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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I'm only a few hours in but this game feels so much more lively and "inspired" than DS3 to me. This game is fucking gorgeous, really. Go down to the beach by night, some of the most beautiful art direction I can think of in a game. The vistas and sense of scale really are a whole level game of From's penchant for grandeur. Game is making me happy like a kid on Xmas right now.
  2. @best3444btw since you had asked where to go. Make sure to exhaust NPC dialog. Interact at least twice. Like the NPC next to the first site of grace outside tells you but you have to talk to him twice for him to explain essentially how the guiding light works.
  3. On a larger scale, I hope a Crimean assassin infiltrates Putin's personal home and poisons him slowly while unleashing a vicious pack of German Shepherd that fuck his face for days straight.
  4. My friend is a huge Souls fan and he's complaining to me about the same thing regarding the bosses right now. As someone who thought the DS3 bosses were pretty annoying roll fests quite often, it's not that great to hear I wouldn't mind that consistent speed increase if parrying was an actually good option in Souls games specifically. Just rolling five times in a row and getting one hit in because your stamina is drained nonstop isn't the best evolution of their boss design to me.
  5. There you go. Told ya, these games are actually super fun and satisfying despite frequent deaths. It's just part of the loop especially since they're pure gameplay type games, not story-driven. Enjoy, the exploration, level design and atmosphere in their games is unmatched in my opinion.
  6. Btw, not sure how many of you are playing on PS5 but apparently the PS4 version via BC doesn't take much of a graphical fidelity hit and locks a solid 60fps vs. the actual PS5 version. I stress "apparently", I've obviously not tried it myself.
  7. The first Dark Souls is my actual favorite game of all time. I've beaten it several times and I legit have no fucking clue what the actual STORY is to this day and don't care. This is going to sound asinine but their lore reminds me more of something like obscure song lyrics in poetry format. It's all more about the atmosphere of their word choices and so on. So in short, it IS magnificent bullshit and also awesome because it simply exists to support the game world and atmosphere.
  8. Dude. A fucking closet you think will take 'an hour' will not be empty after 4 hours. Never fails. Ever.
  9. The way I interpreted it in one of the reviews I listened to was that there's a certain item or something that you can use wherever to create essentially a "save point". A bonfire or whatever they are in this game. I have no idea if I heard it 100% right, if it's a limited use item or what but yeah, there's some mechanic beyond the bonfire system of previous Souls games.
  10. You're overthinking it. They're actually really fun games in my opinion. Everyone walked into them not knowing ANYTHING about it when they first came out. Some of my favorite aspects were that sense of complete mystery and learning about the world, the systems. I also just read that Elden Ring has the most forgiving respawn mechanic vs. the old bonfire placements and so on, which will invite much more experimentation for newer players I believe. These games are tough in a way maybe SNES games were or something. It's not that they require some masterful reflexes and prowess, it's more about observing and learning the 'levels'. Like you're never asked to memorize crazy combo strings or flick aim or things other games require that I'd consider much more difficult. These games are an absolute joy in terms of exploration, you shouldn't worry about builds and all that stuff. Just jump in and enjoy the depth of the worlds these guys come up. Also, play with headphones if that's an option. These games have great sound design.
  11. About to move as well. Started doing a major clean & purge of my place and I can't believe how much useless shit I was dragging around for years. Also, will be selling a lot of my NES/SNES games etc. on here soon.
  12. Bad Trip - 7/10 I'm talking about the Eric Andre flick. It's not that I thought the movie itself was that great but I don't know, something about it was just really fun and it was...shockingly positive? It actually felt fresh exactly because it was surprisingly positive. There's something about the hidden camera format that just works for me almost no matter what so yeah. Tiffany Haddish is fucking funny in this.
  13. It's a bit of a petty thing to shit on but I legit couldn't believe that was the actual game logo.
  14. Dude Ryu's head looks hilarious. Also, that logo is absolutely terrible. SF has some og the coolest logos in gaming, this looks like a logo you'd see on gamer gum or some other weird marketing thing.
  15. Made it to the last level at age 32 and ended up beating the final boss at like 70-something. I feel like I retaliated after the game got me initially but it ultimately wasn't as good as I was hoping. Combat system is often super cool when it clicks but they really pulled a Nioh on the level and encounters. First two levels are super good and then it too often turns into an annoying gauntlet of repetitive mini-bosses in small rooms. A game with 5 levels should have way more variety than this. Last level feels like they just went ehhh whatever. First two levels are probably a 9/10 experience though if you have the patience to not bodyslam your TV.
  16. Dude I just came here to trash this piece of shit. I have no idea why I even watched it for an entire hour before turning it off. Or why I clicked on it. It's as vapid, idiotic, paperthin and cheap looking as possible. A dumb-as-fuck gorefest with aggressively irritating stereotypical and hyper-trope-y characters and a plot akin to later Friday 13th flicks. The Sally thing was a PAINFULLY obvious Halloween reboot ripoff as icing on the cake. I can't even rate this. I hate that it even exists and manages to shit on the legacy of the original even further which was almost impossible at this stage. Fuck This Cashgrab/10 Edit: I just skipped through the last 20 minutes or so because of your comment on the ending and wow. I'm truly stunned that this movie somehow managed to top itself. That ending, just...wow. I can't believe this is marketed as a 'sequel' to the original film.
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