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Everything posted by Littleronin

  1. MLB should fine him for a uniform violation.
  2. Man that I horrible to watch. But when shit budget alt-right Michael Cera started talking I laughed so loud I startled my dog and it ran into the glass door.
  3. Seems like a good call to me. Just maybe he could have slowed up on the ejection.
  4. Cant stress enough that when employers want to run a credit check on an potential employee and (like in my friend here in town's case where he is just establishing himself) get denied a promotion to improve his financial stability all because he admitted that he fucked up with a credit card a few years back in college there is something wrong. This is a kid that has been busting ass to fix his mistakes but some program run by a corporate office back East decided he was still too much of a risk for promotion. The real kick to the teeth is that the promotion had nothing to do with handling money but to be the lead on his team of munitions handlers. A job you don't have to have a credit check to get.
  5. I will say it was a fun movie and is pretty much spot on for a Dynasty Warriors experience.
  6. Love little Nazi Trailer Park Trash Barbie there.
  7. It is sort of like if they made "From a Certain Point of View" into a tv series.
  8. Really is amazing how much of a distraction he has been over his career for the teams he has played on.
  9. Plain and simple. Free speech is what got us to this point of hyper-partisanship in this country. The ability to just make something up in this country and have it parroted by 1000s of blog site masquerading as "news outlets" and then treated as fact by people that can't understand how easy it is to debunk said thing is problematic. The internet is seriously one of mankind's greatest creations and also the worst.
  10. I did notice that they were quick to say that they believe AMD intentionally didn't try to be put in games that have DLSS so their were no direct comparisons.
  11. So in the end this just makes the power school more powerful and those that cant pony up with additional perks feed off the leftover more than already happens. But yeah, school affiliated at any level shouldn't be a thing.
  12. Pretty sure that if they put all of his kids (no other people but his) in a lineup he would only be able to say for sure Ivanka is his.
  13. 23 straight road loses. New modern record.
  14. Arizona has now lost 22 road games in a row. Tying the '63 Mets and '43 Athletics for longest road losing streak. They haven't won on the road since they held Atlanta to 1 hit in a double header back on April 25th. Also they are the first team since the '62 Mets with multiple 13 game losing streaks in the same season. God I love this team I hate to start the record countdown early but right if they continue this pace they are looking at a 47-115 record. I know deep in my heart they can trim off 6 or 7 wins and best those Mets.
  15. On one hand these pictures should know a rule that has been on the books since before they were born (unless I am mistaken and one of these pitchers is over 100 years old). On the other, MLB should have been enforcing the rule. Glasnow bitching that he got injured because he suddenly had to change his grip for a rule that has been in place all along is a crybaby that just needs to admit that he was not playing by the rules in the first place.
  16. In the winter I go from $250 a month for heating (all electric heating, which next year should drop as we just replaced 30 year old heaters in the house). Just got the bill for last month which most of the days have been in the high 80s low 90s with the exception of 2 days (snowed in the first week of June and it was in the high 30s for a night last week) and my bill was $110 with the thermostat set to 70. My expected bill for next month right now is $118.
  17. Trump would know all about contractors inability to read, as if they could they would know not to expect to be paid for work rendered for him.
  18. Yeah we are looking at that with chances of thunderstorms and high winds during those hot days. Perfect for starting a lightning ignited wildfire.
  19. Man you think if you hacked a video game company you would want to get your hands on more than the source code for FIFA 2001 2021 and Battlefield Bad Company Frostbite.
  20. I raised the point in the past about how the Vegas strip is pretty much this. The Strip is not part of the city of Las Vegas (or Henderson) it is actually an unincorporated town called Paradise. It has been that way since the casinos didn't want to deal with the city government. It really is no different than the proposed blockchain cities.
  21. We are there yet. But I have noticed that more people in town are buying up all the bottled water (well the cheap Safeway store brand water, anything over $3 a pack is still on the shelf). Which you know just causes more trash, so I guess there is no winning here.
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