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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. Our state's usage of the Colorado River for water is really low compared to the surrounding. I believe we are at 2%, Arizona is the leader and that is why they will take the biggest hit when it comes to cut backs. We bank on the snowpacks here to directly feed our supply, and frankly the last few years it just hasn't been there. This year is bad enough that we are getting some water trucked into our reservoir from the somewhat nearby horse ranch. And we have also put in a new pump house for a new well.
  2. The Southern Nevada Water Authority has been trying to take water from Northern Nevada for years and get a pipeline built. First they tried taking from the Western side of the state and got told to pound sand pretty quickly. Now they are trying to do the same with the Eastern side of the state and run a pipeline up through places like Ely and Elko. The big problem with doing that is we don't really have the water to give them.
  3. Yeah, I have been trying for a 5900 or 5950 on there and not once. This little pig fuck looks at the site at like midnight and goes "I think I want a 3070." Wakes up at 8am and clicks on one of the 3 EVGA options and goes back to sleep. He gets the email just after noon that he got it. Here I had to wait months for my step-up and he just decides out of the blue to get one and gets it. Also, if you can't tell I have a loving relationship with my son
  4. My son decided last night he wanted a 3070 and took his chance on Newegg Shuffle and like the bastard he is got one on his first attempt. Moral of the story, don't have kids.
  5. I did a video up not long ago using Google Earth and the time lapse site. This is the lake just to the North of my town over the last 40ish years. It is slowly becoming a puddle as the farming on the river that feeds it become larger and larger. There has been non-stop lawsuits over water rights purchased by the group that is trying to save the lake. The lawsuits are based on even if the water rights are own by the group the farmers have found that they are under no obligation to allow the water to reach the lake. Couple this with the drought and well...
  6. Valve will be announcing that Steam will be going Epic Game Store exclusive.
  7. D-Backs are clean. I mean we are worse than Baltimore...
  8. That might be the most American thing I have heard in a few hours.
  9. Go ahead and google MLK Day sales. It is no different anymore than Memorial Day, President's Day, Labor Day...
  10. This. I have trouble thinking of a major holidayin the U.S. that does not revolve around the idea of making people spend money.
  11. Hampster maybe a guinea pig. Cats fight too dirty for me so that might be my upper limit.
  12. It is really easy to turn this function off. Hell even Amazon set out an email months ago telling people how to turn it off.
  13. Yeah. I'm interested. We have been talking about getting a truck for a bit and this might be the the time.
  14. That is some Vlad Guerrero (Sr not Jr) type bad ball hitting right there.
  15. Seeing the follow-up on it, the guy wasn't arrested because the guy that got leveled didn't want to press charges. Makes me wonder if the guy woke up from being knocked the fuck out.
  16. I'm interested, but wouldn't be able to swing it until after the weekend as I dont know how much the wife will spend out of my gaming fund for this weekend's mess in town.
  17. Shouldn't be too hard to find with all 12 people that go to Pirates games.
  18. My son just picked up a Segway C80. He loves it. He put a motorcycle truck on it and uses it all about town. He said there was no point driving a car everywhere in a town that is just over a square mile in size.
  19. This is America. There are 3 things your don't fuck with, guns, gas and toilet paper. You mess with any of those and you get instant panic.
  20. I seen gas prices where spiking here and was thinking that doesn't make sense. Than I remember it is Armed Forces weekend in my town and the 40-60 cent/gal spike was due local stations' collusion to milk everyone for as much as they can. The only time of year it is worth day the 140+ mile round trip to get gas in another town.
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