just flushing money down the toilet 😂
  5. There is no legit criticism other than maybe Galadriel’s behavior in the throne room. The show is fantastic and that’s the general reception it’s getting. Any Twitter shit is pure garbage vomited by real life orcs who should have been sterilized the second that fat sweaty fingers hit a keyboard for the first time.
  6. Yeah Im really excited to see him in this. After Blade Runner I’ve been wanting to see him get more opportunities to do stuff like this.
  7. It’s only like $3 a month. I sign up every October then immediately cancel so I don’t forgot. End up watching like 10/12 movies for $3.
  8. Ok, I have a couple friends that have decided they’re ready to try and get one. I’ve been out of the console hunting business for a year or so. What are the best places to try and grab them now?
  9. Yep, Ill check that out. Can’t be worse than the one in space right?
  10. I had kinda settled in with Jess. I think she’s been better with the new team. Her exchanges with Gertsman were just painful. But this last episode was awful. It’s fine she feels so strongly, it’s better that they don’t all agree all the time. But I can’t stand when she starts talking over and interrupting everyone all the time. Clearly the guys like the game but she refused to let them really express that. Shit was annoying.
  11. Yep I was loving the theater two years ago. Basically had the theater to yourself, no lines for concessions. It was great!
  12. Just watched the latest episode. I fucking LOVE this show. There is so much going on across all the different story lines. I got goosebumps at the end watching seeing the Numernorians decide to fight. This show, imo, is the perfect example of a show being better when it’s released weekly instead of all at once. Just look at the last couple posts. I’ll be having conversations like that both people in the know, who are well versed in Tolkien lore, and people who have only seen the movies all week long.
  13. Breaking Bad is interesting for me. Like I said in the other show, I love villains like Patrick Bateman, Bill the Butcher and Daemon. But I couldn’t get past episode 3 of Breaking Bad because I just genuinely was turned off by how awful every character was. There wasn’t anyone I wanted to root for.
  14. I played a bit this morning. They throw A LOT of mechanics at you right off the bat. Def seems like parrying and counter attacking will be the main combat loop. I dunno seems pretty cool, I like all the different combat options. Def a learning curve. I need to give this more of a chance. I have a habit of starting games like this and when they don’t I’ve up to the smoothness of a From Souls game I dismiss them.
  15. Didn’t she say to her dad at one point, “I assure you I’m still a maiden” or something like that. I look that to mean she was saying she was still a virgin to him. Which clearly she is not.
  16. I’ve always hated this art style and it hasn’t changed unfortunately. Gimme a Star Wars show done in the Netflix Anime style please.
  17. Stellar Blade looks awesome as long as there’s an English dub. I can’t listen to that high pitched little girl voice all game.
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