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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. Hey, don't crown the Astros yet. Arizona held them to 26 runs in a 3 game series that we fielded a team of hot dog vendors.
  2. They sort of did that with mortgage forbearance. It was junk if you took time to read the fine print. Our bank wanted full repayment when it was over, but they would not except full or partial payment if you signed up for the allotted period for forbearance. I wasn't going to sign up for it but I was curious on the rules and terms.
  3. Crazy trade deadline large market teams shedding players left and right and the dead last in the AA ball D-Backs traded Escobar and (checks notes) Joakim Soria.
  4. I believe that is the chin mask, which are located next to the ball condoms in the Karen is bitching about something section of your local grocer.
  5. I just heard that Safeway stores will be mandating masks again. I would think that this will be the entire of the Albertson's grocery holdings not just Safeway.
  6. Already more legit evidence shown on this first day of the committee than in the entire 2 1/2 years of the Benghazi hearings.
  7. How about a bit of a modern rarity.
  8. Visibility today here is down to 1/4-1/2 mile. But checking out our emergency management briefing in the county it looks like last night was a favorable night on the North side and somewhat on the Southeast lines. Looks like they have saved a small group of home on that line last night for now. Today they are worried because winds will be strong and pushing Southeast. Air quality his has bounced around this morning between the hazardous and very unhealthy range and it is expected to get worse as the day goes on.
  9. I still see this as being a potential of approving of a way to spread false information based on the administration's political priorities.
  10. Let's have fun with updates. The county next to ours issued a "prepare for evacuation" order and currently as a bird flies the newest fire line is about 20-25 miles from our town. The National Park that is in our county is now closed. As much as it sucks to sound less empathetic the winds for today should move the fire East to North East. Tomorrow they are expecting a wind shift.
  11. Tamarack fire is now crossed into Nevada. They are looking at it being a long term burn at this point that will get much bigger. Yesterday's report had it about 3-5 miles from the California-Nevada border. Newest map shows it in Nevada. Not too far off of farmlands at this point. I believe they are saying it will push North East with the winds today.
  12. It just cracks me up because it defeats there whole "I can't breathe in a mask" argument. I also picked a shit week to decide to paint my kitchen...
  13. Woke up this morning to our first ash of the wildfire season. This I believe is from the Tamarack fire as the wind has slowly shifted direction and we should be getting more as the wind shift is completed. Reading up this fire it was a lightning strike that hit a tree they thought would burn out but a freak wind storm now has it up around 40,000 acres. One of our neighbors has been directed by the county to take one of our engines to help. Pretty much if you draw a straight line from our town West it is just over the mountains. Also one a side note all the idiots that didn't want to mask up for COVID are happily wearing masks about town due to the ash in the air.
  14. This. But there is also a bit of sad beauty behind it. Here in a pic I took in 2018 of a sunset here. There was a fire that produced ash in our town. I think this was a cell phone pic because I was coming home from the store or something.
  15. It is humid as fuck here (at least for here anyway) tonight. Almost 40%, and it should just rain. Hopefully that will help with the smoke in the air.
  16. Nothing irks me more than the invisible fence around Area 51.
  17. "Uncensorable app store" Man I can wait for all the stories of people being arrested for child porn on these things.
  18. If I wasn't doing a kitchen remodel at the moment I would get a few items from you. And maybe posting a few doubles I have around the house. Stupid wanting to bring the kitchen out of the 60s
  19. Someone posted this image in one of the wildfire information groups. And all I thought of was the meme for a couple of years ago.
  20. Interesting to see how quickly the response to some of these fire escalates. The fire near here went 2 helicopters and 2 air tankers this morning to being assigned 4 and 6 a few hours later. Engines went from 6 to 27. Amazing what can happen when the weather clears a bit for things.
  21. Looks like this caught a break this morning with this one as they did a prescribed burn in the area this past winter. Which has halted Westerly advance. Early this morning air crews where given clearance. But they are still worried about East and North movement. Air quality is still a bit shit here but we have a window where it will clear up for about 12 hours due to a wind shift. And the forecast is calling for clear skies until Sunday which bring just more thunderstorms.
  22. We have a fire about 40 miles from here now that started yesterday (lightning strike) but they were unable to get crews and air out to it due to extreme weather (high winds and thunderstorms) went from nearly a really small fire to 1000 acres and cause are air quality to plummet in just a couple of hours. Looks like they finally have a small crew out there but the air support hasnt been able to help due to more storms in the area.
  23. So nothing really to see here. Just a good old bad guys that weren't suppose to legally have guns giving most likely worse bad guys guns. Good to see the second amendment is working as intended.
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