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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. My uncle introduced me to Earl Hooker, this song is so good
  2. The reception to the sequel was baffling to me, I didn't read reviews etc. until I had already finished it. What people seemed to hate about it were welcome changes to me so eh. It's sad to see how much that clearly affected them. They seem noticeably upset about it even in this video all these years later.
  3. I absolutely love both games so this was a really interesting watch I wanted to share.
  4. For some reason last time I replayed Dark Souls, Capra Demon absolutely fucked me up at least five times in a row and I had never had an issue with that fight.
  5. I just cannot fathom any boss ever in those games being described as 'a joke' lol. You still have to play well and really pay attention. The easiest they get in my opinion is maybe one being noticeably easier than a complete ball-buster elsewhere in the game. Like a 'joke' of a boss would be something where I waltz in after two hours of playtime and beat it on my first try without taking damage or something like that. I guess my point being even the comparatively easy bosses in any given Souls-related game can still fuck you up if you're not playing well, including over-levelling yourself I guess which also requires an investment of playing well technically.
  6. I recently got on a Noir kick and ended up buying the BluRay for Kiss Me Deadly and realized afterwards, wait, maybe I should just sign up to the Criterion streaming. I'll check the site thanks for the feedback gents
  7. What's the selection like? Is it just the bargain bin shit nobody buys from their archive or literally all, or most of, their stuff?
  8. "LOL this boss was a total joke..." to literally any and all bosses anyone finds difficult. I once saw someone describe the Bloodborne DLC bosses as 'a joke'.
  9. Uh right now I have Netflix, Prime and mooching off my friend's Shudder account which is fun if you like B Horror. I'm actually really interested in the Criterion service, would be curious if anyone has that here and what their opinion is.
  10. Hunt: Showdown any time I've had a chance to play this week. Found some cool people on the game's Discord that have been really helpful and fun to play with.
  11. I don't think I've ever actually watched Family Feud in my life. It's one of those shows I know exists somewhere but yeah. And yeah, I've seen some of his standup before and thought it sucked.
  12. Bernie Mac in Bad Santa alone was funnier than most (okay that's a bit much, let's some *some*) comedians' entire careers.
  13. I don't care if he's an asshole in real life, his biggest crime to me is just not being funny so oh no I guess?
  14. The "games don't give a fuck about me at all and just exist on their own terms" niche is starting to become my favorite shit. Reading some of the posts in here just now gave me a really good chuckle but also made me morbidly curious about this game. I think I love this kind of weird, janky AA 'fuck you' genre.
  15. Saw the trailer before Dune and the dude behind me let out a dramatic sigh when it came on. I wanted to high five him, my thoughts exactly.
  16. I've been watching so many damn movies, winter will do that. The Devil's Advocate last night. Still great, still incredibly entertaining. 8/10
  17. I hope it has Jason Statham in literally every role. Statham vs. Statham, directed by Statham, love interest.....STATHAM.
  18. Same here, I bought King's Field for PS1 because it was in every single bargain bin for next to nothing. I legitimately had no clue what you were even supposed to do in that game or how anything at all worked. I think I kept playing the first ten or twenty minutes and turning it off without saving. PS: Never played an Armored Core title before but it looks fun checking it out now.
  19. I used to try to parry in this game... I couldn't even do the damn basketball bonus level right. I can't imagine the level of skill to pull that shit off.
  20. Hunt: Showdown Now that I powered through the beat-you-into-submission learning curve, this game is unlike anything I've played before and incredible. Never played a tenser game in my life. I had a crazy match earlier that ended up in a showdown between me and another guy, both of us being the only survivors of our 3-player teams. After stalking each other for several minutes in near-silence, I heard wood creak near me via its 3D audio, stood up and blindly shotgun blasted into the dark doorway and splattered the dude's head. Went back to finally revive my teammates and we set their corpses on fire. Game is insane.
  21. Fucking hell, between him and Peter Bogdanovich, not a good day for cinema! We watched In the Heat of the Night in school in Germany (yes, dubbed in German...) and discussed the American race dynamics in it, I always remember it as having a massive impact on me and the class in general. PS: Interesting tidbit on the wikipedia article for the film I just checked out: "The Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa cited In the Heat of the Night as one of his favorite films."
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