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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. I wonder if Trump called up Brad Raffensperger tonight to see if he could find the Brave 5 more runs to make him look good for showing up in Atlanta to cheer on the Braves the other night.
  2. Doing the walk around this morning. It looks like we only lost one shingle (quick replace after the rain passes). The wind did more damage to our garage as it tore our rain gauge off the roof mounting (it was bolted to location). I have no idea where it got off to. After last night it could be the next county over. It also slightly lifted part of the garage roof causing a leak. Thankfully the garage is separate from the house and insurance will be out as soon as they can as they have a ton of calls from town right now. Oh and the cover for my smoker is missing. Don't know how but it was lifted off the smoker and is just gone now. Around town it is a mess. A group of the semis that were parked at one of the gas stations parked themselves in a drainage area, and now need to be towed out of said area. The South and East parts of town are just a mess. roofs from houses are all over the place. The only grocery store in town has all their cold cases blocked off from access because of how often we have lost power. But at least we now have steady rain for the first time in months.
  3. We had 100mph wind last night down here. Big rigs were parked in every spot they could fit around town. The one gas station had them 4 deep in areas and they were still trying to find space. When the sun starts coming up I am going to have to do a walk around to see if there is any damage to the house. I do know a few tree were down about town about 8ish last night but the winds kept on until about 2am. EDIT: Just check our weather station on the house and we had one gust of 115.5 around 6:30pm yesterday.
  4. I love the "What if I receieve a "Sold Out" Message?" and the "All available PS5 consoles have been reserved." So I guess you can be picked by Sony to get a chance at a PS5 and still not get a PS5.
  5. The was a post in one of the local groups saying Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day. Which was removed by the mods and replace with Happy Columbus Day with commenting instantly turned off. Parent's are pissed that kids didn't get the day off school here for Columbus Day (instead state agencies get Nevada Day off instead of Columbus Day, which was something that was passed during the previous Governor's term so years ago now).
  6. With the spin machine they got, their base will have no issue gobbling whatever toxic waste is spewed forth.
  7. I have no doubt that he would. Because he needs that power. And as much as he might hate Trump, he also needs him to be on Fox News for that "I told you so" soundbite of Biden ruining the economy, even if it was sabotaged by the very party that makes the soundbite.
  8. In my town we don't have USPS street delivery and the post office has been a revolving door of workers for the last 3 or 4 years. Before we knew everyone there on a first name basis but now the is only one left from the old group and the janitor. Same thing has happened with UPS and FedEx here. We used to know and even buy our drivers xmas gifts but they changed everything up (FedEx closed the Fallon office about 8 years ago and everything comes out of Reno now and UPS seen our old driver retire and we have had 15 replacements in the last year).
  9. Slow down? It just took 2 weeks to get a package from Colorado via Priority Mail...
  10. All good. I actually sat here for a bit wondering if I was wrong and had my game confused myself. I went over to Steam a few times just to make sure before I said something. It has just been one of those days overall.
  11. How is this first person? I picked up the early access and it has been great playing it as it gets bits and bobs added. Really has stayed true to the tabletop version.
  12. Only reason they are in bars in Nevada is so people can smoke in bars.
  13. Yes, you survive as an MLB team this time. But we'll get you next time Astros... Next time.
  14. Come on @sblfilms you guys were to keep us as bad as Baltimore. You should be forced to forfeit the division and be demoted to being a AA club if you lose to the worst road team in baseball today.
  15. My county commissioners voted last night to end community testing. You know in while the county is seeing it largest surge since Thanksgiving/Christmas. General consensus around town from people is "Well now the numbers will go down and we can get back to normal." Sky is blue, water is wet, rural conservatives are stupid.
  16. The simple fact that it required any sort of government response is too damn much. Also fuck religion. Pastor says donate to his church to get a religious exemption for vaccines - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM The pastor is a 29-year-old small-business owner running in the Republican primary challenge to Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) in 2022.
  17. If this was anyone else than someone famous on twitter spouting this bullshit, it would be ignored. But because this person influences her drones of followers we need to waste government resources on this. What if next week Taylor Swift tweets out that a friend of a friend's great aunt got a pimple on their forehead after getting vaccinated? This country is so fucked beyond repair.
  18. My county in Nevada had 20% of its new COVID related deaths happen on Monday and Tuesday. I got blocked by our county's emergency management for saying at this point I can't feel sorry for anyone that is hospitalized or dies as they is a way to mitigate this.
  19. @chakoo A fellow connoisseur of Musou games. I don't know what it is but I keep buying them even if they are the same thing with different paint. Newest pick-up for me.
  20. That can't be a real person. I mean Swallow Prior, and it is a Karen. I feel like somebody is pulling a fast one of the NYT.
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