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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. My office is waiting for the supposed walk-out of civilian base employees who don't want to get shots to fill applications and be told that in order to start they have to have all their shots up to date as we deal with all sorts of dirty people. It is just going to be comedy gold.
  2. Still haven't received my test results back after a full week of work, but was informed that I needed to go get my booster... I hate everything.
  3. They work anywhere. But that is the excuse that we keep hearing here on we have to prove more so due to our legalized sports gambling.
  4. Still have received my PCR test results back and am due back into work this morning. Took the test on Friday the 19th. Judging by our county's number and how we are informed about our flag indicators, it looks like the hospital is trying to game the system and stagger how they send in tests. Which is funny because the doctor's are told not to order tests unless they suspect a positive case.
  5. I'm sure the state of Nevada will be suckered convinced into paying for another venue because we want to prove that pro-sports leagues work here still.
  6. Insurance is general is a bit of a mess. They sure love to take you premiums but will fight tooth and nail if you need them to pay out.
  7. I am feeling better. So is my son. Just an observation but my wife had her booster and didn't get infected while my son and I have not received it and both got sick. Just saying the booster might be all that it is cracked up to be for those that received their initial doses back in February/March of the year.
  8. Where I live (high mountain desert) we can have winter and summer in the same hour. Winters here are generally are cold, breezy and have short bursts of snow. Summers are hot, dry and, mainly in July, violent storms. Autumn and spring are generally the same beast in different directions. Both can be wet and both have winds that range from 30-120mph depending on if we catch either weather system from the North or South of our location.
  9. I'm betting they ate overcooked leather that they refer to as steak and drown it in ketchup. So in theory covid is doing them a favor.
  10. Alright capitol police offices families that lives have been lost through connections to Jan 6th. Here is your moment, sue the ever loving hell out of all the media celebrities that have called the event staged and false flag.
  11. Nope it is a badge of pride to their ilk. He was livestreaming it to his podcast. They can all be given the death penalty and somehow act like they are in the right while being injected.
  12. The last couple of days have been rough. Day before yesterday I sat a majority with no fever but just pouring out sweat. That night when doing vitals check, my oxygen levels dropped to the low 90s we decided best to monitor every half hour, it stay there for about 4-5 hours. Yesterday wasn't as bad except that had no energy to do anything and around 5ish just crashed and slept until this morning. My son said he checked on me and vitals were fine last night. Must have been from the previous day my body just was like no more. Seriously if this is what is was like for me while vaccinated, I am not sure I want to know if I wasn't. Today so far I'm feeling pretty good, a stray cough about once an hour or so, vitals all normal. So here is hoping that the worst is behind. Also side note, I'm a bit pissed that here my son and I am following all the rule of quarantining and whatnot set forth by our jobs and health department, when the bitch that gave it to my son shown up to work at a hospital with a fever and coughing, intentionally bypassed the screener station and worked in her area without a mask after being told that she was positive but not informing her work. But, she won't get punished for doing any of that. Utter fucking bullshit.
  13. It really is. As bad as Mike Butcher was as pitching coach I never thought it could get worse with Herges. Strom has a bit of bad learning to undo but if anyone can get things righted I believe they found the right man for the job.
  14. Tested positive on a rapid today. Feel fine overall, couple of coughs here and there. I was told by my employer that I have to get an regular test. Called the doctor's office and they didn't want to give a test because I wasn't showing symptoms of concern. When I told them that the sheriff's office told me I had to get a test I was put on hold for 30 minutes to see if they could "fit me in." By which, is sending someone out to the parking lot to swab me.
  15. You would think, but good luck enforcing that. In my case, we need services and are short staffed as is. My wife is a case were the district doesn't give a damn. They have avoided the rules they set forth at the start of the school year unless the state has threatened to take over (which was warned if they did no comply in September). For my son, he is 10 days off to start, and will go back at 10 days for another rapid and PCR. I am keeping him to his area of the house. The good thing about his mother working in another district here is that she spends the week at an apartment the next county over. This week she might be spending the weekend up there to avoid contact.
  16. St. Louis got what every Rockie and D-Back fan dreamed about with haven Goldy and Nolan both in the infield.
  17. It is all good. Wife had a rapid done today and is scheduled for a PCR test tomorrow. Her school district just doesn't give a damn, and told her that she will have to show up even with positive results as their is no coverage for her classroom. Luckily my son doesn't go out partying or anything so the circle of contacts from him and relatively small. For me I come in contact with all our deputies nearly daily but only across a room generally. My wife is the odd one out as her circle is an entire school worth of kids.
  18. Son received a positive test today after an anti-vax mother of 5 tested positive in his department at our hospital Friday. He is pissed that he is forced off for the next week. I have to get daily tested now before shifts at our 911 dispatch. My first today, even with my day off, was negative. All of use are thankfully vaccinated.
  19. I purchased a 2080 Super just before the 3xxx series release and used EVGA's step-up program to get my 3080. Ordered the 2080 in September and received my 3080 FTW3 Ultra in November for about the price of shipping. My bastard child of a son decided randomly one morning that he wanted a new graphics card and went on Newegg's Shuffle clicked on one of the 3070 FTW3 Ultra and got an email saying he was selected. He had it the next day.
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