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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Yeah but they probably believe in hokey shit like astrology or crystals.
  2. News article of the story: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/sixth-memphis-police-officer-dismissed-tyre-nichols-case-local-media-reports-2023-01-30/
  3. Once you commit one error, anything good that follows is just digging your grave deeper, obviously.
  4. A pizza place near where I grew up put ranch, hash browns, and bacon bits on a pizza. It is actually fantastic.
  5. I'm guessing CC is NOT "Circuit City", but this brought back fond memories from childhood.
  6. Hopefully there's a setting that lets you adjust the occasional look away from the camera, because yeah otherwise it seems kinda unnatural.
  7. @CitizenVectron from your post, it sounds like the biggest concern is whether the unionization would continue without you, but you're quite interested in the job itself, right? If that's the case, I think I'm with Chris that it's pretty straightforward. Someone else can and will take the reins on unionization if it's important to them, and meanwhile it sounds like this is a great career move. Do you think they're offering management to intentionally pull you off of unionization?
  8. I don't know how I never realized that your username here was a reference to this. My dad has been into computers since the 80s and he actually ran a dialup BBS out of our house, so a lot of the earliest games I remember were things like Trade Wars, Legend of the Red Dragon, etc. I was also really into Commander Keen, Crystal Caves (which I see has an HD remake on Steam! ) and Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (also on Steam! ), plus the old 2D (and eventually 3D) Duke Nukem games. This thread is making me nostalgic as hell; I might be buying some HD remakes on Steam tonight.
  9. Yeah there can be restructuring, in which case entire teams may disappear, and then there are also performance problems where individuals are targeted. And always, the budget is king. I'm just grateful I wasn't cut, especially since I've only been here six months and am just starting to feel like I'm getting my feet under me.
  10. My team of less than 15 people (at Intel) lost two people. Somehow I wasn't one of them, despite being the newest employee. It seems fairly random.
  11. It's quite common here in Portland to have "wild" lawns full of various grasses, ferns, flowers, bushes, etc. rather than grass. And those places with grass rarely have sprinklers of any kind. But it also rains a shitload here, so....
  12. There are two realities: One where facts matter, and one where Republicans live.
  13. In 2020 I used "keysworld" to get an OEM key for Win 10 and it seems to have been fine for the last couple of years. No idea about their recent quality though, just to be clear.
  14. Completely agree re: America's gun problem being a major hinderance to law enforcement reform. As just one example: Since they're carrying guns, they have to assume that any attack on them is potentially an attempt to get their gun and kill them (or others), so of course they're going to respond with deadly force a disproportionate amount of the time. The Second Amendment is a plague on this country.
  15. I mean yes, it's sick, but I also think that they're fear-dominated mental children who believe escalation (i.e. more guns) is the only way to make things safer, so this short-sighted idiocy makes sense in their pea-brains.
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