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Everything posted by Bjomesphat

  1. Disagree. I think auto save takes a lot of challenge out of games. Of course no one wants to redo something because a game crashed or there was a power outage, but that would maybe be an issue for like less than 1% of the time you're gaming. What I do think should be implemented in its place is suspend states. Kind of like what Souls games do. You can suspend your game anytime, but when you reload the game that suspend state is gone. Obviously this is a per-game basis. Depending on the game you should be able to save whenever you want, and auto save is fine. In other games, finding save points is part of the challenge. However, the biggest failure that's been happening in games for like the last 2 decades is when you quit out of a game and all it tells you is "Any unsaved progress will be lost". Just tell me when my last save was! I shouldn't be questioning the save I made literally 2 seconds ago.
  2. I'm really interested in LGs LED lineup coming out this year. The TV I'm replacing is the living room TV that everyone uses, but it's primarily used with my PC. My biggest concern with OLED is obviously the burn-in. Yeah I know it's mostly a thing of the past, but with all of the static elements inherent to a PC experience, I just don't want to take the risk. I also don't want to deal with managing everyone's viewing habits which often involves leaving static elements on the screen while watching a program (like not using fullscreen and just keeping it windowed). It's also a super bright room during the day with a lot of windows and all of the walls are white. So I really need a bright panel with great anti-reflection. Not sure OLED will do it though. I'm 95% sure I'm getting an LED. Hoping they come out sooner than later as my old TV is having some problems.
  3. Looks good. Dumb title. There’s so many metroidvanias though that you almost have to wait to see which ones are worth playing.
  4. 3D World isn't that far off from the Galaxy games, especially Galaxy 2. I wouldn't call any of the Galaxy games open world sandbox, they're still very linear point A to point B with crazy obstacles in the way.
  5. They charged $60 for NSMBU too. They literally had a perfect opportunity to do a New Super Mario All-Stars with all of the NSMB games, but I guess why do that when you can charge full price for one game. Instead they gave us emulated versions of half of the 3D games and called it 3D All-stars.
  6. Man, I wish they would just release Bowser's Fury as a $10 (or $20 for the Nintendo tax) standalone product. 3D World is an awesome game, but I don't really want to spend $60 to play it again on the Switch. If Switch 2 has BC with Switch games, I'll probably get it years down the line when I'm in the mood to replay it.
  7. Whenever I think I'm getting old I just think that I'm probably not even half way done yet, then that makes me feel better. You must feel like shit.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  8. I've been listening to a ton of punk and post-hardcore lately. Which is pretty new for me as I'm usually into indie rock or experimental pop stuff. My favorites this year: The Microphones - The Microphones in 2020 For me this is like Twin Peaks coming back, or X-Files returning, or all of this old media I grew up with having a revival, except completely nailing it. The Microphones will always be my favorite band/artist of all time and was pretty single-handedly responsible for getting me into more obscure music in the early 00s. After he retired The Microphones in 2005, I just figured that project was dead for good. This album in 2020 is so perfect and a beautiful evolution of his sound while also revisiting what made The Microphones so special. (for those wondering, my elephant icon is from a Microphones album cover) Jeff Rosenstock - No Dream This is a name I've always heard over the years, but I never took the time to check out their stuff. I pretty much spent the whole summer listening to this and their back catalog. I also picked up every record of theirs on vinyl. I haven't had a new favorite band in years and they're definitely at the top now. Very throwback 90s alt rock / punk but with an insane amount of energy and fuck the man lyrics. Dogleg - Melee If you like late 90s early 00s emo, this is the best revival you could hope for. And not the pop punk stuff that emo turned into, but like Fugazi and At the Drive In era. This is probably the best album of the year, and will probably be one of the best this decade. It's insane how good it is. And apparently at their live shows, you can challenge one of the band members to a game of Melee, and if you win you can have any merch you want. No one has ever won. The dude is that good. Touche Amore - Lament I haven't really listened to post-hardcore since like highschool, but these guys hit all the right notes for me. There's even hints of like post-rock and shoegazey stuff too which is really awesome. Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher Minimalist folk with a beautiful soundscape and tons of layers and texture. It's definitely a headphones album with all of the subtlety in the music. Tame Impala - The Slow Rush It's Tame Impala, come on. Trace Mountains - Lost in the Country Kind of indie rock, kind of folk. This one resonated with me a lot as I moved to the rural country last year, and this album kind of encapsulates that feeling in sound. Nice and poignant too. Of Montreal - Ur Fun It's probably the best Of Montreal has been in 5 years or so. Still haven't hit the highs they've hit in the past, decent album and throwback 80s pop record. Helado Negro - This is How You Smile Nostalgic and poignant. Very dreamy and ambient. Love this one. Cloud Nothings - The Black Hole Understands I think this will grow on me. Cloud Nothings is one of my favorite indie rock / post-hardcore bands, but they kind of stripped that energy off this album. It's not bad, just not what I was expecting. However it seems like their 2021 album will be a return to form. Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open This album is fine I guess, but this is coming from the band that should be the next huge indie rock act so it's kind of disappointing. I dunno, I think the frontman has some distaste for his fans, and pretty much said fuck you on this record and just did something completely different and off brand. It's almost like his previous self-aware pretentiousness just turned into pretentious. I still dig it though.
