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Everything posted by vaxick

  1. The N64 feels like the first generation for me as a kid where I really could tell the games I were playing weren't all that great.
  2. For the most part, it's nostalgia for me as I love to go back to games of my youth I have deep memories playing. While I don't play them constantly nor frequently, it's fun being able to pull out an old console from time to time to enjoy my past. On the flip side, I also love the discovery aspect. It's fun to be able to play games I never had an opportunity to in the past along with discover games I never really would have given a chance as a child. Fighting Golf comes to mind and it's become a favorite to play with a friend of mine.
  3. I'm curious as to how many refunds they gave out. They sent me a refund through PayPal for my physical copy and then later stated they were trying to figure out a way to have customers send the games back. They didn't and basically, everybody who signed up for a refund got the game for free. I still have yet to actually play it.
  4. When I pre-ordered the Analogue Pocket, what a relief it was to realize I have virtually no nostalgia for the GBA. Couldn't tell you why as I had plenty of GBA games at the time, but seeing the prices of some of the games I had makes me feel a bit of relief all I mostly want is the various Mario titles. On the other hand, discovering virtually every Game Gear game was low in price was absolute joy as that was one handheld I spent a massive amount of time with as a kid and had a ton of games for. A few weeks back when I visited an out of town game shop, the owner was quite surprised to hear somebody to ask open the case to purchase some Game Gear games. He informed me most of the games have been there since the store opened. At the game shop by me, they all had a healthy layer of dust on them. While it's nice to see a platform that's actually for the most part cheap, I do hope the Pocket revitalizes the platform a bit as I feel bad it's so ignored.
  5. Well this makes me want to wait for reviews and more than likely a deep sale. I can only handle brutal as fuck games every so often.
  6. Reverie is a wonderful hidden gem of a game that never really got much notice that plays exactly like Link to the Past and Links Awakening with a Earthbound visual style.
  7. Enjoyed this one back in the day, but I'd be hesitant to play it today as I'm sure time hasn't been kind to it. I appreciate Nightdive doing these uplscales, but sometimes I'd prefer a visual overhaul such as was done for Outcast.
  8. If only this would result in a new Unreal Tournament.
  9. Always a point of frustration with Nintendo. I hate the tight control they have with retailers and their refusal to allow their games to drop in price as is the norm with their competition. It limits my purchases of quite a new Nintendo developed games as I'm not always willing or wanting to pay full price for one of their titles.
  10. Wonder when the reviews are going to start dropping. I know it's going to be awful, but I want to know how awful.
  11. Basically the Yu Suzuki collection of games are my most memorable of the Sega arcade titles in the arcades along with other games such as Galaxy Force, Jurassic Park, Rail Chase, Virtua Racing, etc. I never really got too much into their older titles in the arcade outside of Zaxxon and Turbo. I remember the title screen of Shinobi fondly as a kid, at the roller skating rink, but I would gravitate towards Moon Patrol.
  12. I'd say I'm tempted, especially being a kid who was obsessed with VF to the point I got the preparation kit Sega was selling in anticipation of the 32X release, but the lineup on this mini arcade is just not the Sega I have memories of in the arcade.
  13. Shame it's not getting a next gen release, but I'm still looking forward to finally playing this one. Never thought it would actually come out.
  14. So strange seeing The Show on the Xbox, but it was a good choice for Sony to do so in order to hold onto the MLB license. Especially when they've been one of the more consistent sports devs out there.
  15. A 64gb storage card is always something I wish I had purchased for my Vita, but they were always so cost prohibited.
  16. My first round of the Moderna vaccine went really well. I'm at the end of my second day, and my arm never really got all that sore. For a little bit, stretching it, I could feel some stiffness, but at this point, it's basically just tender where I was injected. After hearing so many reports from others of a very sore arm, I was expecting the same, but it seems I lucked out on that one.
  17. After getting my first dose of the Moderna vaccine today, sitting there for the required 15 minutes, a woman walked through the entrance who had apparently signed up and asked the nurse at the front desk, "does this vaccine have a microchip in it?".
  18. Why are we trashing out planet to sell a fucking jpg file? When we eventually leave earth and colonize a new planet, I assume kids will be reading about this embarrassment when discovering as to why earth had to be abandoned.
  19. I can't blame some for lying. The high risk categories on the CDC's website do exclude some who are truly at a high risk. It's not the fault of the CDC as there's always going to be those rare medical conditions that fall under the radar, but with states treating it as the bible without any interpretation, some people really have no choice but to make a moral decision as to if they should lie.
  20. This whole rollout has boggled my mind and frustrated me. You as an essential worker should have been near the top of the list. Even my father who is a senior thinks it's wrong they got priority over essential workers and those who are younger in general. He felt guilt getting it so early when about the only time he's in public is when he goes shopping.
  21. I just got signed up for the Moderna vaccine tonight! Get my first round next week on the 15th. The rollout is going so well here in Michigan that our gov upped the dates and everybody who wants one will be able to by early next month. Will be nice to put this behind me and try to get my life back on track. I've been basically sheltered since the beginning as I have some immune issues that put me in the high risk category. All Michigan adults will be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine by April 5 WWW.MLIVE.COM Residents 16 and older with underlying conditions will be eligible March 22.
  22. Sounds awful. I had a fear that spinner wouldn't be up to snuff. I know those spinners they've been using in custom Tempest controllers have a tendency to be the most expensive part in the controller by quite a bit. I always debated getting one for my Jaguar, but T3K seems like the edition I'd spend more time with. Plus the Nuon supports component video so it's a little more accessable for modern displays.
  23. My reluctance to upgrade to a Switch with improved battery life has finally paid off. Would be nice if this new model can use the same docks, but somehow I have a feeling Nintendo will do their thing and say, nope, it needs a new one.
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