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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Dragonball is a phenomenon. It will take the lion’s share of fighting GOTY awards.
  2. I have no idea what’s happening but it sure sounds exciting.
  3. Pretty frequently to almost always. Cheap sales and free games aside, if it’s a single player I really enjoy, I’ll almost certainly revisit it. It’s something that plagues me at times when I’m olaying a new game and it hasn’t fully clicked with me yet, I’ll think of a completed game in my library that I really loved and have to fight the urge to start a new game of that instead. I was actually thinking yesterday though - there might be a day coming where I’m going to have to stop buying most of the newer games I’m interested in and just get a game or two a year and play my backlog. I try to keep up and have since I’ve had the income to do so, but free time is beginning to dwindle lol.
  4. PUBG is incredible, but it does have its problems. Ive never seen a dev do this, and quite frankly I find it very odd.
  5. In these cases I don’t really fault the company. It’s not like they have some plan in place to do this, and they took the appropriate action.
  6. Yeah I found him now. Do you have any evidence that that was his response?
  7. I couldn’t gather if the dude was a staple at the site or more of a freelancer. If that’s actually his response, fuck him. He didn’t even try.
  8. I kinda assumed they revealed all the characters. I’m really looking forward to this game so I’ll take whatever they got.
  9. I for some reason thought it had already been released. I liked the first but not enough to keep me going on the series.
  10. Super Nintendo. But oddly I don’t have the same visceral aversion to hearing “SNES” for some reason.
  11. That makes sense though. As time passes there are more iterations of consoles and generations of people, so you have to specify. If you told a kid now you used to play Nintendo, they would probably just think you used to be a fan of general Nintendo stuff. There’s no confusion with N E S.
  12. I didn’t even know people said “ness” until a few years ago. I think it’s a loud vocal few who do that. Bit that’s based off nothing.
  13. Treat injuries, teach mobility, restore function, do paperwork.
  14. I’ve got it on PC - been reluctant to put a ton of time into it in early access, but I like what I’ve played. I wonder if the 1.0 patch goes live earlier than the game’s official release? I guess probably not huh...
  15. I could see a lot of people like me who are really into the idea of these, but after buying a few and (unfortunately) not having the time to commit, eventually stop buying them unless they’re dirt cheap.
  16. I’m aware of the sales. The biggest thing the Switch has going for it at this point is that 3rd parties and indies have taken it seriously. But I don’t trust Nintendo to maintain a good thing. I’m not convinced they understand why people like the Switch yet, their online service is stuck in 1997, and I don’t trust their software output.
  17. I enjoyed Sonic Mania, but it just reinforced to me that I don't find the series to be all that good in the first place. Remove my nostalgia for Sonic (the art style / music / entire package), and give me that game brand new, I would feel a little ripped off. Add in my nostalgia and I'm like, hey yeah cool they did it. I remember this.
  18. It's been around forever, but they seemed to stumble in the right number of white women trying it and then talking about it on social media. To me it honestly seems like a viral thing.
  19. 1) The controls are clunky, even on console. You get used to them, but it's too bad they didn't optimize them for a keyboard. 2) No disagreement. It's more there to present scale and share screenshots I think, though. 3) The whole game is a grind of progression. Like, if you don't like those types of games, don't go near it, unless you wanna do the creative mode. I think the single biggest thing going against this game at this point is that people don't understand that it's basically space Minecraft. Also, I'm not sure if it's true you can summon your ship anywhere? Maybe it is, but I feel like I tried it a few nights ago without the takeoff fuel and it didn't work. But even if you can, I think that critique is a little obtuse, and takes very little time to craft the components to take off. As you progress, it will become effortless to make such a simple thing, which is part of the appeal if you like this type of game. 4) I'd need to know what specifically you find bad about it. It's a little clunky, but fairly simple to use.
  20. It wouldn’t shock me if the Switch fizzled out, but it’s pretty ballsy to go that far with it.
  21. I’m hooked for now. It has a really nice progression pace, and it does a good job of showing you things you’ll eventually be working toward. I’ve about got my first warp drive.
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