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Everything posted by Bjomesphat

  1. Yeah I thought for sure False Priest was his pivot to the mainstream, but then took a hard turn in the next few albums. But anyway, hopefully his new fixation is just a phase. And who knows, maybe I’ll come around to the deconstructed EDM pop he’s been playing around with. When Sunlandic Twins came out, I was staunchly in the camp of him jumping the shark and wanted him to go back to his twee roots, but after giving it a chance I fell in love with it and it became a precursor to what would become my favorite album in Hissing Fauna.
  2. Ah cool. Didn't know he was doing a Patreon. Considering the amount of content he produces, it makes sense. And I had been an of Montreal superfan since I was a teen, but man, I fell off of them hard like 10 years ago. I still hold on that they're going to come back with a total banger, but I just get let down with every release. Ur Fun is probably the only recent release that gets regularly rotated with their earlier stuff. So is there anything good in the pipeline? Freewave Lucifer is something else and just didn't vibe with me at all.
  3. Good tip, though I don't have a Best Buy CC (maybe my mom does though ). Question though, there are OC models that can range anywhere from $40 - $100 more, surely those gains aren't worth that, right? Yeah I think you're right. Especially considering I'm more than happy at 1440p and not native 4k.
  4. I loved Prometheus even if people are obsessed with pointing out all of the idiotic decisions the characters make. None of that stuff really bothers, tbh. Now Covenant, that's just a terrible movie and I hate how convoluted they're making it to try and connect to Alien. I wanted an actual sequel to Prometheus of the two of them finding the Engineer's planet and digging deeper into that mythology.
  5. Welp, PC wouldn't reliably post with the used 3080 installed, sent that back right away. Just going to get a 4070ti now and be done with it. Even if it's a bit overpriced.
  6. I just updated to 11 with my new build. It seems like they're getting better at having a cohesive design language rather than the half step measures of 8 and 10.
  7. The first few seasons are good, but by the end of the show it basically becomes a parody of itself and super corny with how self serious it gets. I hope you like contemplative montages set to slowed down rock songs sung by Katey Sagal since she's the wife of the showrunner.
  8. Sure I've played some truly terrible games, but that doesn't seem like the spirit of the thread just to list the absolute worst in history. Ironically, the first thought that came to mind was LA Noire. It's the only AAA game I've bought day 1 and sold immediately after. Truly a terrible game. I'd also say Quest 64. Being an N64 only house I was desperate for JRPGs.
  9. Yeah I think The Quarry is pretty cool. Of course a game like this lives and dies based on the storytelling, and it just manages to stay interesting. I don't really get the complaints about the gameplay if you like Until Dawn, isn't it basically the same thing? A branching narrative based on the decisions you make and some light QTE elements.
  10. I don't care about native 4k if I have to sacrifice performance. 1440p is fine, hell, 1080p is fine. Anyway, I ended up getting a factory refurbished 3080 for $650 on Amazon. Listed as excellent condition. I figure if I'm checking out the used market, it will be much less hassle to return via Amazon than another route. Crossing my fingers!
  11. I got Persona 5 and 13 Sentinels on Switch. Will probably get some stuff on Steam shortly.
  12. Metroid Dread is one of the best playing 2D games period. The movement feels so good in that game.
  13. Funny enough, I have 3 Microcenter's in driving distance (a luxury, I know), and now that I've been stalking their site daily, they actually get pretty regular restocks. I've also been looking on the used markets and prices seem pretty reasonable as well. Shouldn't be too hard to get a card as I thought.
  14. Great, now they're trying to cancel ancient Native American symbols. Where does it end!?
  15. https://www.silverstonetek.com/en/product/info/computer-chassis/GD08/ The 4000s are just a bit too tall. I've had it since 2013 and still looks great for my HTPC setup. I'm not against a new case, but I'd have to find something that works in my living room. And good to know about the power.
  16. Well one of the main problems with the 4080/90 is that they're literally too big for my case. Not to mention the extra power draw and the cost as I have a pretty strict budget. I'll keep an eye on the 4070ti though. Perhaps I'll be able to squeeze that one in.
  17. Not sure I have 10, but here's a few: Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There Alvvays - Blue Rev Pup - The Unraveling of Pup the band Arcade Fire - We The Smile - A Light for Attracting Attention Animal Collective - Time Skiffs
  18. Only high profile game I played was Elden Ring, and I've always been turned of by the art design of Horizon. So I guess I'll go with Cuphead DLC.
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