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Everything posted by vaxick

  1. Me to my friend: How are you enjoying the game on the base PS4? Friend: It's amazing. Me: How far into it are you, everything online claims it to be a mess. Friend: Oh, I just made my character and started it. I had to go to sleep after that. Me:
  2. Our percent positive in Michigan dropped below 10% for the first time since November 1st. Our conservative fanclub here said the rollback would have no affect on the spread of the virus. Funny how science works.
  3. If anything, it gives you incentives to go back to a game you never completed or game you put off. It's quite refreshing being able to start a PS4 game and experience it with none of its frame rate issues.
  4. And I'm sure he'll face far less backlash than Al Franken did despite his actions being infinitely worse because this is just another day in the Republican party.
  5. I'm not sure what's better, the load times, the fast the PlayStation store is actually fast, or Sony deciding to increase download speeds. I choose 23
  6. I'll have to check it out for Forgotten World's. Never played it in the arcades as a kid, but it was one of the first Genesis games I owned and I played it constantly with a friend of mine. Would be fun to play through the arcade edition again as I've put nowhere near amount of time into that edition.
  7. This drives me insane. Every single time I attempted to play Boarderlands 3, it would start downloading the PS4 edition and when it finally did, it just "assumed" I wanted to play that edition. I do not understand how this is still an issue.
  8. Congratulations to Joe Biden for being confirmed that he is indeed the next president more times than any other president before him.
  9. I don't know anymore, YouTube won't stop recommending me years old videos.
  10. I really need to give Furi a second chance. I went out of my way to buy a physical copy of it because I kept hearing non-stop praise for it, and abandoned it pretty quickly out of frustration.
  11. It took an entirely new console generation just to be able to not have to wait a quarter century for the menus to load. It still boggles my mind Gearbox did nothing to address this issue on consoles. Especially in a loot driven game where you do sometimes want to access your menu while the world around you does not pause.
  12. Haven't played any of the other games listed, but I thoroughly enjoyed Vampyr once I got used to its combat. Solid story and an excellent soundtrack too. I'll admit, I did look at a few guides online to get the best blood out of some of the characters. I've always kinda wanted to play Elex as some of the reviews made it feel like it has some great concepts built into it, but I'm just not sure if I want to commit that much time to a game.
  13. I'm sure plenty of them are galavanting around New Zealand with Gabe Newell at this point.
  14. But it'll never change unless Democrats are in complete power as we all know Republicans still like to pretend we rely upon horse-and-buggy to distribute information about our politicians running for office.
  15. Of course this happened. We shouldn't even be surprised at this point Trump went the extra mile to ensure more Americans die and our economic troubles will be extended.
  16. If you ever watch Live Rescue on A&E, you'll see a terrifying number of first responders without PPE. In some departments, you'll see some wearing it and others not. It's pretty horrific wondering how many peoples lives they have put in danger when those on the front line should be the most responsible.
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