  9. Aw man. I've been away for months and just saw this. I haven't even played AC since the summer. Glad she found a good place! I kicked her ass out as soon as I could though because she was my first villager with a terrible interior.
  10. I feel wrong for completely ignoring a game that has near universal praise, but I've never been into roguelikes. I just hate the idea of randomly generated content. I might try this on Steam so I can get a refund if I don't like it. Is 2 hours enough time to get a feel for the game? After you complete a run, is there a reason to go back to the game? I enjoy the feeling of completion in a game, so once I beat something I don't usually go back to it for awhile.
  11. This was true maybe 10+ years ago when casuals ushered them through the DS/Wii era, but I think the Wii fizzling out at the end of its life and Nintendo's complete misread of the market with the Wii U changed their tune completely. Hell, it took a grass roots effort just to get Nintendo to do a limited release of Xenoblade Chronicles in 2010 so the core Wii players could play it, and look where we are now. XC2 was a big hit, and they completely remade XC1 to great success. The Switch was a huge move in courting all kinds of gamers again and there's no way they abandon their core audience again.
  12. Pro Controller is good for 3D games, sucks for 2D games because the d-pad isn't great. https://www.amazon.com/8Bitdo-Sn30-Pro-Bluetooth-Gamepad-Black/dp/B01ND166P6/ref=sr_1_4?crid=RYCSLZXPNQLS&dchild=1&keywords=8bitdo+sn30+pro+plus&qid=1600700713&sprefix=8bitdo%2Caps%2C395&sr=8-4 Get an 8Bitdo for a third controller. Only controller I use for 2D games, and it still works fine for 3D games. Only real downside is you can't wakeup the Switch with it like you can with the Pro.
  13. Rowling is terrible, but I'd be kidding myself to say I'm not excited for this. Personally, I think the Harry Potter IP is far beyond the creator at this point. I don't see why the fans should have to give up their passion for the franchise because the creator is a bigot. Warner needs to do the right thing and find a way to buy out Rowling.
  14. Yeah the trailer was really weird. Like I don't want to be nitpicky just because I know it's not From, but showing the first gameplay where they're just casually running around one-shotting enemies is strange (yes I know it's the tutorial level). And I've played very little of Demon's Souls, but is there no poise? Does shield use only affect endurance? Also weird they didn't show the HUD. The game releases in two months.
  15. If this had been a From remake, I would definitely consider getting a PS5 for this game. Hell, I got a PS4 for Bloodborne. I could have easily gone this whole gen without a PS4. But I'm not a huge fan of Bluepoint, so I think I'm fine waiting a year to see if it comes to PC. And honestly, after a year, I probably won't even care that much anymore, so I could see myself waiting even longer to get a PS5.
  16. I haven't seen Anomalisa, but I've loved every other Kaufman project. Malkovich, Sunshine, and Synechdoche are masterpieces. I love trying to follow and keep ahead of Synechdoche only to eventually shut your mind off and just let it sweep you away. However, after thinking about this movie for the past week, I don't think I enjoyed it at all, tbh. The premise is actually pretty straightforward, but I feel like parts to make it cohesive were stripped away to make it obtuse, because of..... reasons? I dunno, it just kind of felt pointless to make it more complex than it needed to be. I'm all for challenging films and making things more metaphorical and interpretive, but I just don't think there was that much here to necessitate that. The dinner scene was clearly the best part, and the whole film should have mostly centered around the family's interactions, imo. There was also a lot of pretentious monologues, that, like I said, felt pretentious.
  17. I'm in the same boat. Built my PC in 2012 I think and it's about now time for a full upgrade. Only upgraded the GPU once. Still think I'm going to wait until at least 2021. Though depending on what happens with Elden Ring could speed up the process a bit.
  18. Woah, this was announced 2 years ago? I mean, the game looks good, but it still looks like a budget adventure game like Life is Strange. I'm happy though. Between this and Tell Me Why, my wife and I will have stuff to play. These are about the only types of games we play together.
  19. Honestly, even just leaving Mario 64 and Galaxy alone, but fixing a lot of the issues in Sunshine would make the collection worth it. I dread the blue coin hunt.
  20. I pre-ordered it the second it went up on Amazon because of the artificial availability thing Nintendo is doing. Still not sure what I'm going to do with it though. Obviously I like the idea of having 3D Mario portable, but these games are so much better on PC emulators. So I dunno.
  21. Sunshine is my least favorite 3D Mario, but it's still a great game. With that said, the final level and boss fight is a joke and should be completely scrapped and redone. The blue coins are also terrible. They need some kind of tracking system and maybe even a hint system. I like most of the levels though, and traversal in the game feels great.
  22. Funny. If I had to choose it would probably be the exact opposite for me. Even though I didn't finish Pikmin 3, I really liked what I played of it. I 100%'d Pikmin 2, but in the end I really didn't enjoy the underground "dungeons" or caves or whatever they're called. And there were a lot of them. Felt like padding to me.
  23. Spent $60 on Wii U version, didn't finish it. Will probably end up spending $60 on this one, with only a slightly higher chance of finishing it.
  24. I just follow Wario64 on Twitter, and that pretty much covers me for when eShop deals go live.
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